Chapter – 107 (Meeting after a month)

(*A/N: Here goes 2/3 chapter of this week. Please Enjoy.)


After Ryuu calms down she separated. She has a slight blush on her face which she tries to hide but too bad there is nothing that can be hidden from the current Primis but he didn't point it out. After her blush disappear Ryuu look at Primis again with her sky-blue eyes. Primis stretched her hand and touch her face. Then he started to caress her gently. Ryuu shivers at first when Primis touched her then she just closed her eyes to enjoy the warmth emitted by his hand.

While Ryuu was enjoying his touch, Primis turns his gaze at the second person. The second person has already come out of her daze sometimes ago, but she again got shocked when she saw how the always serious Ryuu became docile in front of Primis. Well, she will be even more shocked when she will know that not only Ryuu but Chole and Anya were also tamed by Primis on their first meeting. When her eyes met with Primis she started to shiver when look at his blood-red eyes i.e., Sharingan. She feels like she is entering into illusion as her eyes are blurring. She hurriedly shakes her head and closed her eyes to calm her mind.

'Primis: They really did find her. Huh.'

[Well, it isn't that surprising because in plot they try to find her for more than 2 years after arriving at Orario.]

Primis also agreed with Twilight and observed the woman in front. She has long black hair which she has tied in a ponytail with bluish-purple eyes. She is wearing a purple kimono with a sarashi underneath, along with a dark red sash and thigh-length boots. She is also wearing a red shoulder guard on her non-weapon arm, arm guards, and keeps her katana in the sash at her waist.

Primis: And you?

The woman shivers when Primis spoke. She has been practicing Martial Arts for years before she came to Orario with her Familia. So, she can tell if the person is strong or not. Even though Primis is not emitting any pressure of that of Adventurer. Even though he appears like a normal civilian. Her instincts as Martial Artists are warning her to not do anything stupid. Not only that she felt that she is complete bare in front of him. None of her secrets can be hidden in front of his eyes. But she still opened her mouth to speak.

???: M-Mikoto. My name is Y-Yamato Mikoto. I am a member the T-Takemikazuchi Familia.

Primis remain silent and just keeps on looking at her. Thinking that he is dissatisfied by her answer, her body started to shiver in fright. At this time, Ryuu opened her eyes and look a Mikoto who is shivering. She sighs and then shakes her head. In the end, she decided to give her a helping hand.

Ryuu: She is a childhood friend of Haruhime.

Primis: Hmmm.

Mikoto took a sigh of relief and give Ryuu a look of gratitude. Mikoto knew how dangerous Primis is, since he single-handed slaughter one of the strongest Familia, Ishtar Familia in just one-night. So, she knows that she can't afford to make enemy out of him since her Familia don't even came close to Ishtar Familia. Primis remove his gaze from Mikoto because he knows that he has scared her enough, and right now she is trying her best to remain standing with her shaking legs. Then he faces Ryuu again.

Primis: You must be the one who were helping Lili and Haruhime for the last month.

Ryuu: Yes.

Primis: From what I know "Hostess of Fertility" won't try to enter in other people business.

Ryuu: Other people and those who are affiliated with are two different things.

Primis: I see.

Primis then turned and started walking deeper into the forest. Ryuu also followed behind. Seeing this Mikoto also decided to follow even though she is still afraid of Primis. But her fear has already increased even further when she saw how those Seven Adventurers died without leaving any trace. Not even any ash remains.

Though she doesn't know how he did it, but she is sure it was his doing. She also remembered how he even killed that woman who was pregnant. He didn't even show mercy to her either. So, right now Mikoto think that Primis is very ruthless and cold-hearted. As if understanding what Mikoto is thinking, Primis decided to solve this.

Primis know according to plot Mikoto has a serious and honorable personality. She is also unwilling to use cowardly tactics even in an emergency. She has a softer side, as she cares for the well-being of her friends and is fiercely loyal to them. She is just like a Samurai of Japan who is willing to sacrifice herself for her lord and her people.

But the main thing is that he is a very good friend of Haruhime. Haruhime also thinks of her the same. It's obvious that she will spend most of her time with Haruhime from now on. But she finds that Primis is also with Haruhime then she will hesitate to meet Haruhime and as a result distance will be made between them which will made Haruhime sad.

Primis: Don't give it much thought. If you think that the Magician, I killed was pitiful than you are wrong.

Mikoto: Huh?

Mikoto become stunned when Primis suddenly talk to her. She never expected Primis to saw through her just like this. But since Primis initiate the talk, she decided to respond back.

Mikoto: B-But she was pregnant.

Primis: Yes, she was. But what did you want from me? To let her go. So that she told what happened here to everyone and then they will send even more Adventurers after Haruhime.

Mikoto: S-She won't do s-something like t-tha-

Primis: Can you guarantee that?

Mikoto: ......

