Another Adventure...

Leaving the scene, the group came to a place where there are fewer people before having a reunion.

Suddenly, Zykan was ignored as those ladies start to introduce themselves and talks girl's stuff.

Got some spare time for the man to sit on a rock and think of those things he should prioritize to do; to collect the treasure near the place he's right now.

According to his dream, there's something extraterrestrial that is hidden underground more than ten mile in the north direction from the Trial Tower.

As soon as the sun comes out, he will go to the place and check it out alone. Because the area was marked by the military as a level three danger zone; thrice more dangerous than the one he raided before.

No one knows how long it was for those ladies to finish their chit chat.

Zykan noticed this and was the one to approach.

Rianne was about to be clingy again but soon realized that it's not appropriate in front of her sisters so she chose to hold back herself instead;

*Ruru, we came to an agreement to look around the trading area while waiting for the beginning of theTrial Tower raid. How about you, do you have any plan?

Now that someone asked;

*Well, I have something to do when daylight comes so watch each other when i'm gone. You don't need to wait for me here and go home first; because it may take some time. This trip is within Ifugao so don't worry about it. And by the way, I want everyone to join the party I created.

Uttered the last word and directly went to send mass party invitations.

Except for Dianiella, eighteen women immediately accepted the invitation and were shocked of what they saw about the information of the party leader.

And it was Kristy this time who went to;

*Ruru, is your level really eighty three?

*Why, do you think the system is pranking everyone? This is the result of nonstop raiding for almost one month; coupled with luck. Get use to it because my goal is to reach level two hundred as soon as possible.

Kristy was quick to realize something for her to;

*Then you shouldn't be on a party for you to get all the experiences.

Without thinking about it;

*Don't ever think that with all of you in the party is a drag to me. I'm not selfish to take everything only for myself but selfish to share everything I have for the people important to me.

Upon hearing the words, everyone was touched except for one person who's feeling guilty and can't help to leave the party.

The notice popped out in everyone's screen for them to look at the person.

With a smile on her face, this lady went to;

*I'm just new here and doesn't deserve the trea...

*If you see your future with me, accept the invitation and never leave again. The fact that you're with us, you already deserve the treatment like everyone. I'm sure you already know my name so you should tell me yours.

Of course she already sees the man as her future husband and went to accept the invitation again.

And with teary eyes;

*My name is Tala Morningstar Cruz. I'm very happy to become part of this family. Please take care of me in the future.

The speaker, it's none other than the lady whose innocence was about to be taken away but saved by Zykan. The truth is, this lady is just overthinking because she was already considered by everyone as a family; including Zykan.

As a comform, Rianne took the lead to hug and everyone follows.

Giving those women the moment before;

*By the way Rianne, can you fix broken equipments?

With so much confidence;

*As long as it can be learned, I can become a great grandmaster in any field in just a few days of learning. Give me the thing to study and I will make sure to repair and even improve it many times better.

Believed the words and directly took ten big raw stones.

*Is these stones you brought from Evostore?

Yuna behind also recognized it for her to;

*I have been wondering what's inside and unexpectedly, they're broken equipments. I'm sure the classes are not low for Zykan to buy it.

*You will find out on the day Rianne opens it. Well, I think it's time for me to go. See you after a few days.

Everyone also went to say their goodbyes before the man left...