Book Of Treasures And Stuffs

Five minutes earlier...

In the big war aircraft...

Zykan hang up the phone and was directly;

*Who's that son? Are you going to steal one of the daughter of the Constantine family?

This mother-in-law asked for the conversation to flow again.

They talk for more than an hour before deciding to have a rest.

Zykan carried Kristy and send her to bed.

The man should accompany his woman in her sleep but he's still waiting for a call and as the same time, sort those dreams into a list of what to do.

His mind is full of treasure maps and if he won't start hunting, it keeps piling up until he can't cope up.

Coming out from the room, found a place with tables and chairs.

Directly took out a notebook and a pen from the storage belt and was about to start writing when his phone rang in his pocket.

Seeing the caller ID, went to accept the call waiting;

"Hello Zykan, it's me Ligaya. I'm okay and on the way to the Philippines. We have many things to talk about but it's not convenient on the phone so let's save it later. I just want you to know that i'm fine and won't talk to you for so long. See you tomorrow,,, goodbye."

The man want to speak but the call ended before he could utter a word.

It's make sense for the man to be suspicious and directly went to call. As soon as it was accepted;

"Do you know that long legged women are ugly?"

In an instant;

"You basturd! What do you mean by that? You better explain yourself or else tomorrow when I get there, these long legs will kick your butt."

Knowing what he want to know;

"Well, i'm just making sure that your really okay and the one who spoke earlier. You know my address so just see me there, goodbye."

Said goodbye and went to end the call.

Now that there's nothing to worry about, the man can sort out things with a peace of mind.

Holding a pen in his right hand and a notebook in front of him, want to write the things appeared in his dreams.

To make things easy, went to write all the names of the 195 countries on the planet leaving spaces for his notes.

Philippines as the first one on the list, he has so many things to write.

As much as possible, the man tried to remember the exact location of the treasures and valuable things appeared in his dreams and went write everything on the notebook.

This will be a lot of writing that takes time but when he's done, the only thing to do is to collect and collect.

Like a student doing it's homework, Zykan never put down his pen and writes endlessly; but everything has it's end if the right time comes.

Writing for hours continuously, the man finally was able to sumarize all his dreams.

There are dreams about unfamiliar places and things, recorded at the last page of the notebook.

While making sure that he didn't miss anything, noticed someone appoaching behind him.

Just basing on the newcomers smell, Zykan already knew who is it.

Looked at his watch and immediately guess her purpose.

Send his stuff to the storage belt, stood up and went to meet saying;

*Tell your mother that you can drop us here. I'll go get Kristy and let's meet at the landing pad.

Surprisingly, this girl named Dianiella didn't say any sheet and left.

A little surprised, Zykan also left to call Kristy.

More than five minutes later...

Outside the war aircraft; landing pad.

*Son, even Dianiella and you are still not married, I will give her to you so please treat her well.

Never had the idea to disagree and went to say;

*With others under my care, I will treat them equally; so there's no need for my mother-in-law to worry.

*Then i'm assured. Go, take care and goodluck on your adventures.

It seems that the mother and daughter had already said their goodbyes so there's no need to repeat again and again.

Guessing this, Zykan took out a CFC for three people to board.

Not to make Dianiella feel being a third wheel, Kristy chose to sit with her at the back seat.

Zykan was very satisfied of this scene as he drives the CFC with a rare smile on his face...