Primis: Let me ask you this. If it, was you in place of that woman and I would have let you go? Would you have taken this lying down?

Mikoto: ......

Primis: Wouldn't you have thought of ways to take revenge?

Mikoto: ......

Ryuu, who is listening to their conversation decided to remain quiet. She also completely agrees with Primis. After all she also done the same. When She herself was the only survival of her Familia, she did everything in her powe to get revenge on those responsible for her Familia demise. In the end, she would have also died if Syr didn't come to save her at her last moments. But even if Syr didn't come to save her, she still won't have any regrets even when she was dying.

Primis: In the first place, that woman is not as it appears to be.

Mikoto: W-What do you m-mean?

This time Primis remain silent and doesn't respond. Seeing that Primis has no intention of elaborating it, Ryuu decides to speak.

Ryuu: If that Magician really loved the Mage, then she shouldn't have behaved like that?

Mikoto: Like what?

Ryuu: When Mage told her to run, she directly ran away. If she really loved for him like he did than shouldn't she have shown hesitation even a bit.

Mikoto become startled and started to think about it. Then she realizes that Ryuu is right. That Magician ran away without a single bit of hesitation. Not only that she didn't even turn to look back at the Mage.

Ryuu: When she was running away, I also heard a chuckle that escaped from her mouth.

Mikoto: T-This means...

Ryuu: Yes. She didn't even care whether the Mage live or die if she survived in the end.

Mikoto: B-But what about their c-child.

Ryuu: That's…...

This time even Ryuu doesn't know how to answer that because she is also thinking the same question.

Primis: The child inside her belly was not Mage's.

Mikoto & Ryuu: WHAT!!!!

Both Mikoto and Ryuu became stunned by this revelation.

Ryuu: Then whose child, was it?

Primis: It was of the Leader.

Ryuu: So, she was betraying the Mage. Huh.

Mikoto: H-How could this b-be? How did you k-know that?

Primis: I have my own means.

Primis then remain silent and just keeps on walking. As for Ryuu and Mikoto, they are still trying to process what they just heard.

'Primis: It will better if they don't know the situation of the child inside.'

[I agree. That child was barely kept alive. Once a woman become pregnant, they must be caution of somethings. Like the food they shouldn't eat or the work they shouldn't do or so on. But that woman didn't care about that even a tiny bit. It appears that she didn't care whether the child live or die. Killing that child was like doing salvation to him.]

Primis: Mikoto.

Mikoto: Y-Yes?

Mikoto came out of her thoughts when her name is called. She was shocked at first that Primis called her by her first name instead of last name. On top of that, he didn't even use "-san". But still, she didn't feel discomfort about it. She feels like this is how it should be when it came from Primis mouth.

Primis: Don't let your emotions get the best of you. Don't think if you show mercy to your enemies, they will do the same in return. Because if you do then you will come to regret that decision in future.

Mikoto became silent and started to ponder about it. She always thought that everyone should help each other but Primis words made her think otherwise. Primis then speak in a low voice so that only Ryuu can hear. He knew that his earlier words have changed Mikoto perspective in somethings, even if it's the slightest. So, since Mikoto is still in her thoughts, he doesn't want to interrupt her.

Primis: So, when do you realize that Lili and Haruhime are affiliated with me.

Ryuu: When more than a month ago you destroyed the Ishtar Familia, Lili and Haruhime were our regular in "Hostess of Fertility". Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner they do it in our place. For the first two weeks we didn't gave it much thought. But we started to become suspicious because we never saw them going to dungeon even once. So, where did they receive money from.

Primis remain silent and just keeps on listening.

Ryuu: Then one day, we decided to listen to their conversation. It was difficult at first because they were using your 'name' in their talk. Since we don't know whose name, it was, we didn't give it much thought at first. At that time, some guards of Nobles enter the pub saying they are looking for "The Black Swordsman". That time both Lili and Haruhime flinched and became silent.

Primis: It was not enough to connect dots to me.

Ryuu: It was not but still it was the only lead we get so we decided to take the chance. So, we try everything in her hands to help them while remaining hidden. Like providing them food at low price, meet them in a disguise of Merchant to sell things they want; Help them in escape from Orario and so on. It was a gamble. And now it looks like we won.

Primis: Hmmm. Did everyone in "Hostess of Fertility" knew about it?

Ryuu: Yes.

[This means even Freya would have helped them in shadows.]

'Primis: Looks like I have to meet her when I return to Orario.'

[That would be better.]

Ryuu: So, can you tell me your name?

Primis: Didn't you already knew by now?

Ryuu: I still want to hear it from you.

Primis: ...…...

Primis remain silent for some time. By now, even Mikoto has came out from her thoughts and is waiting for Primis answer. Just when they were about to reach the place where Lili and Haruhime are sleeping, Primis speak.

Primis: I am Primis. Primis Rigla.