The Hero's Villainous Act.

Zykan listened to the words and unexpectedly, he's still calm to say;

*Like I said, it's not your fault so stop apologizing. It's me who should say thank you for saving Lilli; resulting for you to lose your job and even got injured. Don't worry, I will take care of you from now on; and so as your injury. Come on, tell me who's that representative and I will begin with him. Evostore stole from me and even want to hurt my people so I want to take everything from them.

The man said a lot of things but this aged woman only heard the words " l will take care of you from now on" and couldn't answer the question; looks like a mute at the moment.

*Miss Deli, is something wrong?

Awaken by the words;

*No,,,nothing. Please come again.

The man was patient and went to repeat the question.

Took a deep breath before;

*Do you really want to go against the whole Evostore? I'm worried that you don't know how powerful the Evo fami...

*Miss Deli, you don't need to worry about anything else. You just need to give the information and let me be the one who will do the bloody work.

Seeing how serious the man is, took out her phone and send several files to Zykan's.

After sending everything, she said;

*I don't know how you will do it but hope that you didn't underestimate the Evo family.

*Like I said, you don't have to worry about. Go on, pack up because you will come with me to your new home. The security in this building is useless and i'm worried for your safety if the Evo family will choose to find you.

Upon hearing the words, even at her age, she can't help to blush.

Stood up and said;

*I hope you won't abandon me in the future.

Before Zykan could respond, the lady had already entered the bathroom.

After waiting for almost an hour, of course he use that time to plan, this aged woman named Deli finally came out; rarely wearing a casual wear for young girls.

*Are you ready?

*Let's go, it's lifeless to live alone in here anyway.

Said the words and took the lead to leave.

On the hallway heading to the elevator;

*By the way, what's the story of your outfit right now. Do you want to go out like that?


*I'm sure you heard the incident happened in Transylvania, Romania? I just got out there and head straight here to find you after I found out about Lilli.

*Transylvania, Romania? They said there's an extraterrestrial tide that broke out and killed thousands of high level evolved humans three days ago. You're lucky to be stuck and was able to get out.

The man was about to say he didn't get stuck when a group of evolved men appeared on the other end of the hallway.

This aged lady named Deli is a strong level fifty evolved human but was scared to hug Zykan's arm.

*Don't worry, i'm here. Tell me who they are.

Really felt security beside the man, managed to calm down and went to say;

*The one leading them is the supervisor i'm talking about. The other five men are his goons.

*Hahaha! Beach, is this your man? Unlucky for him, he will watch you get falk by six daks men. Hahaha.

Treated the words like fart, took Deli back to the room.

*Where do you think you're going beach!?

Like a fool, followed the two to the room with no vigilance at all.

Careless to enter the door and were all cut by something.

In an instant, lose their strength and like noodles they fell to the ground.

*Basturd,,, what did you do to us?

With a dagger in his hand;

*Just a special attribute of a legendary weapon that can paralyze below level eighty like you. At this moment, you're all at my disposal.

*Boy, don't you know who I am? I'm a direct descend... Aaaaahhhh!!!

Couldn't help to scream after one of his leg was cut off.

It was not only cut off but also eaten by four cubs that suddenly appeared.

A piece of meat is not enough for those four cubs to start gnawing the five goons.

Seeing a simple display of how the food chain works;

*No... Please don't kill me. I can give you everything just to keep my life.

Hearing the words he want to hear, Zykan went to approach saying;

*I'm a man of my word and won't kill you; depends on how you will cooperate.

*Please,,, take all of these and leave me alone.

Said the words and begin taking out everything in his system storage; together with the stuffs that he stole.

*Here,,, that's all I got so please let me go already.

*Well, I heard that you're one among the banks of the Evo family and holds more than one million system currencies. The deal is to give everything you have?

*But,,, system currency can't be easily given away. Are you not afraid of the punishment of Heavens?

*Who said you will give it to me? I will sell things worth millions system currencies and you will buy it.

Like what the man said, the two made a transaction in the system and as soon as Zykan received the system money, directly took back the things he sold.

*Well, you're free to go and I won't stop you.

Upon hearing the words, this direct descendant of the Evo family was happy to move but couldn't.

He soon realized that it's not in the deal for the man to free him from paralysis.

The next thing he saw are four mouths full of sharp teeth coming straight to his neck until everything become dark.

While waiting for his four cubs to finish their meal, Zykan did not hesitate to spend five hundred thousand system currencies to buy a legendary level healing potion.

Approach this aged lady named Deli and handed the bottle saying;

*This potion should heal your injury and strengthens your body.

Knowing the very expensive good, she was touched and unsconciously, went to give her well preserved first kiss; taste like wine that becomes sweeter as it age.

The man doesn't want to be rude and welcomed those two soft red lips.

Despite her age, was shy of what she did. With a blushing face, took the bottle and didn't forget to say thank you before drinking it.

Worthy of it's price, instantly shows the healing effect as the bruise on the rib part disappears.

*Well, let's clean up the place before leaving.

Send back the four cubs to the beast storage as he took the lead in cleaning.

As the specialty of women, Deli was quick to help; making the place good as nothing bloody happened...