She Approves.

Ligaya heard the words and can't do it because she tried to call the man for the past days but couldn't. connect; thinking that she was blocked or something similar.

Seeing the expression, this mother went to;

*Why,,, you don't even have the number of the man you want to become your husband? It seems that this conversation ends he...

*No mother, I have the number but he might be busy to accept the call.

*Well, I also have many things to do so let's forget this matter and get busy.

Said the words and want to leave but was stopped by Ligaya saying;

*Please stay mother. I will try to call him and maybe he will answer this time.

Really took her cell phone and went to dialled the number worriedly.

To her surprise, the phone rang.

But before the call connects, the cell phone was snatched.

*Mooootherrrr,,, what are doing!?

This mother didn't answer because the one on the other side of the phone has accepted the call and directly;

"Hello miss Constantine, what can I do for you?"

Despite the politeness of the words;

"Boy, are you the one that bullied my daughter?"

It took a few seconds before;

"Mrs. Constantine, I don't know where did you get that news but never in my life have bullied an innocent woman. If it's about the matter where I judged her by the way she dress, an apology was made. I advice my senior to ask your daughter herself not to be mislead by opportunistic people."

Got an acceptable respond but this mother still want to keep going and said;

"Is that so? Then how about the news that the two of you are dating?"

"Senior, Ligaya and I had met once. We exchanged contact information so the two of us can only be considered as acquaintance."

"Really,,, how come she said to me that the two of you are getting married; asking my blessing and help to convince her father to agree. It seems that you're not serious about her,,, a complete coward; afraid from the Constantine family."

This time, it took some time for the man to;

"It's seems that my senior is the one who's not taking me seriously. If Ligaya really want me to be her husband, I will go against the world to reciprocate the gesture. And you called me a coward, afraid to your family; I am only coward in front of the unknown but to your Constantine family,,, a very vurnerable target that I can destroy alone. I am not being arrogant right now senior but if Ligaya won't call me tonight,I will be knocking on your door at anytime tomorrow.


The man dare to hang up after such a somewhat threatening words.

Shocked and surprised, she was only awaken when;

*Mother, what did he say? You should have let me talk to him.

This mother, not angry of what she heard and even with a smile when saying;

*Well, your man said he will go against the words for you. Can you believe that? And if you won't call tonight, he will go knocking at the gate of the Constantine residence; thinking that the family had put you in house arrest. If he really has the guts to go there tomorrow if you won't call tonight, I promise to support the two of you up to the end.

*Really! Then let's go back home tonight and wait for Zykan to come. I seen so many men and he has the the strongest heroic aura. Im su...

*What did you say his name was?

With a confuse expression, she replies;

*It's Zykan from the Aliguyon clan. Why,,, do you know him?

Didn't answer the question instead;

*Do you have a picture of him?

Even if she became more confused but still;

*I can search him on the internet if you give me back my phone.

Directly handed the phone for Ligaya to search Zykan's evolved human license ID.

*Here is his license ID.

This mother was in a hurry to have a look and instantly made her emotion unstable.

*Mother, what's wrong with you?

Woke up from the words of her daughter once again and quickly went to say;

*Daughter, go to the Philippines right now and secure your place in Zykan's heart. I got a chance to have a glimpse of that kid's strength and he surely a candidate for the title 'The Strongest'. While he's still on his road to greatness, try to earn his love and trust. If you have both of that, a good future is assured. Don't worry about your father, I will go home tonight and talk about it. I'm sure he will directly agree.

Hearing the words, she was completely confused.

This daughter want to ask but urged by her mother to leave immediately; and so she left...