Four Cubs And Another Skill Scroll.

Looking at the woman who looks like the mother of Kristy, instantly abandoned the idea of finding the lair of the beast and decided to stay.

If the woman really what he thinks she is, this is his chance to know about the situation of Kristy.

Patient in observing, he found out that the speed of the lion is unusual; making it hard for four people to inflict a solid hit.

Noticing the legs, they're leaner and have black spots.

With these findings, the man concludes that the beast in front of him is a crossbred; lion and cheetah.

Even the fastest being in the universe, it's movement becomes slow motion when on the air but it seems that the beast knew this fact for a long time and never jump that high to become a falling target.

The man is thinking when suddenly wondered why a beast with such a speed has no intention of running if it doesn't have the assurance of winning.

The first thing that comes to his mind is that the beast is protecting something on the area.

This time, the man decided to search around to look for the beast's lair.

Using the spiral search method, the battlefield as the center; Zykan didn't forget to do it stealthily and went to begin the search.

After ten circles, found a small entrance.

After gearing up, enter the cave with vigilance.

Because lions are territorial animals, no other beasts are in the cave for the man to reach the end without a fight.

There's no vein in the cave but a lot of armors with bones inside; most of it are in epic level.

Collecting everything he sees on the way, came to the deepest part of the cave and saw four cubs sleeping; one of them has marks all over it's body.

Worried for the mother to notice the intrusion through intuition, went to spend one thousand system currency for an ordinary "Beast Storage" and quickly took away the four cubs.

Didn't look for other treasures and left the cave as fast as he could.

Fortunately, he's only overthinking and didn't meet the mother on his way out.

Back to the previous tree, the battle is still in the deadlock and who can last longer is the victor.

The group of evolved humans have this idea and trying to drain all the strength of the beasts but never did they expect for another one to appear.

Hiding from the sight of the lookouts, suddenly appeared in front of the only woman in the group.

It's inevitable for her to be torn apart by those teeth but something came and hit the newcomer beast on the eye for the bite to miss.

Before the stunned beast could recover, continuous shot were fired at the same eye until;

<Congratulations in killing a level sixty Leoguar beast. You have re...>

Ignoring the notice, went to fire at the marked beast and as expected, the beast dogded but the move was anticipated and the right back leg was hit by the second shot before it could touch the ground.

Losing one of her leg, the beast became a steady target to be shot on the eye several times.

<Congratulations in killing a level sixty one marked Liotah beast. You have received seventeen system currency, ******* EXP , three items and one skill scroll.>

Seems that this kind of notice, became a normal thing for Zykan. Wearing a full body armor from his pet as a precaution, went to approach the woman and directly asked;

*Do you the Walton family in USA?

Awaken from shock, composed herself before saying;

*We're from the Walton family.

*How is your relationship with the first wife of the head of the family?

Unclear of what exactly the man was ansking but still;

*I'm her elder sister and been always have a good relationship with her.

*If you have a good relationship with her, did she told you something about her youngest daughter?

Upon hearing this, connecting with what she knows, she can't help to conclude and said;

*Don't tell me you're the one she's talking about?

*What's his name?

*Zykan of the Aliguyon family.

*That's me. Can the elder tell me the situation of Kristy. I can handle the truth so the elder doesn't need to hide anything.

Shocked, this aged woman can't believed it and became silent for a few moments...