A Good Plan.

After waiting for a few minutes, Zykan finally took action to collect those equipments of the dead.

As for the gigantic corpse of the extraterrestrial beast, eaten by his pet without being affected by the fluid that can decay a high level human and even itself.

Being in a powerful beast's liar, Zykan was sure that there are other valuable things so he went to look.

Sure enough, equipments of the one's who died are all over the place.

The man went to search everywhere and didn't expect to find ten juvenile Lizardian beasts; one among them has marks.

Quickly went to buy an ordinary beast storage and directly took all of them.

Didn't look for valuable things anymore and was in a hurry to head outside.

He was still at the entrance of the cave and was already welcomed by a special net.

Despite a premeditated attack, Zykan's reaction time and speed were both very fast to dodge the net meant to restrain.

The second and third net were about to be shot when;

*Hold your fire!

Trained to follow orders, these soldiers didn't fire and on a standby.

*Kid, is that you!?

*Yes auntie,,, and I need to speak to you ASAP.

Recognized the voice for this aunt to approach and ask directly;

*What is it kid?

Seeing that the man is wearing a mask, this aunt will never call Zykan by his name.

Really was in a hurry to;

*Auntie, a level seventy one female extraterretrial beast lives inside the cave and I killed it using the Royal force as a distraction. I found juveniles in there so it means that a male adult is present. I ask auntie if she want to kill it. I'm sure he's on his way back here after feeling the death of his family. Setting up a trap will surely give us an easy kill.

Upon hearing the words, there are many questions that this aunt want to ask but knowing that the time is not right;

*Come one kid, what do you want to play?

Getting his aunt's support, went to asked everyone to gather except for the ones who are guarding twelve Royal captives; wearing restraining devices and became like ordinary humans.

Without talking sheet, Zykan directly ordered one team to plant a number of explosives with one detonator in the entrance; enough to make it cave-in when the bombs explodes.

Expert to listen for instructions, these soldiers understood the task and went to execute.

As for the three remaining teams, looked at them and said;

*The incoming enemy is a gigantic lizard looking extraterrestrial beast with a level not under seventy. It's really impossible for three teams to kill a powerful beast but if my plan succeeds, that gigantic beast will be pinned down. At that time, the tail will only be his weapon so watch out not to be wipped. An enemy with limited movement, I'm sure you can kill it with ranged attack no matter how strong it is. I will not join the raid and let my aunt be the party leader. You should also discuss who will be part of the party and gain EXP, because it's very obvious that the number is more than thirty. And better make it quick because the enemy will come anytime.

A kid spoke to them like this but no one went to complain.

In military, who has the authority will be the one that gives the order; but everyone has the discretion and these soldiers choose to listen.

Acting as the commander of the four teams, this aunt named Amihan had decided to pick the soldiers who are good at ranged attacks.

As soon as the party members was settled, ordered everyone to positioned themselves.

Zykan also found a spot which has a full view of the entrance.

As for the excess, let them leave the place together with the Royal captives to lessen the existence of evolved beings in the area; not to be detected by too much presence.

Now that everything is set, the only thing to do is to wait.


They waited for ten minutes until a sound of heavy footsteps were heard.

The sound become lounder as the beast get closer and even with tremors on the ground.

It didn't take long for the beast to show it's gigantic appearance and directly head towards the entrance of the cave.


A man like Zykan who's good at calculations, his plan succeeded and the entrance that cave-in really pinned down the gigantic beast because of the explosions; leaving it's back legs up to his tail...