Accept And Embrace.

This beautiful scarred princess, she met one of the most annoying male being in the city and totally destroyed her day.

It get worse when;

*I didn't expect for my future wife to visit me. Are you here to finally accept my marriage proposal.

Treating the words like a long fart, ignored the trash and walk passed him.

*Princess Qy, don't you think you're valuing yourself too much when the face is scarred.

Upon hearing the last part of the sentence, she stopped but didn't turn to look nor speak.

Seeing this, the annoying trash went to continue saying;

*I'm sure those countless suitors of yours will change heart when they found out the ugliness hidden behind that veil. And the only thing they want from you is the your identity as the first princess. As my love for you is true, I still want to marry you. You did not only keep your secret but also married the most promising male being in the King city.

If this happened earlier, this princess might agree.

But at the moment, she didn't care anymore.

Went to remember the words of the stranger male being this morning and boldly said;

*Don't think i'm stupid not to know that you all have the same intention. The scar on my face, I don't care if known by everyone. Do whatever you want to do.

Finished the words and went to walk away.

*Qy, do you think i'm bluffing. Before you know it, you're the talk of the city.

The trash still talking but ignored by this princess and head directly to the main garden.

In a pavillion, an old looking female being is having a tea with a younger one.

After waiting for the right time;

*Elders, please forgive me for my rudeness. I'm here to ask the help of the great diviner of King city.

Despite being a princess, made a kung fu salute as he said the words.

*Why, do the first princess still need to be polite like that? My niece knows the drill so go on and give me your gift.

Went to take out three legendary level treasures as she say;

*Elder, I want to know who are the traitors in our family.

After doing some small actions;

*One is your third uncle. The third queen has malice. And many others that I can't see clearly at this moment. Sorry niece, that's the limit of my sight.

*Thank you elder. I will take now my leave.

Gave them a kung fu salute before leaving.

When the princess left;

*How come your daughter has the same age but can't even handle a small affair in the family.

*Mother, Meilei got your talent but has different ambitions. There are others who have the talent so please let her do what she wants as long as your granddaughter is loyal to the family.

*Well, let her play a few more years. By the way, is it true that the first princess had found her mate. I forgot to ask her.

*It seems so because that's what the King had said to the families who went to propose this morning.

*Well, what a lucky one. I hope Meilei could find her own mate before I go. It's already imposible for me to reach the god state and extend my life.

*What are you saying mother? You are still strong to live for several decades.

*Well, I don't care anymore if what the Heavens prepared for me. Go,,, call your daughter to come here. I want to talk to her.

*Yes mother.

After acknowledging, left to do what she was told.


This beautiful scarred princess has already got home and went directly to find her father.

In the king's hall where the affairs of the city were discussed, avoiding to attract too much but became the center of attraction when this princess approached the king and directly;

*Father, i'm here to talk about the traitor in...

*Stop it girl. Let's talk about that later. Go to your room and wait for me there. Maybe your mother is already there waiti...

*What!? I'm going.

Also went to interrupt her father before leaving in a hurry.

Was fuick and qast to her room and when she opens the door;

*Big girl, I can't believe that you really found your mate; and seems to be mated already.

This princess heard the words but there's no emotions on her face and even calm to;

*Don't be assuming mother. It's true that he's the one that I found to be your son-in-law but still, we didn't go that far.

Hearing the words, this mother remembered something. Went to hold the hands of her daughter and said in a motherly tone;

*Daughter,,, did you already tell him about the scar on your face.

This daughter knows that her mother is worried so;

*Don't worry mother, he already seen me without my veil and said that it's good on me; with a heroic type of beauty.

*Really? But daughter, are you sure he's not only after for your identity?

*I'm sure mother. He doesn't even know that i'm a princess. We just met today when he suddenly appeared in my room and saw me naked.

*What?! And instead to kill, you chose to marry him. Are you sure you're not out of your mind?

*Mother, you know me best so there's no need to worry about this matter.

*Well, you're right. Then how about the news concerning the scar on your face?

*What about it? I know who spread the news and I don't care anymore. From now on, I will no longer wear a veil.

Said the words as she remove the veil covering her face.

Seeing that there's really no problem in her daughter's expression, this mother is happy. She knows that it's all because of the unknown male being sleeping on her daughter's bed.

With her current strength, didn't see any malice from him so why not give both of them the chance to develop. The only thing she can do is to be there if something happens in the future; what every mothers should do...