
After collecting everything, returned to the tree and waited for his next victims.

Disappointed, only low level evolved beasts came and nothing else.

After waiting for some time, finally decided to move to another area.

The man was about to go down and collect the corpses that he just killed before leaving when suddenly, a group of high level evolved humans appeared.

One of them who looks wise, directly went to check the copses and said;

*This is a work of a sniper rifle, came from one direction. Some bodies are still warm so the shooter is still here watching us.

*Can you determine it's location?

*Why do you want to know it's location? These dead people are chinese and americans don't give a sheet. As long as it doesn't bother us, why bother it. Don't forget that we still have a mission so we can't afford to offend someone and waste some energy.

*Team leader, Michael is right. A person that can kill humans with this number is definitely not simple and it's pointless for us to fight such an existence.

Convinced by the words, this person they call the leader chose to mind their own business and took the lead to leave.

Seeing this, Zykan was relieved.

He can tell that everyone in the group are all above level seventy and in his current strength, can't even go head on to the weakest one; have a chance if there's the element of surprise.

The man has no intention to follow and just remembered the direction they went; towards the middle part of the danger zone.

If he choose to follow right away, a group of evolved humans with levels above seventy will definitely notice their tail.

After making sure that they really left, went to collect the corpses he just killed.

He decided to leave the place but looking at the human corpses around which are the best bait for evolved animals, changed his mind and choose to stay to maximize the use of the dead.

Returned to his previous position and waited for the first passenger to the other side.

In war, ranged combatants really have the easiest job and advantage if they set their distance as Zykan just doing aim and shoot.

Even those evolved animals that are more than level fourty five, they became shooting targets.

The actions,,, turned into a routine; kill and collect.

Day and night for three continuous days with no enough sleep, the man can't remember how many have he killed or didn't have the time to count at all.

The eagerness to level up, he forgot the basic needs of the body.

Four days of lack of rest and nutrients, the muscles start to shrink yet still look ripped.

The body downgrades but the level keeps advancing.

Both have bad and good effects, as the man became obsessed on what's he's doing.

On the fifth day at the same place, he noticed that the corpses start to decompose and won't lure any evolved animals anymore.

This time, Zykan decided to leave the place and head to the direction where the group of strong evolved humans went.

Despite the direction is heading to the deep part of the danger zone, the man was too obsessed to realize it; the only thing in his mind is to kill beasts and level up.

But even he's obsessed, the ability to think was not completely clouded for him to act with his abilities.

After an hour of running towards the north direction, saw a great battle ahead.

Again, found a tall tree to position himself.

On the scope, saw the group fighting a marked evolved lion; definitely a high level one.

Four evolved people are facing the beast while the other four are on the lookout for other beasts.

Basing on the severity of the damages on the battlefield, the two sides are strong and been fighting for some time.

As for the damages inflicted to each other, both sides have injuries.

Even the four lookouts are recovering and seems that they're having their turns to face the marked beast.

Because he just got in the place, the man went to observe first.

He didn't notice right away but little by little, the only woman on the team seems familiar.

Later he then remembered that she looks like the mother of Kristy...