A Clue.

Seeing that the enemy was pinned down, Amihan as the captain went to give the order.

Taking the lead to pull the trigger aiming at the point where the tail and the body connects; the others followed aiming at the same spot.

Powerless and helpless, this beast can't do sheet; only to struggle using his tail.

But after being hit by countless bullets and other ranged attacks, the tail separates and went to wriggle by it's own.

As part of her plan, this captain quickly went to inject something through the wound; seems to be some kind of poison.

Zykan won't waste the blood flowing and went to fill some containers.

Waiting for the poison to take effect;

*Kid, where do you want to use that?

Reminded of something and when to say;

*Speaking of blood, better hurry up and kill it. The smell of the blood surely in the air right now, attracting other beast in here.

*Well, it will be done in a minute. Anyway, do you want any of the loot?

*No, it's all yours. After all, I already got a lot in this raid.

This aunt want to tease when;

Went to skip the notification and directly send the corpse to her system storage.

Looked at the Zykan and said;

*Are you going back with me,,, because we have many things to talk about?

*No aunt Amihan, I still have something to do. If i'm done, I will give you a call.

*Well, you're an evolved now so it's normal for you get busy. Just don't overstep and fall to a situation that will endanger your life. There's no good at rushing things; even if it's slow as long as you reach your destination. Do you hear me?

*Yes auntie.

*That's good. Then let's say goodbye. See you when I see you.

Goodbyes were said for this aunt to lead her men in leaving.

As for Zykan, didn't leave and went back to his spot just now.

Created a sniper riffle and positioned himself.

Attracted by the blood of a high level extraterrestrial beast, evolved animals rushes to the place like a tide.

Accurately quick at aiming and smooth on the trigger, the man can shoot three bullets in a second without missing any target which are moving.

The weapon in his own creation had reached a certain point that can kill a level eighty evolved animal with one energy bullet; without aiming at it's weak spots.

Having such a powerful ranged weapon, those melee type will never stand a chance; can't even get close and died without knowing it.

More than an hour of killing, no one knows how many it was but the corpse on the battlefield will not be under fifty thousand.

Collecting everything before leaving, heading to his original destination.

A few minutes later, the man came to a place deep in the danger zone and immediately found what he's looking for; covered with thick vines.

Directly took out a panabas (chopping tool ) looking sword and starts to clear the area.

Quick in clearing those thick vines, saw the whole appearance of the extraterrestrial thing; seems to be a part of a small aircraft.

Looking at the impact on the ground, he immediately determined where's the main body of the aircraft might had crashed.

The man looked at the South direction and can help to think of his birthplace, Caba; wondered if it has something to do with the sudden appearance of the extraterrestrial beast that slaughtered everyone. Wanting to know how long the thing is in the place, took all those vines that he cut.

Knowing how old the vines are will automatically answer his question. Of course, he also took the extraterrestrial junk to be examined.

Prioritizing the matter that might have connection to the destruction of his clan, put aside the eagerness to hunt and directly head back home.

Fuick and qast as always, arrived at Trial Tower district and directly head to where Kristy and the others are.

Around the Trial Tower, there's already a big crowd waiting for the raid to happen.

Zykan doesn't know why but he can smell the scents of his women from a distance for him to determine their location.

Found them not far away from the entrance of the Trial Tower; all are excitedly waiting.

It will surely a big disappointment but as soon as the man came beside them, still directly went to say;

*Let's go home. The raid is a lie so don't waste your time for something that will never happen.

Those women immediately recognized the speaker and it was Rianne who's the most excited one to speak when...