Chapter – 106 (No Mercy)

(*A/N: Here goes 1/3 chapter of this week. Please Enjoy.)


Soon, the front Seven enters Primis inner zone. Now Primis can see them clearly.

'Primis: The one is front is Level 4. As for rest they are Level 3.'

[Their co-ordination is great. Looks like they have been working together for a long time.]

Primis nodded. Currently, the two following behind also enters his inner zone. Primis knows instantly who they are.

'Primis: Hoh. It's them. Well, I think I should say I expected the second one but not the first one.'


Primis then moved and disappears in the forest. The seven Adventurers are moving in a formation with a mage and magician in center. They are in full alert are wary of their surrounding so that they won't get ambushed. Anyone can tell that they are professional.

Adventurer 1: Leader are you sure that those two are in Dedine.

Adventurer 2: Yes, Leader. I still can't believe they are hiding in such God Forsaken place.

The two Adventurers guarding the Mage and Magician from the side spoke. They look at their Leader who is in front.

Leader: I am sure. I used a huge of fortune to ask the help of the Priest in church. That Priest used his divination magic and told me that they are somewhere in Dedine.

Mage: No wonder it cost us that much. Divination magic is very costly and can only be used once a month.

Adventurer 3: Tch. No wonder we failed to find them even after looking throughout Orario. Those bitches.

They are talking extreme low that so that no one can heard them except their group. But too bad Primis heard everything. There is nothing that can hidden in his Inner Zone.

'Primis: Divination Magic huh.'

[It's rare and only some selected Priest or Priestess can use it.]

'Primis: I see. Since Lili and Haruhime are my Half-Members but not the Permanent they haven't become free from the chains Fate, Destiny, Karma and so on. That's why Divination works on them.'

[Yes. I am sure that Nobles and Familia's would have used this Divination to find you too. But since they failed, they must be thinking that you are died.]

Primis only nodded and then pointed his "Silver-Horn Trident" towards their direction.

(*A/N: From now on whenever you all see something written within " * ". It means it's only an expression and there is no sound. For example: whenever Primis will pull trigger it will be *click*. This means from another person point of view he pulled the trigger but there was no sound.)

Adventurer 3: Too bad I can't have fun with them. Leader, is it possible to ask our collaborator to let me have them after they are done enjoying themselves?

Leader: You really want them, didn't you?

Adventurer 3: Of Course.

Then that Adventurer licked his lips and shows a perverted smile. Leader and other also smiled because they know what kind of person he is. He loved to torture women and turn them into his slave.

Adventurer 2: Brother if you get them, then let me have them too for some time.

Adventurer 3: Sure. But that is if I get them that is.

He looks at leader again with eager expression. Leader took a sighed and spoke.

Leader: Fine, I will ask.

Adventurer 3: HAHAHA. Leader you are the best. Once I get them I will---

Primis pulled the trigger at this moment and a flash appears at its end.



That Adventurer stopped speaking suddenly then turned into steam.


All the remaining six Adventurers saw this, and all their hairs stands at the end. They all stopped and hurriedly made the formation. Once they made the formation, they look at their surroundings to find the hiding enemy. The two following behind these seve- no six Adventurers senses that something is wrong and stopped. Then they hide themselves in the bushes while keeping eye on them.

Leader: What just happen. Was that Magic?

Mage: D-Don't know Leader. Even if it was, I have never seen or heard of it before.

Magician: Me too.

Leader: DAMN.




That Adventurer stopped and then became steam like the previous once.


The faces of the remaining members turned pale. At this moment, the last Adventurer who hasn't spoken a single word until now rushed towards Primis direction. He is an Assassin, so he is a lot faster than others. The other four saw this but didn't try to stop. But just when he travels mere 10m.



He also turned into stream.


Now only four remained. Leader, Adventurer 1, Mage, and Magician. Their face is already pale and full of horror.


Mage: B-But the entire Forest will be burned.


Mage: O-Ok.

Mage and Magician glanced at each other then nodded. Leader and Adventurer 1 guard them. Even though they don't know how the other three died, they still want to see whether they can stop the attack before the chanting is complete. Mage and Magician decided to use same magic to increase its power further.

Mage & Magician: Proud warrior, snipers of the forest. Take up your bows before the advancing plunderers

At the beginning their chant sound was low but as time went by it keeps on becoming louder.

Mage & Magician: Answer the call of your brethren and ready your arrows. Tinge them with flame, the lamplight of the forest.

