What A Dikk...

The new girl became the center of attention for her to be tease by those future sisters.

Thanks to Zykan who made them stop; worried that this beauty named Nikka can't take it anymore.

Everyone settled down, waiting for the five minute presentations to end.

It's already past two o'clock in the afternoon when the host;

"That's it! The talking is over and you can now finally stand from your seats to find the best suitable guild to everyone. Goodluck and may the Heavens bless us all...

As soon as the last word was uttered, you can hear the movements of the attendees coming down to the stadium field.

As expected, these newly evolved humans are aiming at those powerful guilds for their booth to become overcrowded.

Zykan didn't care at all and went to the sideline to take a nap.

Knowing that the man must be tired, didn't disturb and waited on their own post; most of them are idle on a seat.

Surprisingly, three beauties came to apply.

The one who went to welcome is this future wife named Yuna; the one that can see things.

Just by looking at them, she immediately found out their intentions and as well as their human nature.

Making sure that she didn't see it wrong, gave a nod to Kristy.

Seeing this;

*Sisters, thank you for choosing Galpower. Let's wait for others and later, we will proceed to our guild base. In there, everything will be process for you to officially become members of the Galpower guild.

Trusting the words of their fellow woman, went to find seats to wait. Only a few minutes later, two woman came to inquire and eventually was convince by Kristy to join with the approval of Yuna.

Five people is a good start for Kristy and the others to expect more but the next group who came to visit the booth was composed of all men.

The one leading them immediately went to;

*Ladies, i'm sure you know the Daks guild; among the top ten guild in Ifugao City. We're here to propose for an alliance with your guild. With a strong guild as your alliance, i'm sure Galpower will climb the ladder of power among guilds in a short period of time. With all the support that the Daks guild will give to yours, we only want one thing,,, that is what a woman can offer to a man.

Openly, went to licked his lips after saying the words; full of lewdness and sheet.

As the oldest and with highest level, Wanwan want to handle the situation and was about to speak up when Zykan who's sleeping behind them suddenly appeared in front saying in a dead tone;

*The Galpower guild doesn't have any plans to create an aliliance to anyone so leave now.

The intention was clear for a fool to understand but the leader of the group just laugh at it and said.

*Boy, do you think you can go around and scare evolved humans with your fake legendary sword. I don't know how did you recruit this group of beauties but to keep them, you should have real strength. Better accept our offer and we can enjoy them together tonight.

Surprisingly, Zykan was still patient to;

*Apologize for having a mouth full of sheet and leave.

But instead of apologizing, went to pull down his pants and tada, a hard bladeless sword pointing straight to everyone showed up.

*This hard thing has popped many cherries out there and I'll surely pop several of yours. Ha!Ha!Ha.

Proud and arrogant to show his thing but soon realized that something is missing.

Went to look down and saw his thing on the ground; cut off clean.

The weird part was, no blood came out spurting; seems that the wound was closed by something hot.

This leader was about to scold but was;

*If you say any word, your head will accompany your ugly dikk on the ground. So better get out of here before I commit a defensive murder.

This leader still have his balls on him but didn't have the guts to speak anymore.

Went to put back his pants, picked up the lifeless dikk and left with revenge in his mind.

This scene, attracted the attention of the people around; curious on how did the dikk fell on the ground.

Zykan as the protagonist, ignored the matter and only cared for his loved ones.

Zykan looked at them and said;

*Don't worry about them; will die first if revenge is what they seek.

He said the words and noticed those cheeks blushing.

*Kristy, why are you and the others look like that?

Kristy as the nearest was asked and got instantly annoyed saying;

*Damn stupid Ruru! You should have stop that pervert. And now,,, dirtied our innocent eyes. Come on sisters, ignore this fool for him to learn his lesson.

Really ignored Zykan as the others followed.

Wanwan on the other hand went to approach him saying;

*They love you so much that just by seeing other's dikk make them think that they had cheated.

Understood what she meant and unexpectedly, the man went to ask;

*How about you? You didn't blush at all? Is it that you doesn't love me that much or you have seen plenty of it.

This aged Wanwan heard the words and suddenly want to make things clear for her to whisper;

*Kid,,, i'm old but still innocent like a little girl. As for my love for you,,, no woman who wants a man's child if she doesn't love him. Some women only want a good bloodline but for me, there's definitely love involve; enough to stay with you and everyone.

A piece of wood like Zykan, he still knows how to return the feeling and so;

*I know that you're too many for one man to care of but I will try my best to fulfill my responsibilities both as a husband and the head of the family.

*Well, i'm sure can; already believed in you when we're still in the forest. Go on,,, I know that you're tired so better continue to nap.

Patted the Zykan on the shoulder before finally went to join her sisters pretending to ignore their man...