The Land Of The Free.

Zykan fell asleep and immediately, a series of dreams flashes like a movie.

The man just woke up from three days sleep and went to sleep again for hours.

This time, not awaken by a dream but with the;

"Attention passengers, we're about to reach our destination so please prepare to be inspect. I repeat, we're about to reach our destination so please be ready to be inspect. Thank you.

Zykan woke up and directly went to look outside from the window.

It seems that the country has extra resources for a fighter jet to escort them to the inspection area.

The man want to start planning when;

*I think I should return this to you because it's a custom-made blanket.

Confused,,, but soon he understood the words when he saw the name Kristy on the corner of the blanket. Send it back to the storage belt and said;

*Thank you again for the lift. After the inspection, I will go on my own. If we meet somewhere else, let's pretend that we don't know each other for you not to be implicated.

Hearing the words, the woman can't help to smile before saying;

*After putting a warm blanket on me, it's hard to pretend now. And did I say I will help you take away Kristy.

*Thank you but you don't have to do it and offend two powerful families. With my strength, I have many ways to take Kristy away alone.

The statement, this woman has the reason to doubt and ask;

*Kid, i'm not looking down on you but even if you're a legendary level evolved human, i'm sure your level is still low.

Feeling the concern of the woman in front of him, Zykan didn't want her to worry any further and went to;

*I know you're someone that can be trusted so let me tell you a secret. Despite my age, i'm already a strong level eighty three evolved human so don't worry about me because I have enough strength to take away my wife.

Even a fool would be shock and it's twice to a normal lady like Zharlhotte who's speechless right now.

It took several seconds for her to recover and said;

*I shouldn't believe you but I choose to. Maybe you don't really need my help so I just wish your success; because i'm a woman too and know what Kristy feels.

*Thank you for the blessing. If one day Kristy and l marry, you will definitely be a special guest.

*Well, I will wait for the that day to come.

It so happen that their conversation ends as the plane lands for them to come out and be inspected.

While the plane is being scanned by a portable device, three people were asked to show their evolved human ID.

Three IDs were confirmed in a tablet computer and;

*The two ladies can go while the man stays for questioning.

The inspector said so for Zykan to;

*Aunt Zharlhotte, please go ahead and do your thing.

Knowing the situation of the man;

*Then let's say goodbye for the meantime and meet again sooner or later.

*Well, the earth is not flat and will definitely meet at one point even if we go on separate ways.

The goodbyes were said for the two ladies to leave.

As for Zykan, was asked to go to an office.

In a small room, there's a young lady in front of a computer while a strong evolved man is behind her; very vigilant to his surroundings.

Taking his seat, Zykan was ask to take out his ID once again.

Taping the keyboard in a fast speed, an information appear and the young lady went to read.

After a quick look;

*Is your first time to travel to another country?

*Yes ma'am.

*Every country has their own rules and regulations and USA is not an exception. Noncitizen needs to pay an amount when entering the country and be strictly undergo background check . Even if you're low to be a threat, protocols still should be followed. So, what is your reason of your visit here?

*To attend a wedding.

*How long do you intend to stay.

*Two days.

*Please look at the camera.


*Please pay one thousand dollars.


After some movements of both man and machine;

*This will be your temporary ID while staying at the country; valid only for three days. If you want to extend your stay, you need to get a new one. Remember, almost every countries have the same laws so better abide it while you're here because the punishment to noncitizens is harsher.

*Yes ma'am, I understand.

*If you understand, take your IDs and go .

*Thank you ma'am.

Said thank you as he pick up his IDs and left...