At The Last Minute...

"It's me. Did something happen?"

The man was worried and went to ask directly.

"Zykan, take Lilli and come back first. We will talk the matter when you get home."

"Then wait for us and we'll be home soon."

Ended the call and quickly went to give his contact information to the manager saying;

*I will come some other time to take the initial payment. Lilli, let's go.

This manager still want to say something but chose to keep quiet after seeing the urgency of the two to leave.

Alone in her office, didn't slack off and start to make some phone calls.

Less than ten minutes later...

When Zykan and Lilli entered the apartment, Kristy and the others were already gathered at the living room waiting for them; even stood up as soon as they saw them approaching.

*What's going on? Did something happen?

It was this girl named Dianiella who directly went to;

*Zykan, a member of the Black Beach mercenary had sent a distress call,,, and she's with your aunt. My mother had already led a team to check the place where the signal came from.

Keeping his expressionless face;

*Do you have the information about the mission of my aunt and her team?

*Yes, I have it in my phone.

*Then send it to mine.

With just a few taps on the phone screen, a file was passed to Zykan's phone.

After making sure that the file is not corrupted;

*I'm sorry everyone but I need to leave again. I'll be back when things are done.

Of course, these ladies understand and it was Kristy who went to;

*Don't worry about us and do your thing. Just be careful always and come back to us safe.

Because their man is in a hurry, they let the first wife speak for everyone.

Still, Zykan gives time to say goodbye before leaving.

On the way to the rooftop, went to look at the file Dianiella passed to him to know his destination.

Arriving at the landing pad, quickly took out a CFC, went to board it and fly it directly.

In order to make it faster, creates four additional thrusters equipped on the CFC using his pet's abilities.

The speed became four times faster than the usual beating the current fastest aircraft.

Two hours later...

Transylvania, Romania...

In the deepest part of Hoia Baciu forest where level eighty and above evolved animals are common but how come many evolved humans are all over the place; either fighting beasts or against fellow humans.

If you look at it, there are different groups from different countries that are forcing their way to the central part of the forest but welcomed by strong high level evolved animals.

A newcomer who is none other than Zykan, pull down his mask and went to sniff continuously.

It didn't take long for him to stop and head to a direction.

With his speed skill, even those evolved animal feared for their speed can't catch the man.

Soon, he arrived at his destination and saw a scene that instantly made him angry.

He's angry but still managed to keep his mind and quickly positioned himself.

With a sniper rifle in his hands, went to sight using the scope and pull the trigger.

Having a murderous intent, the gun unexpectedly became more powerful killing two evolved humans who are above level ninety with just one shot.

*No, it's a sniper! Take cover!

The first one to notice went to warn and was about to take cover but suddenly, everything became dark.

Except for him, the others were able to find a place to hide.

Seeing this, three wounded evolved female went to retreat to the direction of the sniper.

A fool want to stop them exposing himself, getting a hole on his head.

The three wounded female came to a safe area and immediately drank each healing potions to recover.

At this moment, Zykan won't let anyone go and went to reposition himself exposing everyone.

Before someone could realize it, everyone died including a level one hundred evolved man who's a wielder of a legendary class sword;

directly send to Zykan's system storage.

After collecting everything, head directly to where the three women are.

Alarmed by the incoming presence, became vigilant to raise their weapons.

*Auntie, it's me.

Immediately recognized the voice to;

*It's that you Zykan?

*Yes auntie.

*Damn it son,,, what have you become? I expect you to be strong but not this strong in just a month.

*Well, no matter what will I become, I will be always your nephew.

*Hahaha, that's right. And I will always be your favorite aunt. Come on, let's find the others and continue to break our way to the center. Son, the tree bearing fruit is just a few miles away and if we can get at least one fruit, it's more than enough to regenerate your arms.

The man also want to get that magical fruit to grow back his arms for him to be able to use his skill called Heavenly Fist but choose to;

*Auntie, please trust me in this one and give the order for everyone to retreat; because with my current strength, I feel threatened to those beasts lurking ahead. Only high level extraterrestrial beasts can exclude this kind of pressure and I think they are above level one hundred. It seems that they've been benefiting from the tree and don't want others to get a share.

Believing in the strength as well as the judgement of her nephew, went to give the retreat order through secret channel that only members of the Black Beach mercenary can receive.

She also warn some allied groups before;

*Let's go. We already wasted too much of our time and resources in this place and got nothing but at least we can go home alive and complete.

This aunt said the words and about to take the lead in leaving when;

*Auntie, I want to stay and observe. While there are still many evolved humans in this place that can act as distraction, I will try to familiarize the forest and those beasts guarding it. Don't worry auntie, I know when to advance and when to retreat.

Didn't even think about it and directly;

*Then make sure to be careful always.

Just that sentence and left with two companions.

Alone for him to do his thing, Zykan sniffs before heading to a direction...