Meeting His Future...


Zykan still dragging his aunt until they arrive at the special parking lot.

*Kid, I know that you already have Rianne, Kristy and many others but as a woman myself, i'm sure they will understand. As long as those ladies want you, impregnate them on the spot; because that's the way you become part of their family.

Looking at this aunt if she's serious and found out that she's damn serious.

With black lines on his forehead, he said;

*Auntie, I know what you mean but when an evolved woman got pregnant, she would drift to the role of a mother and her growth as an evolved human will be affected; especially those newly evolved women like Rianna and others. And what the use of connections in front of absolute strength? What I need the most right now is to level up and become stronger; because in a life and death situation, your own strength is the only thing that can save you and not the so called connections.

Hearing the words, this aunt can't help to smile and went to pat Zykan's shoulder saying.

*Son, i'm relieved that you have that kind of thinking. Don't worry, this aunt will help you level up; but right now, we have a celebration to celebrate. Let's go, Rianne sent me the place a long time ago so the food should be ready.

The aunt and nephew stopped talking, boarded the CFC and head to Eat and Greet Six Star Restsurant.

In a big private room, there's no main dish on the big table but some snacks and expensive brands of wines; with beauties talking and laughing.

*Hahaha. Now I know why my daughter had fell in love with Zykan deeply, because Zykan is a man that attracts bees and butterflies. I'm sure everyone of you ladies have the same intentions in attending this meal. I'm not against of anything because even my daughter allowed it but I only hope that when each one of you have children with Zykan and the family become bigger in the future, there should still unity among you, the wives. As long as there's unity, i'm sure the giant Aliguyon clan that was destroyed ten years ago will rise again ten years from now.

Everyone was laughing just now but the topic suddenly become serious for the atmosphere in the room to change.

It was this girl named Lyka who took the lead to;

*Aunt Anne, I promise to be a good sister to Rianne and will always act to the betterment of the family.

Someone took the lead and everyone follows.

No one among them was married but went to talk like they're already wives of someonne.

The conversation went on until the door of the private room opens that made them to stop.

*Why, is there something that everyone in the room doesn't want for us to hear? I'm sure it's about woman's stuff; embarrassing for Zykan to hear.

*Hahaha. I think sister Maria has the ability to read minds for her to guess it right.

*Sister Maria, come sit with us and let Zykan sit with them.

*Well, old ladies like us should really sit together.

Said the words and went to sit with Amihan and Anne.

As for Edian, it's rare for him to be surprised of something; seeing many people in his occassion.

*Ruru, why are you still standing there? Come and sit with us.

Awaken by the words of Rianne, went to sit beside her.

Lyka who's on the other side was so curious and can't help to check the arm near her; went to pinch and press.

*Really Rianne, you made this thing? If I didn't know that it's an artificial arm then I will never know that it's an artificial arm. Having such a brain was meant in this kind of work. If one day I managed to collect some rare materials to make equipments, you should make the best weapon or armor for me. Of course there's should be a discount as your sister.

*Well, my service is free for everyone. Just provide the materials and let me do the work. Alright, let's put aside that matter because it's time for my sisters to introduce themselves. Except for me, Lyka and sister Yuna, everyone should at least say their names for Zykan to remember. So who has the confidence to take the lead?...