World Alliance.

This girl still went to scold a few times for this brother beside her to;

*The two of you grow up together and you still react to her character like this. Anyway, we have a raid tomorrow so be on a stanby.

When hearing the words, went to muster her courage and said;

*Brother, can I not go?

Curious of the reason as he;


She's a little embarrass of the reason but still was honest to;

*I want to visit a friend who's outside the country.

A wise man like this brother had immediately guess something and said;

*Is that friend you met a few days ago; the one that you have his ID?

*It's him. After all, I need to return his ID and take back mine.

*Is that the only reason? Because you can let someone do it but how come you chose to do it yourself. Don't forget that your marriage to the Royal family was settled.

*Huh! Who want to marry into that weak bloodline family? And i'm sure the family will break it off after the Royal family lost many strong core members .

*So it means that you prefer that boy you met once? With no family background and power?

Annoyed at the moment and no one knows if she's just angry to say;

*What's wrong with him? He dares to raid alone in one of most dangerous place on earth; not like that arrogant loser who's spoiled by his family. For him to appear at that kind of place, no one can question his ability. Even if they assessed him as a weak uncommon class, I trust what I felt that time; like we're on a same footing.

*Hahaha. In short, you're in love.

As soon as the words sounded, the face flushes as she;

*You stupid brother! Wait and see,,, I will tell sister Hai-en that you have a crush on her.

*Hahaha. You're so in love stalking your man and didn't have the the time to search for other news. Our wedding is already set and here you are,,, making me laugh.

*You! Do you think you're the one who's going to me? You won't even know and i'm already married.

This elder brother heard the words and his smile suddenly disappear.

With a serious face;

*What do you mean by that girl?

*Huh! I don't want to talk to you anymore. I'm going,,, goodbye.

*Don't you dare disap...

He went to dare but still, this little sister went to disappear; leaving him alone scolding in the room like a fool.


The Hexagon, Arlington County, Virginia, USA...

In a conferrence hall, high ranking officials from different countries are rarely gathered in one place.

As the host, an american representative is on the podium talking;

*,,, as you all know, we are here to talk about creating an Alliance that every country are oblige to join. It's not that the US is being domineering but the support of every country is needed because the matter is about the survival of the human race. I'm sure you heard about the extraterrestrial tide that happened in Transylvania, Romania. Our team made a thorough investigation and found out the number of beast that came out that time is very high. It's not bothering if those are just evolved animals but it's a race of extraterrestrial beasts that keeps growing day by day. And let's not forget those other danger zones that are above level five where human failed to raid. It's stupid for us to think that there's nothing happening in those places because we all know that the population of extraterrestrial beast on Earth is rising. If we won't find a way to eliminate them, us, the human race will be outnumbered one day and have no choice but to leave our own land just to survive. So as early as now, humans should unite and elimate all beasts that are threat to our planet. And also, let's not forget that human is not the only race in the universe and we should prepare for a possible invasion from other races. I'm sure that with the unity of the strongest evolve humans in every country, Earth can be able to fight invaders from another planets. It's only that everyone should put aside the differences we have and unite as one to be able to protect the the same land we are living.

With such an explanation through speech, anyone would be convinced.

After a few moments of silence;

*The representative of the Philippines supports the creation of an Alliance. The information will be relayed to the President and I make sure for him to agree.

*Japan speaks the same.

*Korea also gives their support.

One by one, Asian countries took the lead for others to follow.

Out from one hundred ninety five countries, one hundred eighty one attended the said meeting and all agreed to create an Alliance.

At the end of the discussion, the "World Alliance" was established; no doubt the powerful force on planet Earth.

Meanwhile,,, Philippines...

More than an hour for a meal, Katrin and Zykan came out from the restaurant hand in hand.

The girl won't miss the chance being alone with her man and was not embarrass to be clingy in front of so many people.

As for Zykan, he didn't care and just let his woman enjoy.

Saying goodbye to her family, Katrin suggest for the two to have a stroll before going home.

Speaking of home...

At the moment, AAA Building lobby.

A young girl wearing a mask seems to be lost for an attendant to;

*Ma'am, can I help you? Are you to here apply?

Someone came to help which she needed so;

*Yes please. I'm looking for Zykan Aliguyon. He lives at apartment eighty.

*Well ma'am, do he knows your coming. If yes, you can just go straight to see him in his apartment.

*No he doesn't. In fact, we...

*Ha-gin,,, is that you?

Interrupted, both looked at the speaker and;

*Ae-ri,,, what are you doing here?

*What I am doing here? I'm here to take refuge in your husband's place. Why,,, do you want to drive your cousin away?

Upon hearing this, this attendant was quick in her wits to say;

*I'm sorry ma'am for not recognizing you. Now that you have your cousin, please excuse me.

Said the words and directly left; leaving this girl with the nickname Ha-gin so embarrassed...