A Superior Place.

For the first time, this lady was able to hear a sincere compliment on the scar she hates the most.

Was also warned about her naked body and quickly went to get dress.

Freed from restrain, the man got up and went to look around.

He found out that he was teleported to a woman's room; not the usual ones.

*Have you seen enough? I may somewhat believed your words but don't expect me to trust you.

*Well, it's good not to easily trust someone but i'm someone you can trust like I trusted you just now. You know, it's hard to lower your guard while a dagger stained with poison pointed to your neck; believing that you won't stab it.

*So it's my fault that someone has suddenly appeared in my room while i'm naked. Do you know that seeing my naked body, I can execute you right now?

*Like I said, I was teleported here by...

The man suddenly remembered the miserable fate of her mother for his mood to go down to the lowest point and couldn't speak at the moment.

*You,,, why don't you say it? Or you just made it up?

Right now, Zykan feels like he's so tired. So instead of answering, he went to say;

*I'm going to rest. Please lend me your bed.

Without waiting for the lady to agree, went to lay on the bed and directly fell asleep; one reason was the fact that he acquired such great knowledge in an instant.

*You, do you think you can just...

But couldn't finish her words after seeing tears falling from those closed eyes.

A female being who's not heartless, can tell that the male in front of her is experiencing an emotional problem and let him rest first.

Went to put her usual clothes wearing a veil to cover the whole face before leaving the room to do some obligations as the first princess of the place.

As for Zykan, didn't dream this time and just sleeping quietly.

As soon as the scarred female being came out from the room;

*First Princess, five families came today to propose. The king requested your presence at the main hall.

In an indifferent expression;

*Tell my father to decline all of them. I still have raids to complete and there's no time to waste for such useless things.

*But first Princess, one of them is from the fifth strongest family in our planet. Please Princess, if you don't come, your father will blame me.

Concern to anyone even for a servant;

*Alright, let's go.

*Thank you first princess.

And so, the two head to the main hall.

Arriving at the main hall, this first princess directly went beside her father, the king and whisper;

*You know how stubborn I am so don't try to persuade me. Just be polite and decline their proposal.

*Girl, I know you're still young but you already reached the blessed level which is one hundred where you can lose your virginity. For me to decline all those who come to propose, you should give me a good reason.

Upon hearing the words, immediately thought of the male in her room and said;

*I will introduce to you this evening the one I found to be my mate so announce it today that i'm already taken.

*Really? Don't play with me girl because I will immediately set your wedding with that boy in your mouth.

*Do you think i'm bluffing? When I come back from our raid, I will present him to you. Goodbye.

Really didn't care about the groups who came to propose and left.

Coming out the hall, there's a group of female evolved beings who are waiting for her.

*Let's go. I want for us to finish the raid as soon as possible.

*Yes first PrincessX29.

Took the lead to move and twenty nine high level beauties followed.

An hour later...

In a forest...

The group stopped in front of a cave and directly;

*Set an ambush here. I will lure the beast out and you will kill it with one blow. Do you understand?

*Yes first PrincessX29.

After getting the acknowledgement, quickly went to enter the cave.

A few minutes later, this beautiful scarred Princess came out followed by a gigantic beast with a mark on it's forehead.

As soon as the beast steps outside the cave, the ground suddenly became a quicksand immobilizing those four limbs.

Successfully restraining the enemy, joint attacks were launched aiming at the most vulnerable part of the body which is the neck.

Powerful and lethal, killed the beast on the spot

"Congratuations in killing a level one hundred twenty one marked Tigerian beast. The party received thirty five system currency, ******** EXP, three dropped items and one skill scroll."

*Let's go to the next location.

Without wasting any sheet, the group left directly after taking the beast corpse.

Arriving at the destination, saw several groups fighting for the right to raid the place.

*Let's go to the last location. It's useless to join the battle here.

Said the words and took the lead to leave.

But when they came to the last destination, saw the same scene.

*Let's head home. I can't wait to investigate who leaked the information.

This beautiful scarred first Princess is kind to all who are deserving but merciless to the ones who doesn't; traitors are what she hated the most.

It took them more than two hours to return home and the first thing this princess did is to check on the male being in her room.

Seeing that he's still sleeping, head out and left home again.

City of Kings, a big city where ruled by a king.

Even if her father is the ruler of the city, there are still big families that have there own territory and this princess came to the north part where the best diviner resides.

Arriving at the gate;

*I'm here to see senior Granny.

*Do you have any appointme... First princess? Please proceed. The Elder is having a tea at the main garden.

*Thank you.

Despite her status, still knows how to be polite.

Knowing the way, head to the main garden on her own and didn't expect to meet an annoyance; made her mood worse...