Chapter – 86 (VS Ishtar Familia (Part-3))

(*A/N: Here goes 3/3 chapter of this week. Please Enjoy.)


Phryne Jamil: ORYAAA!!!!

Just when they were about to reach Primis, Phryne Jamil jumped at Primis with Great Battle-axe in her hand. Primis look at Phryne Jamil with his same indifferent expression. Primis raises his Elucidator high up, atop his shoulder and Magic started to gather in it again. Then he leaped at Phryne Jamil who is still in air and covers the distance in an instant. Before Phryne Jamil could respond, he turns around and attack at her back with a single top to bottom vertical slash, doing a downward strike.



Phryne Jamil: Argh!!!

'Primis: Sonic Leap.'

Phryne Jamil scream as her back is slashed by Primis "Sonic Leap". A huge of amount of blood gushed out of her back as she was falling down. But before she could fall down, Primis kicked at her back again with great force.

Phryne Jamil: AHHH!!!!!


Phryne Jamil screamed because kicked at her wound. Primis ignored her scream and used her back as a platform and then jumped high in the air as Phryne Jamil fall on the ground. After that Primis performed a mid-air forward somersault and reach atop the encirclement of Ishtar Familia. Then he reversed the grip of his Elucidator at the same time.


Weiß Lighting started to gather in his Elucidator and then as he lands in between their encirclement, he thrust his Elucidator directly into the ground. At the next moment, a burst of Weiß Lighting released from his Elucidator that attack everyone around him.

Amazonesses: Argh!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[30 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[30 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[10 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[20 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[30 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[30 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[20 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[20 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

The power of Weiß Lighting was so great that eight Amazoneesses near him were burned to death. Seven Amazonesses that were a bit far got severely injured and fall down on the ground. Those who were at bit more far away, didn't get injured but they become paralyzed. As for those who are very far away, only receive a force and were pushed back.

'Primis: Lighting Fall.'

After using "Lighting Fall", Primis didn't stop and attack the seven Amazonesses who got severely injured and are laying on the ground. He dashed forward and killed them one-by one. As for other Amazonesses, they can only see without being able to do anything.

[10 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[20 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[20 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[30 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[30 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[20 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[30 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

After killing the seven of them, Primis look towards the Amazonesses who are still in paralyzed stated. When Primis was killing these seven severely injured Amazonesses, he is also keeping an eye on the remaining Amazonesses. He looks at the two Amazonesses whose position are close to each other.

Then he folds his arm with the Elucidator towards the shoulder and slightly twists his body to the right. Magic started to gather in his Elucidator again, it started to lets out a sound similar to that of a jet engine. In the next moment, Primis move towards one of the Amazonesses with a single ultra-high-speed and powerful thrust, towards the middle of her chest.

'Primis: Vorpal Strike.'

Primis didn't use the full-powered ranged "Vorpal Strike" here. Because even though his skill "AINCRAD Supreme" has reached Grandmaster level, Full-Powered ranged "Vorpal Strike" still needs charging time. After all, it is a very advanced One-Handed Sword skill even in SAO (Sword Art Online).



Elucidator penetrates the chest of the Amazoness and came out of her back but it didn't stop there and penetrates the heart of another Amazoness from the back who was near her. Hence killing both of them at the same time. Both of them opened their eyes wide and are looking at the sword that has penetrated their chest. They want to say something but words won't come out except blood.




Primis took out his Elucidator from there chest and both of them falls down on the down. In the last moment, they look at their remaining sisters as tears came out from their eyes unconsciously. Soon, their eyes lost color indicating that they have succumbed to death.

[30 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[30 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

By now Primis has killed 20 members of Ishtar Familia. If you will also Tammuz Belili in the equation then 21. Means Primis killed more that 1/5th members of the Ishtar Familia in a matter of few seconds. Dread fills the eyes of onlookers. They are still having hard time believing what they are seeing. Now, they fully understand the dread of "The Black Swordsman". They all thought that he was just a mere singer but everything changes as of now.

As for the remaining members of Ishtar Familia, there eyes are full of tears. They can only see as their sisters are dying one-by-one. They are completely helpless to do anything. Primis saw this scene with an indifferent expression. He doesn't care one-bit about how much they cry, beg or ask for forgiveness. He will kill them all no matter what.

He still remembers in the plot how Haruhime begged them and cried when she saw her friend Mikoto was being beaten by them. That time they ignored her plea and keeps on doing what they want. So, Mikoto has no choice but to use her special skill which nearly killed her if Ottar hasn't saved her by using Elixir. So, if these people can't show mercy to others, they shouldn't expect same for themselves.


