A Typical Coincidence.

Zykan said the words and was in a hurry to leave when someone grab his hand saying;

*Kid,i'm going to USA right now. I have a private plane and you can ride with me. Give me twenty minutes at most to settle my matters in the hospital and we can leave directly.

Without thinking about it, the man went to agree because he knows how hard to get out from a country; with so many sheets and stuffs.

The two came to an agreement and will meet again after twenty minutes. With that twenty minutes, Zykan chose to have a good bath; after noticing that he smells a little.

Wearing a new set of clothes from the storage belt, came out from the bathroom and directly went to look at his cell phone.

On the screen, saw ninty nine plus messages and missed calls.

He was about to open one when this doctor with the surname Smith had entered the room saying;

*Let's go. The plane is waiting for us at the rooftop.

Putting aside the matters on his phone, followed the doctor to the rooftop.

The hospital has only five levels for the two to arrive at the rooftop in just a few minutes using the elevator.

A modified small plane with the size of a bus is really there waiting for them to board directly.

The doors automatically closes and the plane slowly rises on the air before speeding up.

Inside the aircraft...

A female voice sounded which should be the pilot saying;

"The plane is now stable and everyone is free to move. Let's have a safe flight everyone."

*Finally, I can drink and relax.

Stood from her seat while saying the words and went to get something.

When she came back, took with her two wine glasses and a bottle of branded wine.

Filled the two glasses and took a sip before;

*So kid, why don't you tell something about you? I suddenly realized that we're stranger and maybe I made a mistake taking with me a notorious criminal.

As soon as she finished those words, went to take another sip as she overlap her legs.

Doing that in front of a man, the lady is daring.

But Zykan has seen too many wonderful sceneries and didn't react at all.

In his normal serious tone, he said;

*I assure you that i'm no criminal but just a good boy from a country called Philippines. My name is Zykan Aliguyon and thankful for giving me a lift.

*Well, for not peeking at my asset, you're definitely a good boy; or has seen enough to be attracted to an aunt like me. Anyways, my name is Zharlhotte Smith. I'm from New York, USA and going around to gain experience in the field of medicine. You're lucky that I need to attend a wedding tomorrow so now, i'm going home. Tell me, what are you going to do in USA for you to be in a hurry?

*Also to attend a wedding and coincidentally, it's also happening in New York.

*Kid, are you being serious? Don't tell me your attending the wedding between the Walton and the Royal family?

The man has no intention to hide and went to;

*That's the one. In fact, there's no wedding to happen because as soon as I get there, I will take Kristy away. I'm sorry but there's no wedding cake for you to eat tomorrow.

Upon hearing the words, this doctor named Zharlhotte can't help to laugh.

Seeing that the man didn't laugh with her, stop laughing and ask;

*Don't tell me you're being serious?

More serious than usual;

*Who knows me knew that I don't joke around. Kristy and I are unmarried couple and being forced by her family to marry someone she doesn't love, even Heavens won't agree. A promised was made that I will go and propose when I have the strength but even there's no enough strength, I will never let someone marry my woman.

The seriousness of the tone and the firmness of the words, this doctor somehow believed the kid in front of her but she still need to;

*If proof can be shown that there's a relationship between you and Kristy, I will try my best to help if she want to run away with you...