Social Interconnection.

After cleaning the crime scene for an hour, the two left the apartment using the balcony door.

Equipped with jetpack controlled by the mind, Zykan carried aged Deli on his arms heading home.

AAA Building ...

When the two landed on the rooftop landing platform, this aunt named Maria was there waiting and she immediately;

*Kid, you really know how to make us worry; coming home with a new future wife.

*Stop it auntie. She's older than Rianne and the others for you to tease her.

*Hahaha. Even if she's over fifty years old, she's like a teenager in front of me; my niece. Anyway, what is that you're wearing. You're not a kid anymore for a costume.

*Who said this is a costume? It's more like a disguise not to be recognize. Auntie, i'm leaving again to do some unusual things and I ask you to protect everyone. Even though my identity is hidden, i'm afraid of an accident like what happened to Lilli. Also, please introduce miss Deli to everyone. She will be living with us from now on to manage the store that i'm planning to establish; because Evostore will cease to exist as our store rises.

Knowing that this nephew won't do any evil;

*Go,,, do whatever you want as long as it's not evil; even if it's evil as long as for the good. And as for you big girl, follow me to meet your young sisters.

Said the words and took the lead to go down.

*Don't worry, she's like that but will take care of you. Go on, I will be back later.

*Then be careful.

She had many things to say but chose to say three words and went to follow.

They left and so as the man.

Evostore, Ifugao branch...

With no nonsense and sheet, Zykan directly enter the store having the appearance of a beast and went to take everything in sight.

Being overconfident that no one will dare to rob them, the Evo family didn't put any security to their store and become an easy target for a robbery.

When the Evolved Police came to respond, the robber has long been gone together with everything the store have.

Asking witnesses, they all said that a human in beast form is the culprit; immediately included on the list of top one hundred most wanted in the country.

The whole proccess of robbing happened for less than twenty minutes for Zykan to return home early.

Finally went to remove the beast skin and directly went to see Lilli.

Apartment thirty nine...

The man knocks and it was Lyka who opened the door.

Getting used to it, this girl went to hug her man despite the dirt and smell.

Giving her a few moments to express before;

*How's Lilli?

Getting what she wanted, Lyka was happy to;

*She went out with aunt Maria and sister Deli to stroll. After learning that sister Deli had recovered from her injury, she felt better and was the one to suggest to go out.

*That's good. How about the other? How come the floor is quiet.

*Well, i'm the only one in here while sister Rianne is still working at her lab not to be disturbed. The rest, they went to attend the seminar for newly evolved humans; and at the same time, to recruit new members of our guild.

Hearing it,,, the last sentence;

*Why,,, are they really serious about creating a guild?

*Of course we are. Don't forget that you're the registered guild master. We're also newly evolved humans so why don't we go there and listen to what the seminar is all about.

Worried for her loved ones being bullied;

*Let's go. I will then visit Rianne when we return.

Without realizing something, Lyka agreed right away and took the lead to leave.

Later,,, Ifugao City Stadium...

At the main entrance, you can tell that the seminar is going on through the noise you hear.

*Please tap your evolved human ID.

Lyka was ask by an attendant and was obedient to follow.

Went to tap her ID and acted as a ticket pass.

*Excuse me ma'am, what if I lost my ID? Is there a way that I can still enter?

*The people like you really give us some extra work. Your name?

With a tablet in her hand waiting for;

*Please, it's Zykan Aliguyon.

Quick on the keyboard, a not so impressive information appeared on the screen made her to;

*A low class like you should be more careful in the future. You only lost your ID today but your life might be the next. Go, try to find some time and get a new ID from PERC.

Even if the female attendant is a little rude but still;

*Yes ma'am, thank you.

On the way inside the stadium;

*How did a responsible man like you lost an important thing?

*Well,,, I didn't lose it; just said that to shorten the conversation.

*So what happened exactly.

*To make it short, someone have it and I will get it if I have time. Well, do you know where your sisters are?

*Yes. Yuna and I had chatted earlier and mentioned it. Let me lead the way.

Grabbing a rare opportunity being alone with Zykan, Lyka went to hug her man's arm like a clingy girlfriend as she leads the way.

The stadium is so big that someone who's not familiar with it will surely be lost.

Knowing the way, Lyka led Zykan to the northwest part of the stadium.

Using the row and seat number as their guide, the two managed to find what they are looking for.

As soon as Kristy and the others saw them, were excited to stand up just to welcome; didn't care the gossiping eyes around them.

Concidentally, there are two vacant seats for Zykan and Lyka to occupy after everyone settled down.

It didn't last long for Zykan to notice the woman beside him who keeps covering her nose.

Immediately realized the cause of this action and secretly went to smell himself, especially his armpit area.

With his strong sense of smell, the bad odor hits the nose differently.

There's no reason to be embarrass to Lyka beside him but for the woman to the other side is a different story; even a man like him should be embarrassed...