A Daring Action.

It takes days for Zykan to ransack the forest taking everything with value and use; leaving the central part untouched.

At the end of the raid, he was the one who got the most benefits without much effort.

With a storage full of good things, directly left the forest and head home; forgot to remove his beast skin camouflage.

Putting the CFC into autopilot mode, took out the ID card of the mask strong woman he met a few days ago and have a look.

"Name: Sang Gin-ah. Birthday: May 27, 2202. Address: ******, **********, Korea. Gender: Female. Class: Legendary. Well, it's a legit legendary class evolved human; not like that Royal loser. Maybe this will act as a wake up call to me that i'm not the only who's so capable. I wonder if what is her level right now. Well, i'm sure it will be known if we become friends. But this is not the right time to pay a visit and should go straight home."

Done talking to himself and directly took back the controls to the CFC and went to fly faster up to it's top speed.

More than two hours later...

Lagawe, Ifugao City, Philippines...

On the rooftop of AAA Building, a CFC landed.

Zykan who's still wearing the beast skin, came out looking at his watch.

"It's still past four in the morning and i'm sure everyone is still asleep."

Said the words to himself before heading down to the fourtieth floor when he met someone on the way and directly was attacked by her.

Seeing this, the man was in a hurry to dodge saying;

*Lyka, it's me!

Recognized the voice and soon his presence, the girl immediately gave her man a hug despite the dirty body and bad smell.

Giving the woman the moment to settle down before asking;

*What are doing here at the rooftop so early in the morning?

Upon hearing the words, you can see the changes on her face for Zykan to;

*Did something happened? I want you to be honest with me.

Hesitated for a moment before;

*Zykan,,, it's about Lilli. She's been having nightmares all the time and one episode just happened just now. Two days ago, she came home and directly went to cry inside her room. She even stopped attending her class. We have been asking her what happened but she won't say it. Aunt Maria went to investigate and found out that it's something to do with Evostore.

The man heard this and instantly had a bad premonition; but everything will be clear if he ask the right person.

Patted Lyka on the shoulder saying;

*Take care of Lilli a little longer and I will take care of her when I return. Go back and stay by her side. I will be back when i'm done.

This lady want to say that someone is watching her but went to say yes, said her goodbye and left.

Alone on the rooptop, a murderous aura suddenly filled the air.

If those weak were present at the scene, would directly lose their conscious because of the pressure.

The man didn't even have the intention to use a CFC and suddenly disappeared.

KGI Building, floor twenty, apartment forty...

Using the balcony door as his entrance, Zykan entered the apartment and directly went to the living room.

The place is a little messy and seems that not been cleaned for a few days.

In the sofa, a woman wearing a short nightdress is asleep because of drunkenness.

The half fullness of the chests can be seen with two long legs but this wonderful scenery didn't attract Zykan at all instead, it was a big bruise on the woman's right rib part that got his attention.

With no desire for the body, he went to lift the dress to check.

The man is not an expert in the field of medicine but he can tell that the injury is serious and can leave permanent damage.

With just this finding, Zykan had an idea. Pull back down the dress, found a blanket and cover the sleeping woman for her to feel warm. Went to sit to the next sofa with a plan to wait.

Never did the man close his eyes and waited for hours; until it's past nine before this manager woke up.

Having a light headache, she went to massage her temples hoping to feel better.

After a few press, finally noticed the uninvited guest in her apartment. Quickly took out her weapon as she proceed to a battle position asking in a cold voice;

*What are you? Leave or I will attack.

In his usual tone;

*You know me and also knows the girl named Lilli. I'm not here to find fault but only want to know what happened to her. No matter what it is, I want to tell me the truth.

Those words, make this manager to understand.

Send away the weapon in her hand as she pick up the blanket to cover the body and at least keep a little dignity.

Went back to the sofa to sit and with red eyes, she said;

*I'm sorry for my imcompetence that made you lose your things. Not only that, your girlfriend was almost got violated that gave her a trauma. I have nothing to compensate you and can only say sorry.

This aged woman still want to stand up to show her sincerity with a ninety degree bow but was;

*Stop. You didn't do anything wrong so don't apologize. I just want for you to tell me everything and I will give justice for Lilli and you.

Emotions doesn't choose whom to hit for this aged woman to shed tears as she;

*As a normal thing to do, I reported what we discussed to the main office. They sent someone to negotiate but I never expect that the representative of the main office didn't have the intention to negotiate at all and just want to buy the goods cheaply. Your girlfriend didn't agree and want to take the goods back but instead of returning it, the representative even want to violate her. Fortunately, I was able to take her away but couldn't take back the goods. I reported the matter to the main office but got no reply. Right now, I have no power at all and could not do anything; might become totally useless...