A Big Harvest.

The cave is not long for the group to reach the end after walking for more than eight hundred meters.

Zykan who's hiding at the back, went to have a peek what's in front of him and found out that they entered a crystal vein.

Despite the scene of treasures in front of them, no one dared to collect; seems to be worried of something.

A canon fodder evolved young man was unlucky to be chosen to advance.

Accepting his fate, went to move but after a few steps, a thing, looks like a tentacle, has suddenly appeared and drag the man in the dark part of the cave.


The words sounded chinese but Zykan understood it as the soldiers start to fire their guns aiming at the dark area. Those bullets, only annoyed the beast behind the darkness and able to lure it out.

What had appeared is definitely not an evolved animal but one hundred percent an extraterretrial beast.

The nearest animal that can be compare to it is an octapus; except that it's big and has ten tentacles.

"Go? Let's kill that beast and everything in the cave will be ours.

It's the only choice they have and went to attack at the same time.

The beast have ten tentackles but can block more that twenty attacks at the same time.

Missed a few blows but can't do any damage.

Seeing two sides busy in fighting, saw this as an opportunity for Zykan to sneak in.

Creating two booster each on his legs, found the best moment and rushed in passing the battlefield. Because there's a war going on, no one was able to notice the action for the Zykan to succeed.

Quickly found a hidden corner in the vein and directly went to absorb.

Energies from those crystals were instantly converted into EXP for the man to keep levelling up.

Corner after corner, Zykan taking advantage of the loophole that anyone can absorb as much energy from stones and has no intention of stopping.

Meanwhile,,, the human side had lost too many soldiers and can't see any chance of winning so one of the leader took the lead to give a retreat order, and the two immediately did the same.

This actions, Zykan didn't notice it because he was attracted by the things in the dark part of the cave; which is another small cave.

Diferrent type of Weapons and armors with class up to epic are everywhere for the man to send it all to his system storage.

Even a very serious man will be excited for this harvest and you can see it on those eyes. But this excitement, suddenly drift to another kind of excitement when he heard the sound of the extraterrestrial beast.

Knowing that the owner of the cave is coming, the man didn't panic and went to look around for other exits.

But instead of an exit, found a heart looking thing inside a box full of water.

You can say that it's a heart because it's pumping like a heart.

Upon seeing this, Zykan got a wild guesss and put all his hope of survival in this action.

He can tell that the beast is already a few meters away so quickly took out the epic sword that his aunt Maria gave to him and directly went to stab the heart looking thing.

He was able to stab it but a tentacle still managed to wrap around his body.

Raised on the ground as the pressure exerted by the tentacles increases and want to squish the man to death.

The man thought his guess was wrong for his life to end but suddenly, the tentacle loosen up and;

<Congratulation on killing a level fifty five Decagonian Beast. You have received fifteen system currency, ******* EXP, and three items.>

Seeing the system notice, the man was relieved as he wipes the sweats on his forehead...

This is the biggest harvest that he got but damn,,, he almost die and only because of circumstances that he survived.

Now that the keeper of the vein is dead, he's a little at ease in collecting everything that has a value in the cave.

There are even these unfamiliar stuffs but all were sent to his pocket.

The best saved for the last as Zykan want to send the extraterrestrial corpse to his system storage when suddenly, a blue thing jump off from his body straight to the corpse.

Seems that it multiplied itself and start to eat the body of the beast called Decagonian...