A Duel.

Asked by her daughter for help, a loving mother never hesitated to appear on the stage saying;

*No one make a move and turns the situation more complicated.

*Woman, what is this all about? Is this the boy our daughter fell in love with; the one who dared to threaten me?

*Hahaha. So this is the boy who want to take away my son's wife? Just kill him directly and the problem is easily solved.

*No! Mother, please save Zykan.

*You heard my daughter! No one is allowed to touch this kid.

*My sister is right. How can you just kill an innocent man? Is there no laws that protect the weak from the strong? If that's the case then the whole world will be in chaos.

*I think the same way. Why don't we give the youngsters the freedom to choose their own path. We, the elders just need to guide them, and not to force. A marriage without love and even with hate, it will bring disaster to both families one day.

The unity these women have is sometimes unpredictable for others to cheer.

But no matter how loud the cheers are, this father was unmoved and in a loud voice, he said;

*Do you think you can just have your freedom in this world we are living? Fall in love and have a happy life? Why don't you wake up from your fantasies and cope up from reality. Fix marriage is proven to be beneficial to both families and produces new generation of strong evolved humans. Without fix marriage, planet Earth will be full of weak evolved humans in just a few years; affecting the evolution of human race.

Those words sounded and put the whole place into silence,,, silent for a few seconds before the real protagonist of the night went to;

*Did everyone heard what the elder had said? Betroth his daughter to a man he thinks he's strong. Then I challenge that man to a duel right here, right now. Who ever wins will be the one worthy of Kristy. If you have your own pride boy, accept my challenge and show what you got; or become a chicken and hide behind the power of your family.

A young man who came from a wealthy family, of course there's pride in him; too high to back out after someone stepped on it.

With arrogance and confidence, he went to say;

*I, William, from the Royal family accepts your challenge. Everyone will be the witness that it was you who asked for it and not accountable if I kill you.

There's an agreement but Kristy doesn't agree. She was about to speak but stopped by her mother.

Thinking that this is the fastest way to settle the matter, both the Royal and Walton family immediately agreed.

To avoid destroying the venue, the crowd went to an area at the park where there's enough free space for a battle.

With no one to act as a referee, just the two warriors standing on the battlefield.

*Mother, i'm worried that Zyk...

*Daughter, why don't you just trust him of what he chose to do. And did your aunt told you that your man is strong? Stop worrying and let's see what's your husband is capable of.

Those words, calmed Kristy a little for her to settle down.

Right now on the battle field...

This young man from the Royal family named William, he's already in full battle gear; definitely showing off his things.

An epic level weapon, an epic level half body armor, several epic level accessories; so proud to use everything he got from his family.

Coupled with his legendary skill which is a low tier fire attribute, let the sword burns to maximize it's damage. Because the skill is legendary, you can see how powerful the fire is.

As for his opponent who's none other than Zykan, he just went to remove his suit for him to move comfortably and nothing else.

*Boy, are you so poor and have nothing to use in a battle. If you beg me, I can give you a set of common level equipments. Hahaha.

He went to laugh and a number in the crowd followed.

This arrogant Royal boy is laughing when suddenly;

*Do you know that you talk to much for a man?

The sound came behind him and instinctly went to look as he put his guard up.

But when he turned around, saw no one.

*Where are you looking at rich boy? You can't even tell where's your enemy is. Are you done showing off? If you're done, let's begin.

A shocking scene, the crowd saw it but couldn't believe their eyes; instantly changed their expectations of the fight...