A sound of air splitting was heard behind Primis and he jumped to his left.


The place Primis was standing on now has a huge crate. In between the crate there is a Great Battle-axe. Primis glanced behind and saw Phryne Jamil who has thrown her Great Battle-axe at him. Blood is coming out from her back and she has distorted look on her face. Anyone can tell she is very angry.

Phryne Jamil: I WILL KILL YOU!!!!!

Primis: Is that so.

Primis who was still in air because of jump, started to condense Magic into his Elucidator. When it was condensed enough, he released it from the tip of his Elucidator towards the remaining paralyzed Amazonesses.

'Primis: Hex Rend.'

The Magic attack in the shape of crescent moon was throw towards them. This time Primis increased its sharpness instead of power. All of these Amazonesses can only see as the crescent moon claims their life. And as a result, nine heads were raised in the air.











[30 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[30 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[10 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[20 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[10 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[30 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[30 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[30 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[10 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

Phryne Jamil: NO!!!!!!!!!!!

All remaining Members: NO!!!!!!!!!!!

With this, 30 members of Ishtar Familia are dead. At this moment, two Amazonesses attack Primis at the same time. One kicked him and another used Scimitar. Primis dodge the kick and parry the Scimitar.


But they don't stop and keeps on attacking. Primis keeps on dodging and parrying their attacks. The one who is attacking bare handed has brown skin, she has silver color short-hair and her eyes color are red. Her clothing color is white. And the one who is using Scimitar has the same brown skin, the color of her hair are also brown and her eyes color are orange. Her clothing color is also orange. But one thing is common between them is that both of their eyes are full of rage.

'Primis: If I remember correctly then the name of the one with silver short-hair is Samira.'

[Yes. According to plot, she enjoys fighting and expresses curiosity over techniques unknown to her.]

'Primis: She also highly values her friends and usually hangs out with Aisha.'

[Too bad you both meet at different circumstances.]

Primis remain silent and does not deny that. Since she highly valued her friends, this means even if Primis let her go because of Aisha, she will definitely come back to seek revenge for her sisters. Then he glanced at other Amazoness who is using Scimitar. He has to say that she possesses a unique fighting style that consists of rapid movements as she swings awhirl in a dance allergo.

'Primis: And she must be Lena Tally.'

[Yes. The one who fall in love with Bete of Loki Familia, after their fight in Melen.]

'Primis: I see. Well, it has nothing to do with me as currently we are enemies.'



Primis parried Lena attack one more time and dodged Samira fist. After dodging Samira Fist, magic started to gather in his Elucidator again. Then he swings his Elucidator in a diagonal slash from her bottom-right to her top-left.



Samira: Argh!!

A slash appears on her chest, but Primis didn't stop there and continued with slash from left to right. Then end it with another diagonal slash top-right to bottom-left.

'Primis: Sharp Nail.'

Samira looks at her wound before she falls down on the ground.


Lena: SAMIRA!!!!!!!!!

Lena Tally screamed seeing this. But Primis didn't stop and attacked her. Magic gathered in Elucidator again and he attacked her with vertical slash from his left-shoulder, hitting Lena Tally right side.



Lena: Urgh!!!!

Before Lena Tally could stable herself, Elucidator instantly shoots back into a high position and slashes vertically again, hitting her left side this time. Before she could scream, it leaps up again and slashes vertically at the center of her chest.

'Primis: Sharp Nail (Alternative Execution)'

This time, Primis used "Sharp Nail" in a different manner to kill Lena Tally. She remains standing on her place. Blood came out from her wounds non-stop. When it came out from the corner of her mouth, she falls down and die just like Samira.

[30 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[20 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

Primis heard two notifications hence confirming the death of both Samira and Lena Tally. Primis then turn his gaze at the Eight Amazonesses who are rushing towards him. Looking at their eyes he can see that they going to use suicide tactic. If there was someone else that that person would have trouble handling them because all of them are Level 3. And the most dangerous person is not that who is strong but the one who doesn't care even if he or she died in the process.

This might trouble others but not Primis. Magic is gathered in Elucidator once again and he moved. His speed is so fast that these Amazonesses failed to react on time. Primis then use five high-speed continuous thrust, thus penetrating the heart of five of them. He didn't stop there and use a downward cut hence cutting the sixth Amazoness into two.

Then use upward cut killing the seventh Amazoness and then end it with full force swing from an overhead position of the eighth Amazoness and end up killing her. All eight of them stay standing before falling down and succumbed to their death.

'Primis: Howling Octave.'









[30 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[30 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[30 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[30 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[30 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[30 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[30 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[30 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

'Primis: 40 down. 60 more to go.'