A Smelly,,, Funny Situation.

Zykan was rarely embarrassed and asked Lyka for them to exchange seats.

Upon hearing the words, Lyka immediately noticed the woman covering her nose and directly understood the situation.

Smiling as she exchange seats with her man.

Looked at the woman who's covering her nose and said;

*I apologize for my boyfriend's smell. He came from a raid and accompanied me here without taking a bath. I hope you understand.

Somehow, the bad smell become tolerable for the woman to free her nose saying;

*In fact, I have no problem about it; just a normal reaction to avoid the smell.

*Thank you for your understanding.

Seeing that the matter was settled, Zykan want to know something and went to ask;

*Am I not bothering your sense of smell?

Lyka heards this and can't help to smile. Went to sniff the air around her man and said;

*What I smell is your masculinity at it's peak.

*Yes Zykan. Your smell right now is the fruit of your effort for the past days so don't be embarrassed about it. I'm not saying that it's okay not to take a bath. After all, you should also consider other people around us. But even if you smell, I can be clingy to you all day long.

It was this girl named Ligaya who really went to hug Zykan's arm like a clingy long-legged girlfriend.

The woman who covered her nose just now, looked at the scene with doubt and curiousity.

Lyka beside her noticed the facial exressions and was proud to say;

*Except for you and the girl beside you, all the ladies in this row are his girlfriends; future wives.

The statement sounded and someone sitting at the back can't help to;

*Tsk,,, a rich loser and his beaches.

The words were not loud but heard by other men for them to smirk.

Someone dared to disrespect his beloved women for a man who respect women like Zykan to take action but Ligaya was quicker to say;

*The feelings of envy and jealousy are strong to made the atmosphere unbreathable. If there are beaches as beautiful like us, you won't come here alone starring at someone else girlfriend. Better keep your mouth shut if you're just jealous and evnvious; because the man you called a rich loser is a poor man who attracts women with pure strength. And by the way, most of us whom you called beaches are from rich families from different countries and can make the whatsoever your family called to disappear without a trace. Don't take this as a threat because it's your first and last warning.

Ended the statement like that and has no intention to speak again; only want to hug her man's arm at the moment.

Embarrassed and angry but the talkative man didn't act by impulse and chose to do some reseach first before deciding what to do.

Got the silence they wanted for everyone to listen in the on going seminar.

It seems that the seminar is not the main event to end after two hours.

The host got back the microphone and directly went to;

"Ladies and gentlemen, I hope that you learned something from what they said because it will keep you away from troubles where you might lose everything. Anyways, the first part of this event is done and it's time to proceed to the second and last part. Because most of the attendees of this seminar are mostly newly evolved humans, representatives from different guilds are here to recruit. Guilds who are willing to spend money were given five minutes each to convince fresh bloods to join their organization. Without any further ado, let's welcome the Militania Guild. I'm sure everyone knows the fact that this guild is the biggest and strongest guild in the world; founded by an ex military who's on the list of top ten strongest evolved human in the world."

At this moment, the representative of the Militania guild is on the stage for the host to give the spotlight.


Back to the stadium seating,,, northwest part...

Zykan was listening to the speech when Kristy came to approach saying;

*Ruru, I was able to get a spot on the stage and now that you're here, better prepare a speech because you will be the one to speak.

*Why,,, how can they allow a small guild on this kind of event?

*Huh! Riri put a lot of effort in order for the guild to be establish so better take it seriously. She's been working nonstop for the past days modifying something for you so recruiting some members will surely make her happy. Do you understand?

The man understood for him to say;

*Don't worry, I already know what to do.

*Well, I know you won't disappoint us; never you did. By the way, we only accept female applicants so make it clear on your speech.

Said the words and went back to her seat.

The woman who's beside Lyka, the one covered her mouth was very curious and can't help to;

*Sister, what's the name of your guild? Are the members really all females?

Thinking that the girl is a potential applicant;

*Sister, let me first introduce myself. My name is Lyka Marcos. And yes, all the members in our guild called Galpower are all women; except for the guild master who's,,, you know what I mean.

Upon hearing the words, the woman was surprised to cover her mouth.

Doubful, Lyka can't help to ask;

*Sister, are we on the same page because it seems that you misunderstood?

With a confuse expression;

*Did sister Lyka meant that the guild master was born a man but a woman in heart?

Those words, made Lyka to laugh out loud as she slap her epic level palm on Zykan's shoulder.

Ligaya on the other side was curious to;

*Sister Lyka, please share the joke for us to laugh with you.

The others were really looking at them waiting.

*Better leave it and tell them when we get home not to attract too much attention.

The man suggested it but how can Lyka hold on and went to;

*Hahaha. Everyone, this sister beside me thought that Zykan is a man with a heart of a woman; a rainbow wielder. Hahaha.

She laugh and so as her sisters making the area noisy of beautiful laughters; attracting the attention of those who are around them...