The Cave.

Zykan believed in the old woman's strength named Wanwan and agree for her to go alone.

As for him, he rushed towards the direction where the evolved eagle went to pursue; hoping to find an opportunity again.

After running for more than ten minutes, saw a battle ahead.

He can't see the level of the two but can tell that both of them are not below level forty.

Just by looking at the fight, you can tell that the evolved eagle has the upper; the human is always on the defense while running.

Affer running for a long time, he became tired of it and finally decided to be on the offensive.

Holding a burning epic level spear bought in the system shop;

"Burning Spear Peircer!"

Went to roar the skill name before rushing towards the evolved eagle to go head on.

The burning spear is to cool to see but can't even burn those feathers.

He was so angry to be useless and decided to use all the remaining energy on his next attack.

In an instant, the fire on the spear burns stronger.

Did three swings that created a burning letter Z on the air before launching his strongest attack.

With a little intelligence, the evolved eagle just attack by instinct and went to welcome the blow.

The two side didn't know that a third party was more prepared than them.

As soon as the two collided, Zykan wearing a full body armor with an epic spear on his hand lauches himself using two powerful thrusters straight to the eagle's neck. The head of the spear penetrates and suddenly changes it's shape to maximize the damage. Pulling the spear out, blood like a fountain spurting.

One neck is not only the target for the spear to stab again aiming at the human's neck.

Putting almost all his energy on the last attack, didn't have the strength to dodge for the neck to be pierced.

Helpless on the ground until the human and beast bled to death.

Immediately, took off the half body armor of the death man and together with the epic spear and animal corpse, send it all to his system storage.

It's a waste that you get nothing in the system storage of a dead evolved being and only those things that were taken out before he died.

But the man is not greedy and thankful of his harvest as he left the scene.

He just killed a human yet never felt anything because for him, evil beings are like beasts; to be eradicated.

Looking at his military digital watch he just picked up, it was already past midnight and a low level evolved human like him still need some sleep.

Found a big tree again and there in the safest spot, he went to sleep on a cross-legged sitting position.

The man slept late but still early to wake up.

To save time, ate two packs of military ration before heading to a direction.

Arriving at the destination,he's early but so as three other chinese groups. Occupaying three best spot in the place that can become a stronghold, facing an entrance of a cave located at the deepest outermost part of the danger zone; just a distance is the middle part where above level fifty evolved animals can sometimes appear.

The man is observing not far away and can tell that the three groups are just waiting for one group to take the lead in entering.

Of course, he's the one who's most determined to wait in the sideline; waiting for the best time to take action.

After more than thirty minutes of waiting, one group finally ran out of patience and went to take the lead.

Just entering the entrance, gun shots were heard and it took more than a minute to stop as the group start to retreat out from the cave.

The leader immediately speaks and the two other leaders went to reply.

Zykan didn't understand any word but he's sure that the three groups are discussing about teaming up.

Sure enough, the three groups entered the cave together and immediately, the sound of gunshots once again were heard.

Letting ten minutes to pass before entering the cave stealthily.

There's nothing left to pick up on the way but the man is not dismayed because what he's aiming for is what in the end of the cave...