
Gazzebo Restaurant...

A whole floor was rented for the evening and a number of waiters are preparing the place for a simple party.

Zykan saw this scene and ask;

*Do we need to spent so much for a simple meal?

*Why,,, do we still need to save money? Is not that we are wasting it but for us to enjoy.

*Well, as long as everyone is happy. By the way, did you inform everyone? Our new members?

*Yes Ruru, including aunt Amihan, aunt Anne and others.

*That's good. Let's find a place to settle down and wait for the others.

Said the words and lead three beauties to find a random spot.

It didn't take long for the others to arrive in groups, occupying those vacant seats.

At the moment, the food are being serve on a big table; buffet style.

At the podium where bands play, Zykan is standing there not to perform but to;

*Hello everyone, i'm not good at talking in front of people but I will take this opportunity to say thank you. Thank you for the ones who helped me become what I am today and the new ones who chose to become part of my life. I was...

At a table located at the back;

*Aunt Maria, did something happened? Ten years being with Ruru, he never talks like this before.

*Niece Rianne, I already told Zykan everything. I advice you to say your goodbye properly tonight because Zykan might be gone for so long. I hope my niece won't try to stop him because he deserves to find who he is. But don't worry, his love for you and the others is enough for him to return. Let's just give him the freedom and peace of mind to find the truth about himself. And when he comes back, you can say that the man is really yours.

Hearing the words, Rianne holds her tears not to fall.

Thinking that she will be apart from her beloved man, failed to contain the emotions and couldn't stop those tears like rain falling.

Went to lay on her aunt Maria's chest and there she went to cry in silence.

*Girl, did you hear what I said? Zykan will not leave us so don't be like this. The first child was even reserved for you so you should be happy. As long as you reached the right age and level, you're the first to bear his child. Come on, calm down yourself before the others will notice. We are not here to be sad but to enjoy.

It was the "first child" part that made Rianne happy and instantly changed her mood asking;

*Aunt Maria, did Ruru said that himself?

*Yes,,, so cheer up and don't make everyone worry.

*Yes auntie.

Coincidentally, Zykan also finished his short speech and left the podium.

Kristy took the place and went to bless the food before giving the go signal to eat.

And so, everyone serves their own food, return to their seats and there they talk about themselves while eating.

There are different groups in every table but there's no difference between them; just separated by their seats.

The occassion lasted for three hours before everyone went home; mostly at AAA Building.

Apartment eighty,,, in the living room.

Aside from Kristy, Rianne, Yuna and Dianiella who lives in the apartment, Zykan called his aunt Maria, aunt Amihan and Deli to join.

This teenage girl named Lilli, no one called her but she's present, maybe followed Deli by secret.

Zykan didn't mind the uninvited guest and went to;

*I called aunt Maria here for me to give all the wealth of the family to her. Aunt Maria, please take in as I take out.

Without giving the chance for this aunt to ask question, start taking out all kinds of treasures.

Put aside her doubt and also start to send the treasures to her system storage which is already as big as the size of a small village.

Ten minutes later, the transfer was finished and directly;

*Aunt Maria, please be responsible to kept safe those treasures. The good stuffs would be used by our family and what remains will be sold in our store. Sister Deli will manage the store so please assist her.

Instead of saying yes;

*Son, did you rob a store or what? And where did you get those epic and legendary level equipments? I can't believe you have such this number.

With his usual expression;

*Yes, I rob a store but most of the good things were taken from those evolved humans who died at Hoia Baciu forest in Transylvania, Romania.

*Well, it doesn't matter where it came from as long as it's not from the poor and good people. Then I take Deli to talk about the store. Take care always son.

Didn't want to be emotional in front of these nieces/daughter-in-laws and directly left as soon as she finished her words.

Deli like an obedient little girl, said her own goodbye before following.

Zykan still want to say something but now that they already left, send two raid party invitations and were immediately accepted.

Also send one to his aunt Amihan saying;

*Accept it and never leave.

Knowing the character of the man, went to accept it without any nonsense.

Not only that but received a set of legendary class eqquipments which are all very suitable for her.

*Kid, I hope this is not like those scenes in movies where the main characters are saying goodbye before heading to an unsure war.

This aunt can't help anymore and went say what is in her mind.

Hearing the words, Zykan smiled saying;

*Everything is unsure but it depends on someone's ability. My aunt knows me well that I do things with a plan; backed with several contingencies.

*Well, that sounds like you. Then I wish you success. Always remember that there will be a family waiting for you to come back.

*I know auntie. It will never forget.

*That's good.

Went to say some words and left.

Without those elders, Lilli become talkative saying;

*Finally, I got my turn to speak with my man. I hope big sister Rianne, sister Kristy, sister Yuna and sister Dianiella don't mind.

Said the words as he went to hug Zykan's arm.

*Well, make sure to make it quick and go to sleep early.

Older to understand, Rianne pulled Kristy, Yuna and Dianiella to leave after saying the words.

Upon hearing this, Lilli was so happy to snuggle closed to Zykan; humming...