Chapter – 87 (VS Ishtar Familia (Final))

(*A/N: An Extra Chapter. Please Enjoy.)


Before moving towards his next target, Primis stopped all of a sudden. Then he looks at his Midnight Coat and turn his gaze at his Elucidator in his hand. He realizes that both his Midnight Coat and Elucidator has become stronger.

[Congratulations on reaching Level 3.]

Primis didn't reply. Since he doesn't have time to see his new stats, he instead decided to take a quick look at his upgraded Equipment's.


Origin Force Elucidator

Type: Weapon (Long Sword / One Hand)

Rank: I

Attack: 3000


Soul bound: Primis Rigla



Indestructible: EX

True Damage: D

Acute Reflexes: D


Origin Force Midnight Coat

Type: Armor (Cloth Armor)

Rank: I

Defense: 3000


Soul bound: Primis Rigla



Indestructible: EX

Invincibility: D

Damage Reflection: D




True Damage: D

Attack will do 30% of True Damage.


Acute Reflexes: D

Increase reflexes speed by 30%.


Invincibility: D

Nullify 15% of the damage taken.


Damage Reflection: D

Reflect back 15% of the Damage taken. Reflected Damage will do True Damage and is guaranteed hit.


(*Note: I still need time of "Origin Force Midnight Coat". Anyway, the link for "Origin Force Elucidator" is below.

Origin Force Elucidator:

Primis look at the new Stats of his Equipment and nodded in Approval. He really wants to see his new Stats but he knows that doesn't have such luxury of time. Primis then raises his Elucidator on top of his shoulder.



Even though Primis stopped the Great Battle-axe, he ground beneath him is destroyed. Primis only glance at Phryne Jamil who attacked him with the same indifferent expression. When dust settles down, everyone can see Primis and Phryne Jamil again. Everyone gasped in horror when they saw Primis and Phryne Jamil confrontation.


Horror filled their eyes. Let alone them even Phryne Jamil has disbelief look on her face. She and all others are having hard time believing this. All of them thought that Primis is an Agility-type Adventurer. Hence even though his Agility is high, his body and strength must be weak.

But the situation in front of them changed it. Because they saw how casually Primis stopped Phryne Jamil full power attack without breaking a sweat. Now the dread in their heart reached a new height. They understand that Primis is not only fast but he is also very strong. And on top of that he is not afraid of Magic. So now he is an invisible existence in their mind.

They all gulped and a cold pass down their back. All of them make a mental note in their mind that when they will return back to their Familia with this information, they need to make sure to never made enemy out of him.

Phryne Jamil is also the same. When she saw Primis stopped all of a sudden, she thought that he must has become tired after all this fighting. So, she attacked him with her full power. But Primis stopped it casually. Now dread has gripped her heart. Before she also thought that Primis strength and endurance will be weak. And one full power hit is all she needed to end him but results are completely different now.

Even when they are standing in their place, Phryne Jamil is applying more and more force in her Great Battle-axe. But no matter how much she tried, Primis won't even budge one-bit. Primis slowly, slowly started to raise his Elucidator. Phryne Jamil Great Battle-axe is being raised up.

At this time, Phryne Jamil eyes met with Primis eyes. And her body started to tremble violently. Primis eyes are looking at Phryne Jamil like it is looking at the dead person. Every part of her body and her instincts started to screaming all of a sudden. Run. Run. Run. Run. Keeps on running and don't look back no matter what. Otherwise, there will be no mercy. Those words are screaming in her mind. But before she can move, Primis words sounded.

Primis: I had enough of you. Farewell.


Phryne Jamil uses full force on her feet and jumped back. Then in the next moment, she turned around and started to run away. She no longer cares about prestige or something. She no longer cares how people look at her. She no longer cares even if Ishtar Familia is destroyed. Right now, she just wants to run away from Primis as far as possible.



No one can believe this. They are still taking time to comprehend that Phryne Jamil ran away just like that. All the faces of onlooker have turned to disgust and disdain as they look at Phryne Jamil figure who is running away as fast as possible. Even if Phryne Jamil learnt what these people are thinking, she would just ignore them. To her, her life is more important than Familia.

On the contrary, she wished that the remaining members of her Familia stop Primis and stall as much time as possible, so that she can get away. Once she reaches an appropriate distance, she took a sigh of relief and look back. But she can no longer find Primis there.

As she become confused and decided to look around, her body stopped moving. She can neither move nor scream no matter how much she tried. The reason is because Primis is standing just at her left and is looking at her. The fear of death is so overwhelming that her body stopped listening her command.

