Unexpectedly Expected...

Zykan gave the teenage girl the time to enjoy the moment before;

*Come on, do you have something to say or what?

*Nothing,,, I just want to do this. Don't worry, I will leave after ten minutes for you to spend some time with the other sisters.

A simple thing, Zykan let the girl have the time she want.

The feeling is too comfortable for this ordinary teenage girl to fall asleep.

Ten minutes later, Zykan carried Lilli and send her to apartment seventy nine.

Knocking on the door, it was Lyka who open the door.

*This girl,,, she's already too old to fall asleep in someone's arms. Come in and send Lilli to her own room yourself.

Got the permission for the man to enter the apartment.

Send the girl directly to her room and when he came out, saw two long legs and two mountain peaks which can't be hide by a small bath towel.

Ligaya who just came out from the bathroom, she noticed the man looking at her body and didn't even feel any shyness instead;

*Now that you seen it, what will you do as a man?

When Zykan heard this, went to smile saying;

*It's so tempting but we still need to wait.

Approached the girl and kissed her on the forehead before leaving.

*Hey sister Ligaya, do you think other men will do the same despite having so many beautiful wives?

*Huh,,, don't mention those animals because they're far behind in all aspects from Zykan.

*Well, you're right; the reason we fell in love with him.

On the other hand, Zykan returned to apartment eighty and directly went to look for Rianne and Kristy which are both in a room talking.

The man didn't even knock and directly enter the room; the action of being too close.

Two sisters who are on the bed playing, noticed the newcomer and a bold lady like Rianne, she said;

*Why don't you come and join us?

With a serious face as usual;

*I'm leaving tonight and just came to say goodbye.

Upon hearing the words, Rianne's expression changed instantly saying;

*So soon! Tell me Ruru, what is your plan?

Didn't answer immediately and went to sit beside his two beloved wives before;

*I'm going to take back Caba,,, and check something in there. The truth is, I found something about me and will tell you when everything is clear. I don't know if Riri knows something but I hope she keep it a secret until the right time comes for me to tell what I found out to everyone. Just rest assured that I will always be the Zykan that you know.

When the man finished talking, Rianne didn't speak and just went to hug Zykan.

As for Kristy, did the same and no one spoke for a few minutes until;

*Don't be too sad like i'm not going to return. I don't know when but i'm sure I'll be back after a few days. Go on, I will wait for the two of you to fall sleep before leaving.

*Then let us fall asleep on your arms.

Kristy didn't speak but have the same idea.

Leading their man to lay on the bed and both pillowed his arms.

It didn't take long for the two wives to fall asleep but Zykan chose not to leave immediately and stayed for an hour.

Went to kiss both on the forehead and slowly, freed himself from their warm hug and leave the room.

Yuna and Dianiella are asleep, leaving without saying goodbye; headed directly to where everything had started for him.

The reason why the man was in a hurry is because of an instinctive feeling that urge him to act as soon as possible; a feeling where something unseen is calling, leading him to the place.

Flying a CFC, fly towards the direction of Caba; recently declared as a level seven danger zone.

As a common sense thing to do, Zykan stopped a few miles away from the place and stealthily travel on foot.

Even if it's been ten years, his memory of the place is still clear.

As an active kid, he was able to play everywhere and created a map of Caba in his mind.

With this, found the best spot where he can plant his bait.

As usual, the bait is a bag of blood pricked to drip.

Quickly went to position himself and waited.

It didn't take long for the first wave of. beasts to arrive.

Doing the same routine, the man pulls the trigger killing a level sixty evolved animal. It's not surprising that most of them are above level fifty and even accompanied by high level extraterrestrial beasts.

But no matter how powerful these beasts are, the man is like in a target shooting practice; killing anything that comes with no difficulties.

The smell of the blood starts to fill the air spreading meters to miles and attracts more beasts to come at the place just to be slaughtered.

Both stealthiness and range, these beasts can't see the attack coming nor can't detect the attacker's presence; a one sided battle.

Several hours of continues killing, the number of beasts didn't decrease and still keep coming.

This is what Zykan want for him to gain EXP and level up; continue to kill without resting.

It's already dawn but still, the man is busy pulling the trigger.

Zykan is always careful watching his back against a sneak attack but how come this time, a not ordinary high level extraterrestrial beasts has suddden appeared behind him and directly went to swing it's blade like claws.

He managed to notice it and want to dodge but with the distance and speed, vertically cut the body into half...