The Feared Four Treasures.

In his sleep, Zykan start to dream again.

This time, things are new and can't tell which part on earth his dream is happening.

He realized that this must be one of those dreams about unfamiliar places and stuffs.

In his dream,a city-like place is under attack by a race unknown to Zykan.

The invaders have already reached the main stronghold and definitely will end the war soon victorious.

But a lone evolved being came out to intercept, killing many strong invaders in just a few seconds. The ones who retreated were hunted down and all were killed one by one.

Zykan looked at this kind of existence, the man is sure that he will end the same fate as those invaders in his current strength.

The face, Zykan went to make sure to remember not to offend her if there's a chance to meet in the future.

The man doubt that those marks all over her beautiful face were there since birth but the typical scar on the right eye is permanent; made as a distinctive mark to easily recognize this powerful female evolved being.

What's more, she got a silver and golden hair which is one in a trillion for someone to have; so it is easy to recognize such an existence.

There's still so much to see but awaken by a heavy feeling.

When he opened his eyes, saw someone laying on his chest; the entire body was resting to his.

This lady who thinks she's a cat that can sleep anywhere is not Rianne but the one called Lilli.

Zykan went to look around and saw Rianne who's already busy in front of something for brainy ones.

Considerate for the one sleeping, did not move to let Lilli sleep comfortably.

An hour later, like a cat stretches her limbs as soon as she wakes up.

*Did you sleep well?

*No, I still want for us to be like this.

*Little girl, why don't you let Ruru take a bath first? I'm sure his smell became worse. What's more, he's a busy man and already overslept so free him to get back to his thing.

Obedient like a little girl, get off from the man's body after giving him a tight hug.

Zykan finally got up from the bed, pat Lilli on the head and head directly to the lab's bathroom to take a bath; because he himself is uncomfortable to his own smell.

It takes thirty minutes for the man to clean himself. When he came out from the bathroom, found out that Lilli is not there.

*I send her to school because she already missed a lot of school days.

Come here Ruru,,, your stuff have been repaired and even modified.

The man heard it and there he went. On a wide table, saw four things: a sword, long spear, a gun-like weapon and a shield.

*Ruru, do you recognize these equipments?

So mysterious to ask the question, Zykan tried to remember but seems that he lacks the knowledge to recognize the things.

*Well, you're the one who got the brain. Tell me Riri, are these things as good as the ones in the system shop?

*Oh, do you think there's a free meal in this world? Give me a kiss,,, on the lips and I will tell you everything I know.

This behavior, a sign that Rianne had return to her usual self and Zykan was relieved.

Now that no one is holding him back, get close to the most important person in the world and slowly, his lips touches hers for both of them to feel the best feeling ever.

The two wet each other's lips for a few seconds before separating; both happy and satisfied.

As promised, Rianne was smiling to;

*The reason you don't know these things is because they're not from the system shop but self-made equipments who's not from earth. The crazy part is that they are better than those legendary stuffs in the system shop and can become a Mythic class equipments in the future. It's because these things can level up like us evolved beings. I'm sure the creator of these things is the best in the field. Do you know what's even more crazier? These four things are used at once; giving me the idea that the one who wielded them has four arms to hold four things at the same time. And do you know what's the craziest part?. It's perfectly fit for you because you can make another two arms for you to wield them. Is it too coincidental,,, or it's a fate. Anyways, it's yours now and was modified just for your own use only.

The last sentence, made Zykan to wonder and went to say;

*If you can modify these things, does it means that you're as good as the one who made it?

*Well, i'm still learning and need a lot of experience so it's not right to say i'm as good as anyone who are the best in their fields.

*Is that so. Then always remember that i'm here to support you.

*And so I am.

This lady said the words and want a kiss again.

Zykan saw these signs and went to give it but the door of the lab suddenly opens for the two to quickly separates.

*Am I interrupting something? Should I come back when you're done?

Rianne was so embarrassed but Zykan is not for him to;

*Stop the nonsense and tell us what you want.

*Relax kid, you have all the time to play with your wife after I speak with her. Go on, leave first and come back when we're done talking.

*Take your time because I won't come back.

Went to kiss Rianne on the forehead, send the four things in his system storage and left.

When Zykan left;

*How did you do?

Rianne heard the words and the eyes start to shed tears once again as she;

*I'm sorry auntie but I wasn't able to hold my emotions and said to Zykan that someone ask me to hide something important from him but didn't say what is it. Yet even so, a wise man like him might had already guessed that you're than someone; confirmed his guess when you came here to see me.

Seems that this aunt was expecting it to happen and wen to say;

*Stop being a crybaby because it's not something for you to cry. Let me handle it so don't worry about it anymore.

Patted Rianne on the head and left...