Keeping A Secret...

Seeing how his beloved women working together to ignore their man, made Zykan to smile as he return to his seat and went to nap once again.

No one knows if it's because of the scene just now where there's a cutting of banana happened for groups of women to appear with the intention to join their guild.

Yuna got busy and was able to screen out those who are evil in nature which is half of the applicants.

At the end of the day, the Galpower was able to recruit thirty five new members.

Leaving the stadium, the group went straight home.

AAA Building, one of it's conference hall.

There are more than fifty people in the hall but still looks spacious accommodating a small part.

Zykan wants to be just an expectator but Kristy gave him the job to welcome the new members.

Standing in front of many young beauties, the man still has the usual expression as he;

*As you all know already, i'm the guild master but just in paper and I won't meddle in your affairs; only to support everyone. My name is Zykan Aliguyon and I welcome you to Galpower guild. I don't know to other guilds but in here, everyone is treated equally. No one would be left behind because I will make sure to help you through your lives both as a human being and evolved one. I don't know what are your reasons in joining Galpower guild but thank you for choosing us. I trust what your sister Yuna sees in everyone so as early as now, each of you will receive a set of equipments.

Uttered the last word and directly went to spread four blankets as different kinds of equipments were taken out; all in the epic level.

*Go on, you have all the time to choose what's best for you.

The words were heard but no one moved; didn't know what to do.

*You heard the man. We are now a family so don't think that there's a trick behind it. The only thing that we ask is everyone's loyalty.

It was Kristy who went to speak to make things clear.

These new members heard the words for them to promise their loyalty; not just to acquire epic level equipments but because it's what they had decided before joining the guild.

Zykan wants to stay and watch on the sideline when suddenly thought of Rianne and Lilli.

After saying goodbye to Kristy and others, head directly to floor forty.

Went to knock at the door of apartment seventy nine and it was Deli who opened the door.

This aged lady seems to be more daring, seeing herself as one of the man's future wife for her to act like one.

With a worried face, she ask;

*How did it go?

Seeing the worried look, went to smile saying;

*It's done. The Evostore branch in Ifugao city is closed and our store managed by you will be open soon. Later, talk to Kristy and she will help you prepare everything. Anyway, how's Lilli?

Her man is not worried at all so why should she.

With a smile on her face;

*Lilli had enjoyed her day and was too tired for her to take a nap.

*Well, that's good to hear. How about aunt Maria?

*She just left a few minutes ago to meet some old friends.

*Old friends? Well, I will come back again to see Lilli. Please take care of her.

*I will, like a little sister so don't worry about it.

The two said goodbyes for Zykan to leave and head straight to see Rianne.

Knowing the code, the man enter the lab and saw Rianne pressing her temples; seems to be tired.

*Why don't you rest if you're tired?

The girl immediately recognized the voice and suddenly became energetic to rush towards her man and gave him a tight hug saying;

*I missed so much. I was so worried that you found someone out there and don't want us anymore.

*You silly. Even if the memory is lost, the heart will lead me to you, Kristy and the others. I'm sure you know how important you are to me so what makes you think of it?

Zykan was just asking but instead of answering, Rianne went to cry.

*Riri, what wrong with you?

You can hear the worries on the man's tone when he went to ask.

But once again, didn't get an answer as the crying becomes louder.

Seeing his beloved woman like this, an unexplainable pain in the chest was felt.

With teary eyes;

*Riri, please say something. No matter wha...

*No Ruru,,, you can't do anything about it because it me who's the problem. Huhuhu.

Confused for him to;

*Riri, can you please calm down and let's talk about it. Watching you like this, it's breaking my heart.

No woman wants their man to suffer because of them and slowly, Rianne calm down before;

*Ruru,,, if someone asked me to keep something very important to you and I did, would you blame me? Will you hate me and drive me away?

Without thinking about it, the man went to say;

*Even if you want to stab me, I will not dodge; because I know that you would and wouldn't do things only for the best for me. Ten years,,, ten years with you is more than enough for my trust to be unbreakable. No matter what you are hiding from me, I will wait for the time that it's okay for you to say it. So forget about it and return to your jolly self. Can you do that for me?

The man asked but didn't get a reply for him to check and found out that the girl fell asleep in his arms; finally reached the limit for the body to rest on it's own.

Also feeling tired, Zykan carried Rianne and head to the area in the lab where there's a bed for them to rest together.

Clingy even when asleep, Rianne lays on Zykan's chest; looks very comfortable...