
While the mother and daughter are having a moment, this father also came and saw the scene.

*Did I miss something?

*Don't start again because everything is settled. Let's just leave the room to give our daughter and son-in-law some privacy.

*What,,, son-in-law? Where is it?

Went to look around as he said the words and saw a male being lying on his daughter's bed.

He was about to approach and check but was pulled by his wife saying;

*Let's go. I will tell you everything myself.

*But I want to meet the one who was able to conquer the unconquerable heart of our daughter.

*Are you stupid or what. Can't you see that he's asleep. Our daughter will bring him to us when he's awake so let's go. Qy daughter, make things clear between the two of you and come see us.

As soon as she finished her words, drag the husband out of the room.

When the king and the first queen left, Zykan who's already awake got out of the bed. Look at the female being in front of him and said;

*Are you serious about it or want to use me as a shield. If it's the latter, I can do it for you but if it's the former, you should think about it again. I'm someone who's not from this place and will return home if I find a way.

Hearing the words, this princess couldn't believe that she was rejected. Even if there's a scar, her identity is enough for any male evolved beings to agree; aiming for the benefits.

To make things clear, she went to;

*I'm not trying to boast but do you know who I am? Marrying me, it will bring you a lot of advantage.

*I marry someone not for benefits but because of feelings. A unique beauty and kind-hearted female being like you, i'm very happy to marry. It's just unfair for me to marry you but couldn't stay to do my responsibilities as a husband.

With this reason, this princess was more determined and said;

*There's no need to be responsible as long as you will not forget that i'm one of your wife. Being taken by you, no one will come to propose ever again and waste my time.

Now that this princess said it herself, Zykan won't feel too much guilt if one day he leaves.

Coming to a decision;

*Well, don't think that I won't really do my obligations as a husband. As long as i'm still here, I will try my best to fulfill my responsibilities. Anyway, my name is Zykan. I don't know my real origin but I was raised in a small planet from another universe. Something happened and was teleported here in your room.

This princess heard the words and immediately made her think of many possibilities.

To confirm this things;

*So you really don't know me... My name is Qy, first princess of the Yang royal family. You said that you don't know your origin. Don't you know the Kan race? One of the feared family in all Universes. Leading in Science and Technology; able to master the art of teleportation which no other family succeeded. Also, they produced many gods and this is the main reason no race would want to be their enemy. It seems that you didn't pass the assessment when you're a child and was castaway. But don't worry, I won't look down on you and will be treated as my husband.

These facts, Zykan doesn't know becuase what he got from her mother is the knowledge and not the memory, so it's an big enlightenment to him.

He was also enlightened how pure the heart of this princess.

With a rare smile on his face, he said;

*Choosing me as your husband, i'm confident that I won't embarass you. After all, the bloodline of the Kan is still running in my veins. I may not be the strongest but definitely not weak.

This princess knows the sound of boasting but what she heard from her future husband is not.

Feeling something special in her heart as she;

*I believe in you,,, one reason I chose you to be my husband. Let's go. Let everyone know that the first princess of the Yang royal family is taken. After that, I can help you find a way for you to return home.

*Well, let's talk about it then after we settle the matter.

*Alright, just treat me like the way a husband treat his wife and the same for me. After all, we're not just pretending but really want to enter into a relationship. Let's go.

Seeing that this princess is leaving without wearing a veil;

*Are you sure you won't wear a veil anymore?

Hearing the words, she turn to look and reach out her hand as she;

*I believe in what you said when you first saw my scar. What's more, I don't care what others will say anymore because someone has already owns my heart.

A man who also doesn't care about what others think and say, went to hold the hand saying;

*If someone talks about it, just ignore them because in my opinion as a male being, you're the most beautiful maiden that I ever seen; aside from my mother.

A little amused by the words;

*Really,,, how about those maidens at home?

The man is still honest to say;

*Well, I won't lie because you're really beautiful than them; but I love them the most for having a pure heart. If one day I master my skill to travel through space, it will be easy for me to take you home with me to meet them.

Upon hearing the words "travel through space" this princess named Qy can't help to;

*Travel through space,, is that similar to teleportation? A top tier type of teleportation, it's a Heavenly level skill that only a few were blessed; and you're saying you got one. If it's true, then did I find the best mate in all universes.

Seeing the excitement in the eyes of this maiden;

*Don't get excited because I still need to reach level two hundred for me to use it.

*Why,,, is there such a thing? Do all Heavenly skills have that requirement? Level two hundred is not hard to reach but it takes time. I have been killing beasts for fifty years but only managed to reach level one hundred two.

Knowing the age, the man unconsciously;

*You're seventy two years old?

It comes to age, women are sensitive and this princess is not an exception for her to;

*Why,,, am I too old for you? Then tell me, how old are you?

Zykan was about to answer when...