One Sided Battle.

The crowd were shocked and what's more to the one who didn't see any sheet.

Both anger and fear were felt for this royal boy to attack passively. Reaching level eleven by consuming a lot of resources, together with his equiments, the speed is not bad but in front of Zykan is like a running snail.

Before the enemy could get close, Zyakan distance himself as he create two Kriss Vector submachine guns and directly went to shoot aiming at the opponent's equipments.

In just a few seconds, hundreds of bullets were fire without reloading; turning all those epic level equipments into pieces.

Before everyone could react, the man was already beside Kristy saying;

*Now that I won the duel, it's time for me to take my wife home.

Only this time when the spoiled Royal boy woke up and went to;

*Falk you! Royal guards, don't let that cheater take away my wife! Kill him if he resist!

Losing both the fight and his mind, this royal loser went to use the force under him.

Loyal like dogs, a number of evolved men who are all above level sixty were fast to surround the target.

Seeing this scene, Kristy can't help to;

*Father, have you seen enough!? Do you still want me to marry a man with no honor? Zykan had already proved himself so let us be together.

*Hahaha! What did he prove? What is strength in front of power? With just my words, I can kill him right now.

It was this royal boy who went to speak so arrogant because of the powerful force under him; but didn't expect for two bullet to pierce his knees.

*Aaaaaaaaahhhh! You falking did it! Kill him! Kill for me!

His words seems to be the words of the family for the royal guards to act.

Kristy, her mother, her aunt, the other aunt named Zharlhotte and a few others; they want to help but a group of evolved humans wearing all black tight clothings had appeared to interfere.

"What the,,, why is the "Black Beaches" mercenary is here!? Did this basturd hired them?"

A well informed guest was quick to recognize and unconsciously uttered the words.

Almost everyone who are present in the place knows the group in front of them and as for those who doesn't;

*We are the "Black Beaches" and we are here to stop a bloody war. But if the Royal family still want it, the Black Beaches mercenary will give them a good fight.

These royal guards, they know the strength of this organization for them to look at the head of the Royal family; waiting for his decision.

*Father, you should avenge me. I want that basturd dead.

Awaken by his son's words, choose revenge and was about to give the go signal when;

*Don't be a fool old man. Just be grateful that your son is still alive. And have you already forgotten what happened to those epci level equipments? I'm sure the skulls of the Royal family are not made of legendary materials to withstand the bullets that can break epic level equipments into pieces.

Those words, reminded the head of the Royal family of the scene just now for him change his mind.

Went to ordered two subordinate to assist his son and directly took the lead to leave without saying anything to anyone.

*Father, what are you doing? Do you want to let that basturd go? And how about my wife?

Like a child complaining to his father, this royal boy was carried away for the whole place to become quiet.

Finally, things were settled for Kristy to be relieved and went to hug Zykan tightly.

No one wants to break the silence until;

*Auntie, I would like to ask your permission to take Kristy to the Philippines; her new home. From now on, she's under my care and will live her life freely. Don't worry about her evolved life because i'm confident that she will grow faster with me than to stay in a big family where everyone is fighting for resources. If she's with me, I will make sure for her to have more than what she deserves.

She was asked and can't help to look at her husband.

Seeing that he has no reaction, a faint smile appeared on her face as she;

*Kristy is a big girl now and can decide on her own. What's left for me to do is to give my blessing. Take her and make her happy

*I will auntie.

Ignoring the other parent, both said thank you and goodbye to the ones who stood up for him before leaving together with the Black Beaches...