A Good Meal Before Everything.

*So who has the confidence to take the lead?

Surprisingly, the youngest looking girl was quick to stand up and said confidently;

*Hello brother Zykan, my name is Lilli Hermes. I'm already eighteen years old so there's nothing to worry about. The main family is at France and i'm just from a branch family here c in Philippines. I hope brother Zykan would not mind?

The man was asked but he's a little absentminded right now to reply.

*Hey Ruru, why don't you say something?

Awaken by Rianne's words, went to recall what he heard and said;

*I'm a poor man without family background so how can I? What's more important to me is how pure the heart is.

*Then i'm relieved.

Didn't say another word and sit down for the next one to speak.

Just after a few seconds;

*Hello Zykan, my name is Katrin and been your admirer since we're in first year. You may heard about it that I have a boyfriend for eleven years but got separated a month ago because he cheated. I admired someone for the past years but never did I approach you yet he's been sleeping with other women for those years. And now that i'm finally free, I hope that Zykan will accept a girl like me who gave her first to someone she thought it was her forever. Don't worry, we did only once with protection so please Zykan, see me by my future and not of my past.

No one had expected for a big revelation and appreciated this lady for being true.

Zykan is not an exception for him to say;

*You may not know this but I heard about that man's foolish deeds and warned him; seems that he didn't listen. Maybe if I chose to tell you about it, your first might have been saved. Losing such a precious thing is not the end of you, because you may not be already pure but have a very pure heart.

Upon hearing the words, the eyes starts to turn red as she say;

*Thank you Zykan,thank you everyone for accepting me.

Said thank you and went to sit down.

After waiting for a few moments to ease the atmosphere;

*Hello Zykan, my name is Sheshel, from the Ferrero family of Italy. I was betroth by my father to someone but I will betroth myself to you. So please Zykan, be my husband and give me freedom.

The man heard the words and can help to ask the question "why me" to himself once again before;

*Why me? Can I ask everyone what are their reasons of choosing me when there are billions of capable men out there. I have my own wealth now but a future wife gave it to me. In fact, all I have are from capable and beautiful women like you. So if you take away all of that, I have nothing to off...

The point was already made for one lady to;

*Please stop it Zykan. How can you degrade yourself like than when you're such an amazing person. Do not say that you have nothing because everyone has something. Are material things only what women like us want? Can we fall in love to a man for his character,,, or his body; his genes that our future child would inherit. Did you ever look yourself on the mirror? You may not have that handsome face that can make every girl fall in love but damn look at your body; a body that can make a normal girl like me want to procreate. And remember, i'm not just an ordinary girl because i'm Aria from the Al Nahyan family in UAE; a young lady of a wealthy family that you were able to conquer to be your future loyal wife.

She was the only one who went to speak but you can see the others nodding.

Even those three aunts are smiling to show their support.

After hearing such a honest answer, Zykan no longer question himself and accepts things; things that were meant for him.

And so, the introductions continues while the food is being served.

Ten more amazing ladies went to introduce themselves and after that, everyone start to eat as they continue to talk...