All of them are nervous and have raised their guard to the limit so that they can move if someone will appear to stop them. At this time, the other two hiding in the bushes realized what they are planning to do. They know that they must stop them before they burnt the entire forest.

Mage & Magician: Release them, the fire arrows of the fairies. Falling like rain, burn away the savages

Just when chant came to an end, Leader, Adventurer 1, Mage, and Magician show a victorious smile. Those hiding decided to attack to stop the attack even if they will be hard pressed against them. But just when they are about to move.

Mage & Magician: Fusillade Fallari---




In front of everyone's eyes, the magic circle which is made when the chant was still going, shattered like glass. None of them understand what is going on. Mages and Magician faces are pale because they have put almost of their magic in that spell. No one understand why the magic circle break. This was never seen or heard of before.

[Psion Bullet. Huh. But you are very cruel. You have all the time to stop the chant before, but you decided to break it when it was just about to complete.]

'Primis: You only realized that now.'

[Nah., I knew it and love what you did. HAHAHAHAHAHA. It was funny seeing how their hopeful expression turn into that of despair. HAHAHAHAHAH]

Primis remain silent and decided to give those Mage and Magician some more despair because he finds something very interesting.



This time it was Adventurer 1 turn. He stopped and then turn into steam.


Only Leader, Mage and Magician remains. Despair is visible in their eyes. Leader hurriedly gets down on his knees.

Leader: P-Please. Whoever you are let us go. We promise to never put our foot on this mount---



Leader turn into steam.


Now only Mage and Magician are the only ones left. Their eyes are filled with dread. Magician look at Mage with tears in her eyes. Mage clenched his staff tightly and gets up. He looks at Primis direction and shouted.



The Mage then falls to his knees and smashed his head on the ground. The two hiding in the bushes saw this and their heart soften when they realize how much the Mage love her. Then they waited for some time and no response came. But since no one died Mage took a sigh of relief and look at the Magician.

Mage: Go.

Magician: Mn.

Magician put some strength in her legs and get up. Then she turns back and started to run with her full speed towards the direction of Orario. Mage shows a smile when he saw her back going deeper and deeper into the forest. He became happy that his lover and his child will survive this. But then….



The running Magician stops and turned into steam.


Mage eyes wide opened when he saw this. His lover and his unborn child died right in front of his eyes. It was too much of a blow to him.

Mage: NOOOOOO!!!!!!!

His voice reverberated in the entire forest.




And the Mage also turned into steam.


'Primis: Fool. I don't time to see the drama of "If I will survive today then I find and kill you or so on." I am more concerned that your voice will disturb Lili and Haruhime sleep.'

[Pathetic. What a Fool. It's obvious that, that woman was just using him. Even the child in her stomach was not his but that of the Leader because I can tell its life force matches his.]

Primis remain silent because he also realizes that. There are even more clues, but he decided not to dwell into them since they are dead now. Then he put his "Silver-Horn Trident" back into his coat inner pocket and turn his gaze at where the remaining two are hidden. As for the two hiding. They are very nervous, thinking it must be their turn now. They want to run but they know it will be useless. At this time, the heard a voice near their ears.

???: Come straight 2 km.

They both become stunned. The second person become very afraid that it holds the handle of its weapon very tightly. It doesn't know what to do. As it was thinking its next course of action, the first person stands up suddenly and hurriedly dash forward with a great stride. The second person become stunned because of this action and decided to follow. It is a lot weaker than first-person, so it also has to no choice but to follow.

They keep on moving forward for some time and stopped when they reach the destination. Then moonlight fell on Primis and they can see him now. The first-person only shivers but the second-person tremble violently. Its face become pale, and fear is visible in its eyes. It clearly knows who Primis is. Black Clothes, Black Sword, Heavenly Handsome Face, and the Blood-red eyes. There is no one in the Orario who haven't heard of him before. The Black Swordsman. But everyone thought he died. So, currently it only has one thought in mind.

'???: There is no escape.'

But at this moment, the first-person leaped at Primis. The second person thought that first-person decided to attack so it wants to stop it, but it was too late. But the next scene shocked it. The first-person jumped directly into Primis embrace and hugged him tightly. Primis also never thought that this person can show its such side. But in the end, he only sighs and accepted it. He can tell that the situation in Orario must be very delicate that even this person is at its end. He can also saw that its body is shivering slightly in his embrace. So, Primis decided to comfort it. He showed a gentle smile which even stunned the second person and made it fall into daze. Primis ignored it and just keeps on patting the head of the person in embrace gently.

Primis: Don't worry I will make everything right, Ryuu.