The Lost Memory.


With no guidance of any kind of device, Zykan is heading not to the outermost part of danger zone but going deeper

If you look closely, the eyes start to turn red.

Didn't have boosters on his feet but like a beast, he runs wildly with a speed that only silhouettes could be seen.

After running for a few minutes, he suddenly stopped!

The nose moved to sniff before rushing to a direction.

Soon, a big entrance of a cave came to sight and Zykan went in directly.

Just after a few seconds;

<Congratulations in killing a level sixty six Gori...>

<Congratulations in killing a level sixty four Gori...>

<Congratulations in killing a level sixty nine Gori...>

There's a whole family of evolved gorillas with many high levels inside the cave but slaughtered by Zykan who looks like a beast right now.

It seems that something inside the man was triggered and become an apex predator of all beasts in the danger zone.

In a semiconscious state, Zykan can still see his surroundings but did not know when,,, everything became dark and entered in a dream.

I don't know how many dreams the man had until one dream woke him up.


Zykan said the words as he look around and realize that he's in a hospital.

Immediately took out his cell phone to update himself but can't be turn on; need to be charge.

Took out a charger and was about to get out from the bed to look for an outlet when a nurse entered the room and directly went to help him charge the phone.

*Ola, qe la we se nome?

Upon hearing the words he can't understand, there's a bad feeling about it.

The man is in a hurry to;

*Do you speak english? Can you tell me where I am?

*No,no englesh. Waet...

Said the foreign words and left the room.

This time, a blonde woman entered the room and directly;

*I'm doctor Smith and I was requested here because the patient speaks english. First of all, how do you feel right now?

Zykan went to check himself and noticed that he became leaner.

*What's wrong, are you not lean like that before?

He was ask for him to;

*It should be twice than this.

*Well, I think you only need to eat more protein to gain back those muscles. So tell me, do you remember what happened to you?

Went to think before;

*I'm hunting outside the city and... By the way doctor, can you tell me where I am?

*Really, you don't know where you are? You are in the place called Hospital Rio Santo that is located at Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.

*What,,, Brazil? How did I get here?

*Kid, a good samaritan just brought you here so I don't know anything even if you ask me. Better call someone in your family to get you.

*There's no need to disturb anyone doctor. I can go home myself. Please help me with the discharge formalities and I can pay the bill directly.

*Well, there's no problem in your body so I can discharge you right away. By the way, are those blue arms artificial or your real arm.

*They're artificial.

*Really, when did artificial limbs so advance like that? Anyways, that's not my field to look into. Well,i'm going. A nurse will bring you the papers and help you remove those things on your body.Take care kid.

*Thank you doctor. Take care too.

Alone in the room, tried to remember what happened but he can only recall conversing with Kristy's aunt and what follows are all dreams. Thinking about Kristy, remembered the dream that woke him up.

He suddenly want to know the day's date so he took out a digital military watch.

The man looked at it and can't help to;

*What!? July 6, 2224? No way i'm gonna miss it.

The man can't wait sheet and went to remove all the things connected to him.

Didn't forget his phone and went to turn it on while leaving the room.

At the door, bumped with something soft followed with;

*Kid, don't tell me you're trying to run away?

Time is gold for Zykan at this moment and quickly took out a black card saying

*Is that a swiping card machine? Please swipe it quickly because i'm in a hurry.

Seeing how the man looks like, this doctor didn't talk nonsense and went to swipe it.

There's a beep sound after entering the password so everything is settled.

*Kid, is everything okay?

*I'm fine doctor Smith. I just need to go to USA as soon as possible. Let's meet again if fate permits...