'Phryne Jamil: Move, Move, MOVE'

No matter how much she screamed in her mind, her body won't move. She has already realized that neither can she win or run. So, she wants to get on her knees to beg Primis, so that he can let her go. But since her body is not moving, she can't do anything.

Primis at this time raises his Elucidator and magic started to gather in it. Phryne Jamil saw this and her eyes are trembling. Once magic was gathered enough, Primis puts his Elucidator at his waist and then twists his body to the right and do a Horizontal Slash from right to left.


Phryne Jamil: Argh!!!!

Phryne Jamil screamed but Primis ignored it. His Elucidator enters from the left-side of her waist and reaches her right. But Primis stopped once it reaches the end of her waist. If he hasn't stopped then Phryne Jamil body would have sliced into two from her waist. But Primis didn't stop there. He turns and rotates his Elucidator by forty-five degrees and perform a diagonal slash bottom-left to top right.

Once it reaches her center, he again rotates his Elucidator by another forty-five degrees and then unleashes a full-powered vertical slash from top to bottom. If someone will see the trajectory of Primis slashes then they can see number "4" was appeared on Phryne Jamil body.

'Primis: Savage Fulcrum.'

Phryne Jamil: ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!


Blood gushed out like a stream from the "4" on her body. She touches her wounded but even with her healing power, her wounds are not healing. Once enough blood has gushed out and she falls down.


She is looking at Primis who has already turned back and returning to where the remaining members of Ishtar Familia are. She doesn't understand how Primis can kill someone like her who is even more "beautiful than the Goddess" without any hesitation. Soon her eyes lost the light and she died.

[50 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

Primis didn't stopped even when Twilight confirms Phryne Jamil death. Everyone who were looking at the scene didn't show any sympathy towards Phryne Jamil even when she died. There is still disgust and disdain in their eyes as they were looking her corpse.

Primis is approaching Ishtar Familia again. This time none of them have the will to fight. It was already a big blow to their moral when Phryne Jamil decided to abandon them and ran away. But when they saw how easily Primis killed her, all the strength left their body and they fall on their knees. They are looking at approaching figure of Primis with lifeless eyes, praying that Primis will show them mercy.

But too bad, Primis has no such intentions. He has long decided to erase the problem from its root so that it won't come back to bite him. As for Ishtar, she has already run away when she saw how casually Primis stopped Phryne Jamil full power attack. When Primis saw how the remaining members of the Ishtar Familia has given up the resistance, magic started to condense in his Elucidator again. This time, the density of the magic is greater. Once it was condensed to the amount he wants, Primis casually swings his Elucidator horizontally.

'Primis: Hex Rend.'

Magic attack in the shape of crescent moon was thrown towards the remaining members of Ishtar Familia. All of the power is in its sharpness. The members of Ishtar Familia who has already given up resistance can only see as "Hex Rend", decapitated them.

???: No.

Someone in the onlooker shouted but that's all. Sixty heads were raised in the air which marks the end of Ishtar Familia.














[30 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[20 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[30 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[10 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[30 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[20 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[30 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[30 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[30 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]







All the onlooker are looking at the scene with horror in their eyes and dread in their hearts. They have never seen such Massacre.

Onlooker 1: Grph!!!

Onlooker 2: *cough* *cough*

Many of them started to vomit on the spot. Even though almost all the Adventurers here are Level 3 high, they are also having problem digest this. They have seen such Massacre in dungeon. But that time, the one who were Massacred were the monsters, this is first-time they have seen the Massacre of humans. But not by the hand of a monster but by the hand of another Human. Well, they were wondering whether Primis could still be called a Human as of now. As for Primis he ignored them since they are just some mob characters.

{Primis: Ophis, throw all of them out.}

{Ophis: Mn.}

Ophis who is floating in the air and looking at everything which unfolds with emotionless face nodded her head. A glint passed through her eyes and all of them were throw out of Entertainment District. They are not the only ones. Everyone in the entire Entertainment District except Primis and Ishtar were thrown out. No matter where they are, they were all thrown out.

Primis then turns his gaze at the specific direction and started walking.

Primis: Battle of Mortals is over. Now its time for Battle between a God and a Pseudo-God will now begin.

As Primis was approaching Ishtar, all the ejected onlookers blinked their eyes when they find themselves in different location. They look around and saw the crowd of people around them. When they saw Entertainment District in front of them, it made them realize that they are finally out of that Hell place.

They all started to tear-up. Just standing in the presence of "The Black Swordsman" took a toll on them. They wanted to cry there but were afraid that it would offend "The Black Swordsman". Now that they are away from him, they feel like they have been pardoned. They all started to cry and hug each other. One thing is for sure and i.e., the name of "The Black Swordsman" will be sounded in Orario again.