Revenge Was Still Not Avenged

Finally, the Alpha and the Omega in the place appeared and directly cut the intruder's body into half.

But how come not a single blood came out instead, broke into blue particles and quickly evelopes the unprepared extraterrestrial beast, immobilizing it for a few seconds.

Just two seconds is needed for the real Zykan not far away to pull the trigger eight times, hitting the head of the extraterrestrial beast eight times.

"Congratulations in killing a level one hundred ten Mantizian beast. You got thirty system currency, ******** Exp, three dropped items. The EXP has been distributed equally to all the party members while the system currency and dropped items will be distributed by the party leader."

When the system notice ended, the man didn't celebrate and continue to kill.

As for the body of the extraterrestrial beast that destroyed the Aliguyon clan, eaten by the Proteanian pet leaving nothing.

As soon as he's done, quickly return to his master; to it's main body; making the power of the bullet coming from the sniper rifle more powerful.

At the same moment,,, AAA Building, apartment eighty, living room.

*Ladies,,, your man did it. The beast who's responsible of the Caba incindent is dead. Zykan finally got his revenge and reclaim the ancestral land he owns.

Upon hearing the words, this group of wives were overjoyed; did know that they're celebrating too early.

Back to Caba...

With the death of the level one hundred ten extraterrestrial beast, Zykan became the strongest.

He's now rushing towards the location where the spaceship is, killing anything that moves on the way.

Familiar with the place, Zykan reached his destination in a short period of time.

As soon as he arrived at the place, immediately taken by an invisible force; teleported to a certain place.

Zykan somewhat understand this and didn't panic at all.

Instead, was calm to observe his surroundings.

Soon, the man found out that he's inside the spaceship; the one he's looking for.

He was about to start investigating when a light came rushing straight to his head and in an instant, the mind was filled with great knowledge.

The sudden broaden of the simple mind, the man's head hurts and it took an hour to settle down.

As soon as Zykan recovered, a screen has turned on in it's own and plays a recording.

On the screen, a woman,,, superior in appearance than a woman, she looks badly hurt as blood coming from her mouth but still tried to smile as she;

"Son, i'm very happy that you made it. Your mother doesn't have enough time so I will make it quick. I'm sure you already got my gift to you; the knowledge I acquired all my life. With it, you can be someone than can protect yourself from your enemies. Now that you're evolved, this planet can't hide you anymore so with the last energy left in this ship, it will teleport you directly to where you are safe. Son, always remember that your mama loves you very much."


As soon as the screen turned black, a countdown immediately started for the man to panic.

He was in a hurry to approach the seat where the captain of the ship sits and really saw the remains of her biological mother.

The man on his knees shedding tears and couldn't contain his emotions thinking that his mother was hunted while being pregnant of him.

"Ten, nine, eight..."

Upon hearing the countdown getting closer, quickly took the remains of his mother, including the legendary level treasures on the ground.

Went to look up saying;

*Aunt Maria, Rianne, everyone,,, i'm sorry but I need to leave. I promise to find my way back home.

"Two, One..."

As soon as the countdown hits zero, the man disappeared.

After losing the last power on the ship, lost it's invisibility and showed the true appearance.

No one knows when did this aunt named Maria arrived with a group of nieces behind her and immediately entered the spaceship.

*Zykan son, are you here?

Someone asked but no one answered.

*Aunt Maria, I feel a remnant of big amount of energy. I think it is something to do with Zykan.

Gin-ah with honed senses said it for this aunt to;

*It seems so. Well, as long as he's still in the party, there's no reason for us to worry. Let's go. Zykan has killed the evolved human killer in this place and without it, let the Galpower guild do the cleaning. Reclaiming this land as the territory of the Aliguyon clan, it will help the guild grow faster. Let's go. Call the others for us to start the slaughter.

Took the lead to get out from the ship, send it to her system storage

before leaving.


"Who sent you? And how did you get here without being detected? Choose your words wisely or it will be the end for you.

Zykan who's still emotional at the moment with tears on his eyes, he's confused on how he was welcomed; pinned down by a female being on the ground while pointing a dagger on his neck.

It's good that he can understand the unfamiliar language for him to organize his thoughts and said;

*Sister, I don't know myself why but I was just teleported here. I'm sure you can feel that I have no malice to you and was sent here by mistake. I accept the consquence of this mistake but never deserved the treatment of a criminal.

*Really? But in the end, you saw my scar on my face and needed to be silenced?

Hearing this, the man wonder if this female is stupid. When did a scar more important that a naked body? The man can't help to look at the typical cool scar on the eye part and immediately remembered something. Also went to look at the hair and confirmed it.

The man didn't think that it's a simple coincidence so;

*Sister, seeing that you put more importance on the scar on your face that your body, please rest assured that I keep it a secret even my life is on the line. But for me, you should value your body more because it's too precious to be seen by others. What's more, your scar looks good on that kind of heroic beauty you have...