His Zen...

Alone on the rooftop, Zykan went to absorb the big revelation that his aunt suddenly confessed to him.

With a strong heart and mind, it didn't affect him at all; just being a little emotional at the moment.

Looking up to the sky,,, even I don't know what the man is thinking.

I can only feel the atmosphere starts to change,,, getting hard to breath.

With the eyes turned red, can see through the clouds and space.

When the man was about to transform;

*Zykan,,, what's wrong with you? You're scaring me.

Just those words, brought back Zykan to sanity.

Thanks to the timely arrival of Kristy, saved the man from his mind fooling him.

*Zykan, is everything alright?

With a rare smile on her face;

*It's nothing. Let's go back.

Took the hand of his beloved Kristy and lead the way.

Worried, this young wife can't help to;

*Zykan, can you tell me something for my mind to be at peace.

*Let's talk about it some other day. Just always remember that I love you.

Stopped to kiss Kristy on the forehead and went to continue to walk again.

As an understanding wife, Kristy didn't ask anymore and went to enjoy the warm feeling on her hand; caused by the touch of a loved ones.

Before entering the apartment, the two let go of each other's hands as a consideration to the feelings of the people inside.

In the living room, a group of beauties are laughing and suddenly stopped when the two arrived.

Managed to return to his normal self for Zykan to;

*It seems that you're getting along. Why don't you call everyone and let's have a get together party. And also, i'm going away for a long raid so I will take this chance to say goodbye.

Everyone was happy when they heard the first part of the statement but felt sad upon hearing the last one.

Despite knowing that something is wrong;

*You heard the man, don't just sit there and let's start to prepare. Sister Gin-ah and Ae-ri are exceptions; will stay to have a chat with Zykan.

Now that the Elder sister has spoken, everyone took action after receiving their own task.

They left and immediately;

*So brother Zykan, I wonder if there is still space here at fortienth floor for sister Ha-gin and me.

It was this cousin named Ae-ri who went to speak first.

On the other hand, Gin-ah was in a hurry to;

*Ae-ri, your talking nonsense again. Better behave on your seat not to embarrass us anymore.

*Just let her be sister Gin-ah. You don't need to restrain her as well as restraining yourself. Don't feel like an outsider and act freely. In here, we are a family.

*Yes Ha-gin,,, you and brother Zykan will be husband and wife so don't be polite here.

The shy Gin-ah want to deny but choose to bow her head with a flushed face.

An action that indirectly agreeing to the statement, Zykan is still skeptical and said;

*Sister Gin-ah, are you sure you want me as your husband? I'm sure there are still many promising men that you will meet in the future so it's too early to settle with me.

Ae-ri is really a talkative cousin and want to answer but was;

*Don't be too spoiled and let your cousin answer.

Obedient like a little girl, went to pout on her seat and didn't make a sound.

Seeing this scene, Gin-ah can't help to smile as she;

*Brother Zykan, I already decided to try it with you. If fate disagree, we can still be good friends.

*Well, that sounds more believable. Then let me invite the two of you to the raid party that composed of me and your sisters.

*Me, me, invite me first.

Already sent two invitations and were directly accepted by the two beauties.

*Falk sister, he's level eighty five; thirty five levels higher than you. I thought you have the highest level among our peers because of your skill but you look like a joke in front of brother Zykan.

Equally shocked as her cousin, Gin-ah is so curious as she;

*You,,, how did you do it? Do you have similar skill like me for you to level up so fast?

With no intention to boast;

*Even if I have a skill to level up faster than usual, it's useless if I am too weak to hunt beasts. To make it short, I have the ability to kill beasts enough to reach my current level; with the fact that there's no limit in levelling up.

*Well,well,well, it seems that what attracted Ha-gin is your strength; the nature of women who want security from their man. Come on brother, can you tell me what is your skill to be so strong.

The enthusiasm,,, Zykan is not heartless to say no and decided to show the ability of his pet.

As his favorite weapon, creates a two meter long sniper rifle as he;

*I can create things as long as I know the details. With this rifle in my hand, I can kill anyone from a sneak long ranged attack; especially those beasts with low intelligence. Coupled with it's power as the same level of a legendary weapon, only the real strong can survive.

*Wow, I never seen a very long gun like this before. I'm sure even wearing a defensive accessory won't save your life. I wonder if it can break a defense of a level eighty evolved human?

*Well, I already killed some evil men who are above level ninety so there's no doubt about it.

Killing beasts are normal but killing fellow humans is still a taboo in the mind of these two girls for the atmosphere to change.

Zykan notice this and went to;

*Listen up the two of you, some people will not hesitate to kill so you need to kill not to be killed. Out there, it's the survival of the fittest, the law of the jungle. You have been spoiled by your family and didn't teach you how cruel humans are; even worse that beasts. I hope that you got my point and always be careful to the people around you. I have no doubt with your sisters in here but for those outsiders, many will stab you at the back one day. So make sure to never put down your guard in the future. Do you hear me?

Someone in the same age as them went to teach but like little girls nodding.

Kristy who came to tell the plan, saw this scene and can't help to;

*Ruru, what's going on here?

*It's nothing. I just told them some realities in life. Come on, what do you have for us?

*Well, we rented a restaurant beside AAA building. Let's head there and wait for the others.

* Then let's go.

Invited the two other beauties and took the lead to go down...