Instant Breakthrough,,, Change Of Plans...

Proofs were asked and he has plenty.

Took out his phone and showed the pictures of Kristy being sweet to him.

*Really,,, when did this happen? Wait, did she become an exchange student to Philippines. I can't believe she fell in love to someone from a small country. Kid, are sure you wanna do it? You know, you're going against two powerful families in the world. With your currrent strength, I don't know how far you can take Kristy with the pursuit of high evolved humans. I'm not being negative but what you want to do is impossible.

Despite those discouraging words with no intention, Zykan is still firm to say;

*There are impossible things in the world but taking away Kristy from her sheetty family is not one on the list. With or without the help of others, I will find my own way; because a promise I made can't be broken.

She still want to say something but was;

*By the way doctor, how long I have been sleeping in the hospital?

Now that the topic was changed, she has no choice but to;

*It's should be three days.

*Three days? Well, I still need to check some things so please excuse me. Just enjoy your wine and ignore me on the sideline.

Uttered the last word, stood up and went to a corner.

Giving the kid a time to be alone as she remain in her seat; thinking a lot of things.

On the other hand, Zykan is now sitting cross-legged on the floor somewhere on the plane that no one will disturb.

"System" (Host Window).

<Name: Zy Kan of the Kan race

Level: 83

Energy: Not Needed

Mana: Not Needed

Current Skill Points: 93 [Distribute


Current Skills:

Heavenly Fist

Heavenly Seed


Heavenly Steps

Current Pet: Highbreed Proteanian

Beast ( Level 15 )

System Currency: 76, 000 [ Go To

System Shop ]

Seeing the numbers, can't believe his own eyes. Went to close the system, open it again and still saw the same numbers.

This time, there's no reason not to believe it.

"Breaking through to this point, I can't even remember what happened. Is it possible that I lost control of myself and went wild; killing beasts all over the world. Then how about my system storage? I'm sure it's full of treasures and stuffs."

Can't wait to see and quickly went to check his system storage.

Appeared in an inventory manner, saw everything in the storage.

There are many things on the list but attracted by those skill scrolls.

"One, two, three, four, five, six,,, six skill scrolls; it's a best gift for Riri and others".

The man mentioned the woman's name in his mind and realized that he should call her first.

Went to close the system, took out his cell phone and dialed the number.

The phone didn't even ring for more than one second and immediately;

"Ruru? Is that you Ruru!? "

You can tell the uncertainty and excitement on the tone so Zykan directly;

"It's me Riri. And i'm sorry to make you and everyone worry."

The words sounded and a crying was heard on the other side of the phone.

"It's okay Riri. I encountered something but everything is fine now. Please wait for a few more days because i'm on my way to USA to save Kristy. I still have many things to do so please contact the others for. me. Can you do that for me?

The girl who seems to have matured a lot, stopped being a crybaby and said;

"Don't worry about it and let me handle things here. Take sister Kristy and come home to us. Be careful,,, and I love you."

"You know that I love you more. See you after a few days, goodbye."

Saying goodbye, the man went to end the call and directly dialed another number.

"Tut. Tut. Tut."

The man heard the tut tut sound that made him wondered.

Left with one choice and went to look for a message from her.

Sure enough, a message was seen saying;

"Son, a tree bearing fruit than can regenerate limbs was found and I decided to lead a team myself. I'll be away for a month or more so I instructed a trusted junior of mine to accompany you in seeing your lover. Her name is Dianiella Estrella. She may not be strong as me but can help you with her identity. By the way, be sure to prepare yourself because she's a rare beauty and has a good bloodline; two of my reasons why I chose her for the task. That's all I can do and the rest is up to you. Make it quick and give me a lot of grandchildren as soon as possible. Anyways, take care and see you later."

A fruit that can regenerate limbs, the man was sure that his aunt did it for him; will do everything for him...