Another Typical Meeting The Mother-In-Law Scene.

In a high-end restaurant...

Katrin took Zykan to a private room and the girl was surprised to see other people aside from her mother.

As soon as they arrived;

*So my little sister finally showed up. And who's with her? Is this the man who took advantage of someone's state of vulnerability because of emotional unstableness and seduced her to cohabit. He really had the guts to...

This elder brother of Katrin who's obviously here to make things hard for Zykan, arrogantly said the words but didn't have the guts to continue when he saw the man's appearance.

*Honey, are my eyes fooling me? Tell me that the man in front of us is not what i'm thinking he is.

Being together for so long, this wife understood what her husband meant and was in a hurry to;

*Honey, your eyes didn't deceive you. The man in front of us is the famous "Flower Thief",,, and really going around stealing flowers like my sister-in-law.

The mother heard this and can't help to ask;

*Son, do you know him?

Asked by his mother for him to calm down a little and in a helpless expression, he said;

*Mother, i'm surprised that you don't know him when he's famous in all kinds of social media platforms. I'm here to intimidate him and take the initiative to leave Katrin but i'm afraid that my strength is far away behind. Maybe if you brought father, he might have the ability?

*What,,, is it a bit of exaggeration? He looks like the same age as Katrin and you're telling me that a sixty years old evolved human like you is no match. You don't even had the guts to try and see if he's really that good.

"Why,,, i'm not stupid to take the risk just to test such an existence because if the strength is real, there's no reset button to avoid a disaster."

Finished saying the words to himself before;

*Mother, I think he's perfect for Katrin. Just give her your blessing and you will have a strong son-in- law.

*Yes mother, elder brother is right. Did I tell that he's strong and been spoiling me as an evolved woman.

*Really? Do you know that the more capable a man is, the more he has the chance to cheat. That useless boy named Danyel was able to cheat so what's more to this capable man; have many spares and would dump you anytime.

Things should be said for Katrin to;

*Even if he dumps me today, i'm still so lucky to meet him because what he gave me for just more than a month is worth one hundred years of someone's effort. But i'm sure Zykan will never do that,,, and would stay with us until the cycle called life ends.

This daughter is determined so she want to;

*How about you kid,,, do you have something to say?

Now that Zykan was asked, neither arrogant nor humble;

*One thing I can say is from now on, Katrin is under my care. So you don't have to worry about her anymore. And don't think that I don't have the ability because if I want to show off, I can directly get the title: the richest man in the Philippines. If you don't believe it, I am too lazy to prove myself just for the approval of others. In fact, there's no need for your approval because what matters is that Katrin and I appove each other. So if the family doesn't give it's blessing, I just gonna take Katrin away. After all, she's already old enough to have her own family.

Despite those words, this mother still doesn't want to compromise saying;

*Kid, do you really want to go against the Vernardo family.

The son beside her heard the words and can't help to scold in silence before;

*Mother, please don't embarrass our family. Do you know that even the Royal family in England had chose to back down in front of him. I'm sure you know how big the gap that family from ours.

Hearing this, she is somewhat scared.There's a moment of thinking before she went to say;

*As a mother, all I want is for the best for my daughter. I don't want for her to be like me; a tenth wife who only gives children to her husband but got attention and care. So this I ask you,,, who is Katrin to you?

With so much nonsense, the real matter finally came up.

The man became serious than usual saying;

*It's true that at my young age, I already have many women to take care of and i'm confident that I can. It's a lie to say that they are all the same in my heart because there are those who have much weight. But this i'm sure,,, that I love Katrin more than myself; same to her other sisters. It sounds like just some flowery words but believe me, that's who is Katrin to me.

To make the words of her man more credible;

*Yes mother,,, Zykan treated me, us, like spoiled princesses. Do you know that he gave me a skill scroll without asking anything. We didn't even sleep together until now and already received good things more than the things you recreived from father. Only this fact can prove that Zykan didn't keep me for my body but have true feeling for me. Mother, I assure you that it will not take long for you to see how i'm so lucky to meet him.

Solidly convinced, this mother finally accepted Zykan as her son-in-law.

Went to invite the two to sit down and told her son to order their food.

In an instant, the conversation became pleasant which is hot just now; made Katrin so happy.


In a room, AAA Building.

"Girl, where are you? Auntie called me looking for you. Don't tell me you ran away with your boyfriend."

"Luh,,, who's so capable to be my boyfriend."

"Well, you better go home because i'm sure the family is looking for you to meet a man."

"They wish! Even if they come to drag me home, my brother-in-law won't allow it."

"Girl, who's that brother-in-law with the guts to go against the Sang family?

"Hehehe, do sister Ha-gin thinks i'm that stupid? It's not that I don't trust my sister but you're too honest and will surely tell my mother about it. Well sister, just tell them that i'm fine. I need to go now, bye."

"Tut, tut, Tut".

Before this girl with the nickname Ha-gin could ask more question, heard the tut tut sound for her to;

"This girl,,, she dare to hang up on me." ...