Trial Tower District.

It's still four o'clock in the morning but how come the city of Ifugao is already lively.

Zykan was wondering if there's an annual event when Dianiella went to;

*It seems that they really raiding the tenth floor of the Trial Tower; thinking that they can after five floors of the Trial Tower in Brazil were cleared. Do you want to have a look? I'm sure there are many new things at the trading area.

*Ruru, I also want to have a look.

Two girls have spoken for the man to agree.

While flying the CFC, the man send a message to Rianne.

To his surprise, got a call from her directly.

As soon as the call connected;

"Ruru! You're finally home. I and the others are here at the Trial Tower Trading area. We'll be waiting at the main entrance."

"Well, i'm home. We'll be there in less than ten minutes."

Both hang up after saying goodbye for Zykan to fly the CFC faster.

In less than ten minutes, the group arrived at the destination.

Trial Tower West District...

A mountainous secluded area in the past had turned into a commercial place and even becoming a municipality.

The west part is where everyone can buy, sell and trade things.

At the main entrance, seventeen newly evolved women are not bothering anyone and just excitedly waiting for someone but their top-notch different types of beauties had attracted a group of men who are expert in picking up girls.

*Hello ladies, it seems that you're in need of male companions? Maybe fate led us here to fill the roles. Don't worry, we are stro...

*I'm sorry but we're waiting for our man so please leave to avoid being misunderstood.

Interrupted and was driven, the acting leader of the group was not angry and too thick-skinned to;

*Well, i'm sure some of you are still single so wh...

*Did I say we're waiting for our man so it means that we're all taken. I'm not being rude here but we really don't want for our man to misunderstand so please leave immediately.

A prideful man, he won't just accept this kind of rejection and decided to;

*This lady, do you know wh...

*We don't care who you are so for the last time, please leave.

Rejected and was driven again and again, the emotion starts to become unstable.

He's a young man who's already a strong level twenty and want to take the beauties by force.

With an evil smile on his face, went to give the order.

Ten loyal friends knew the drill and was about to move but hero always arrives at the right time for Zykan to appear with a cool entrance.

Lean as he looks but still, those muscles are so define that exclude such dettering aura.


Clingy as always, Rianne went to welcome her man with a tight hug.

The others didn't move but you can see the longing on their faces.

As for the rejected man and his group, they're all very jealous and envious.

Despite being rejected and driven away three times;

*One man for seventeen beauties, who would believe that. We're all capable men so why don't w...

*Why don't you just leave you annoying loser.

Finally for the fourth time, Rianne can't help anymore and went to scold while hugging her man's arm.

Didn't get the beauty but instead got a scolding.

This rejected man also can't control his emotions and went to;

*That's it beach! Let's see if this man of yours can do any sheet when I drag you in front of him.

No one knows what kind of brain the man has and really want to do a crime in front everyone.

What's more, there's a military post nearby so how dare the man do it.

But who needs the military when there's the overprotective Zykan.

With just his speed skill, made a side kick straight to the abdomen that sent the rejected man flying and landed to a stall.

The kick was too fast for everyone to think that an invisible force did it.

Wondering what happened when;

*If you don't want to fight, pay the stall that you destroyed, and get out here.

Upon hearing the words, these ten lackeys unconsciously went to obey and really left with their loser leader who fainted.

A man who doesn't want to become the center of attraction, also led the beauties to leave...