Stealing The Spotlight Of The Night.

Coming out from the office, the man looked at the his watch and it's past four o'clock.

He did think of a plan,,, just go straight to the Walton residence and directly take Kristy away; plain and simple.

But before the man head to the place, felt like he need a new look.

More than an hour later...

Central park, Manhattan, New York...

It's already dark but the park was fully lit than usual.

The place should be for public to use but tonight was reserved for a special occasion and only those with invitations can pass the very strict security.

At the entrance, a lean man who looks cool on his suit for tonight's occasion had attracted the attention of everyone.

But in fact, it was the kind of hairstyle the man has for everyone to look; a typical horse cut for gangsters with equisite linings on both sides of the head.

With a dead serious face, took out his invitation and handed it to the inspector.

On the invitation

"Edward ******, guild master of the Gangster guild."

Even if the man in front is not the person on the invitation, the entrance inspector still let him pass politely.

Passing the entrance, a beautiful lady came to welcome. Her job is to lead guests to their respective seats.

Coming to a round table for six people near the stage, found his seat to occupy.

*I can't believe Edward didn't come and even sent a kid as his representative. Boy, what's your guild master thinking by sending you instead of the assistant guild master?

*Hahaha. I think their guild master had chose to play some beaches tonight than to attend this "meet and greet" event; having treesome with the assistant guild master. Hahaha.

Except for the only woman in the group, the four other guild masters of different big guilds laughed.

They're laughing when at the same time, got a message with similar content saying that the guild master of the Gangster guild was killed and the killer directly occupied the position.

Upon knowing such news, even the only female in the group can't help to look at the kid in front of her.

*Why, did someone die? Oh yes, that loser named Edward was killed while assaulting a minor. You know, I hate those kind of men so I killed him directly.

A kid admitting that he killed an evolved human stronger than them, it's hard to believe but they chose to believe it.

The best thing to do at the moment is to keep quiet.

Getting the silence that he wanted, looked at the woman beside him and;

*Try to relax because there's no reason for you to be tense.

Said the words and no longer care about his surroundings; went to check his system storage while waiting for something.

Time passed by for the protagonists and their family of the occasion to appear.

Occupying the seats at the very front near the stage for the program to finally start.

Sheets and stuffs were done which led by host until;

*And now, can I ask the future couple to please join me on the stage. Don't worry, I will still do the talking; after all, the pay is big for me to slack off.

The host seems he made a joke and some laughed; including this typical feminine handsome man who shows his gentleman side as he support a lady to the stage.

As soon as the two protagonists of the occasion appeared on the stage, someone took the lead to applause and everyone followed.

The sounds of clapping should last longer but suddenly came to a stop when another man was seen walking towards the stage.

Everyone thought it's part of the program so they just keep quiet and watch the gimmick.

The gangster looking young man didn't do anything else and went straight to ask the microphone from the host.

Thinking that it was an impromtu that wasn't on the program, the host gave the microphone with a smile.

The man got the spotlight, went to look at everyone before saying;

*I had planned to appear at the late part of the occasion but the host asked the future couple to come on the stage so here I am.

As soon as the words sounded, everyone is confuse.

The lady on the stage who's absentminded, she's not an exception and went to have a good look on the speaker's face.

To her shock, recognized the man and unconsciously went to hold his hand saying;

*What are you doing here?

The words were picked up by the microphone and everyone heard it.

This time, they knew that something is wrong.

*Boy, who are you? How dare you hold my wife's hand.

At this moment, a group of strong looking evolved men had appeared on the stage; ready to execute any order.

Seeing this, the heroine of the occasion quickly hug the man tightly and went to;

*Mom! Please help Zykan...