Something Urgent...

They had a good meal, rested for ten minutes before saying goodbye.

This elder sister only agreed after getting the contact information of Zykan.

Coming out from the restaurant;

*Zyakan,,, in fact, my sister is one among the people in the family that are good to me and definitely a good person. If sister Rianne and the others won't agree, would you please speak for her.

The man can see the pleading and worries in the woman's eye so to make her feel better;

*No matter what Rianne and the others decide, I will treat your elder sister like a family. Come on, stop worrying the things that you should not and let's head to Evostore. I want to buy you a storage device and stuffs.

Happy like a little girl when she heard the words, hugged her man's arm and went to lead the way.


As soon as the two entered the lobby, more than three salesclerks have come to meet.

It was obvious that basing on the clothes the costumers wear will be the kind of treatment they can get.

Zykan with a straight face, didn't talk sheet and directly said;

*Can someone call your manager to come.

Upon hearing the words, the enthusiasm of these salesclerks instantly disappeared.

One of them was arrogant to;

*The manager is not someone we can just call because a kid asked for it.

*If that's the case then how can the store talks about business?

*Kid, do you think that the manager is like us that will entertain ordinary evolved people like you? Bette...

*What's going on here?

Coincidentally, the one who went to interrupt was the manager.

It's always be that one person who want to look good and went to say;

*Manager, this kid is too delusional to ask for you personally to talk about business. I think he just want to get close to you; a simple trick for someone who pursue you.

Look so proud to himself thinking that he did a great job and expecting a praise but instead;

*Are you using your head right now? A young man with a young beauty beside him wants to come here to pursue me who has the same age of his aunt. You're been working here for more than a year and gain a lot of experience but never learn at all. Come on kid, ignore this fool and follow to my office together with your girlfriend.

Said the words and took the lead to leave.

Zykan really ignored the fool and went to follow with Lilli hugging his arm.

In the office...

*Take your seat.

Occupying the other sofa and went to offer the opposite one.

Waited for the guest to settle down before;

*So tell me kid, what kind of business do you want to talk about?

Simple but not direct;

*How much system currencies your store have; the whole store?

An intriguing statement, made this manager smile as she;

*A kid like you, how many good things can you sell? Did you managed to kill an evolved chicken and want to know the price?

Now that this female manager started it, Zykan is not usually like to play this kind of game but at this moment, he want to try.

Still in a straight face, took out an epic class spear as he said;

* I met an evil group of chinese and slaughtered them all. I wonder if this epic class spear can pass the standard of your store?

As a person with good memory, she immediately recognized the weapon in front of her; and indeed an epic class equipment that can only be bought in the system shop.

In a suspicious expression;

*Kid, one epic class spear won't prove your sta...

Couldn't finish her words because she was too shock when more than fifty spears were scattered on the floor.


*Is the group you slaughtered the Spear mercenary of china? And you did it alone?

*Is your store usually ask these questions? I'm here to sell things and not for an interview. If Evostore is afraid to buy things that are spoil of wars, i'm sure there are many stores who want it.

Awaken by the words, this manager was in a hurry to;

*Please stay. Evostore is the best store for this kind of business and the price won't be too low compare to what the other stores can offer: acceptable to both parties.

*Now that you're talking, let's go back to my first question. Tell me, how much system currencies the whole Evostore have? I'm planning to sell everything I and will have only to your store and the question is, can you afford it?

"Can they afford it?"

This manager should laugh at this moment for a silly question but for the first time, the Evostore branch that she manage doesn't enough system currencies to buy the goods. As an experienced person in the field of business, this woman went to;

*Sir, to be honest with you, this branch only have not more than three hundred thousand system currencies. I can give all we have as an initial payment and the rest will be given after I ask the support of the main office. After all, we still need to talk about the price, the number of the goods and total worth.

He just want to sell things and Zykan won't waste any sheet for useless things for him to;

*I will take what you can give and leave this things for you to assess. The price, i'm sure you won't let me down. Let's just exchange contact information and update me through test message. If i'm not avialable, you can find Lilli and her decision is my decision.

Upon hearing the words with no inappropriate request, this manager immediately went to agree.

She was about to call someone when Lilli's phone rang.

The girl looked at the caller ID and it was Lyka.

*Take it. Maybe they want for us to buy something when we go home.

Thinking the same way but didn't expect to;

"Hello Lilli, is Zykan with you? Can you give the phone to him."

Hearing the urgency in the tone, directly handed the phone to Zykan.

"Hello, it's me. Did something happen?...