His First Massacre.

In just less than a minute, the dead giant beast's body was gone; not a single bone or even a drop of blood was left.

"Damn it! This thing really eats,,, everything. How can I be sure that it will not eat me one day? Wait a minute, is this thing my pet called Proteanian beast? If it is, then I have nothing to worry about."

The man went to talk to himself and able to give him a peace of mind.

As soon as the blue thing returned to him, directly left the small cave.

Coming to the main cave, went to collect the remaining crystals and absorbs on the spot the ones that can't be taken away.

Leaving nothing to the next raiders, took even the things of the evolved chinese people who died miserably in the tentacles of the extraterrestrial beast.

Finally, the man was ready to come. out from the cave when he heard the sound of battle outside.

The man thought of something and went to wear a half face tube mask with a skeletal face design before stealthily coming out from the cave.

He can just leave but saw three women surrounded by men.

It seems that the two groups had. joined hands to take down the other one.

Seeing those rare and epic weapons in their hands, the man was even more convinced to help.

Again, positioned himself to a tree that can give him the best sight.

Creates a sniper rifle using the ability of his pet; looks powerful than before.

Having one hundred percent vision, aimed the muzzle at the neck of the evolved human with the highest level and went to pull the trigger.

The second shot was immediately fired with just a few miliseconds interval.

In just three seconds, eight shots were fired killing their target on the spot; blowing up the neck as the head separate from the body.

These scene alarmed the others and decided to run for it.

Some are lucky but many were unlucky to be overtaken by those concentrated pure energy bullet; got each hole on the body that killed them before they could drink a healing potion.

In front of the cave, only three women remained standing and chose not to run; worried that they would be shot.

But they're just too worried because the shooter has ignored them and already started collecting the spoils.

The three women saw this scene and can't help to look at each other; with the same expression asking what to do.

They didn't speak until the masked man came in front of them to pick up those epic weapons and other stuffs.

*Shing zung chang wan?

The man heard the words that sound chinese and went to;

*If anyone can understand me, speak in english.

Looking well educated, the three of them understood the words.

Tacitly, let the older one to;

*Hello senior, may I ask if we are free to go?

Ignoring the address;

*Take the body of your dead and leave quickly before evolved animals comes.

*Before we leave, can we know the name of our savior.

*I'm no savior of anyone so there's no need to know my name. Act quickly before it's too late.

Said the words and went to continue to collect the loots; showing no intention to talk.

Seeing the action, the three women won't bother anymore.

Went to collect the bodies of their dead and finally left.

This is what Zykan want, to minimize his interaction with women.

Prioritizing treasures over women, the man went to continue to collect the equipments of the dead.

He was fast enough to get everything and positioned himself when the first wave of evolved animals arrived; went to eat those corpses directly.

Of course, this situation is a rare opportunity for Zykan to start shooting.

Using the same ownmade sniper rifle equipped with silencer, the man looks like he's using a cheat code; killing evolved animals so easily.

Even those who reached level fourty had died after two shots.

So how come a low level like him can kill high level evolved animals?

Maybe because of the Proteanian beast on him? Or the fact that his doing ranged attacks stealthily? Coupled with some factors that even himself doesn't know about it...