Marked Crossbred Beast, One Skill Scroll.

The man is too powerful for his level but he doesn't have the time to be a kid detective to look for the answers; just want to kill all the beasts that keep coming at the place to die.

The place,,, the smell of blood is getting stronger and start to spread to all directions.

Zykan suddenly can't pull the trigger when he saw the target on the scope.

He can't see the level but can tell by the appearance that the newcomer is strong.

He tried to look for it's weakness but the whole body was covered with tough looking scales.

The thing he sees in his scope, it's definitely the result if you crossbreed a python and a crocodile; looks like an asian dragon.

The most worrying part is that the beast has a mark on it's forehead.

Just this fact, Zykan decided not to shoot.

He even decided to get out of the place while he still can but when he was about to leave, another beast with strong aura appeared.

It didn't stop there and more strong high level evolved beast came one by one.

Looking at the ten beast which are definitely all aphas in their own group, Zykan is sure that no one will leave without a fight.

Sure enough, after a few moments of stare down but no one submitted, the twenty feet tall evolved gorilla was the first to lose it's cool and went to attack after pounding those hard chests.

Jumping high on the air, want to smash the level sixty python near him but flexible to evade and directly wrapped itself to the body of the gorilla as he bites to the armpit part.

Hurt and angry, the gorilla roars as he try to get free.

Despite being known of their physical strength, seems to be weak in front of the constricting power of a python.

Feeling the pressure that crashing him, open his mouth wide and went to bite.

Unlucky for the python, the belly was exposed for it's weak spot to be bitten.

He did a quick move and went to bite the gorilla's neck that left both of them seriously wounded.

As for the other eight beasts, they found their own opponent and were already fighting with intention to kill.

The crossbred beast with a mark on it's forehead, quickly defeated his opponent which is an evolved level fifty five bearcat by bitting off it's legs.

Didn't finish him off and went to join other's fight.

Seeing how arrogant this basturd crossbred animal is, the six beasts had a tacit understanding to stop attacking each other and join hands to kill the basturd.

And so, the six against one battle begins.

The opportunistic Zykan on the distance, took advantage of the situation and went to shoot the dying level fiffty five bearcat.

It took him six shots at the same area before killing the defenseless beast.

Moving the sight where the python and the gorilla is on a deadlock; both dying for those serious injuries.

The man is not a grim reaper but sent the two beasts ahead of their time to the other side.

This happening, how can seven beasts notice it when they're busy in in a life and death battle.

Six versus one, it's surprising for the fight to be a stalemate.

Worthy to be feared as a marked beast, seriously injured six high level beasts but got his own.

After a stare down, the marked beast was the first one to turn around and leave but didn't expect for someone to attack his worst wound.

The beast doesn't know what hit him but inflicted serious damage to fall to the ground.

Six other beasts saw it but injured as they are, too slow to escape and got hit on their old wounds to be powerless on the ground.

The next thing happened, everything become dark.

<Congratulations in killing a level fifty Pythodille. You received twelve system currency, ****** EXP, three items and one skill scroll.>

<Congratulation in killing a level...>

<Congratulation in a killing ....>

<Congratulation in...>



The man doesn't have the time to be congratulated, went to skip all the notice and was in hurry to collect all the corpses while he has the chance. It's good that the system storage is getting bigger as he level up and were able to take all his booties...