Chapter – 113 (Acquiring Ais)

(*A/N: Here goes 2/3 chapter of this week. Please Enjoy.)


As the members of Loki Familia saw the Ravens that are disappearing, something struck in Tiona mind, and she speaks.

Tiona: Oi. We forgot to tell him where we are keeping Ais.

Tione: ...

Bete: ...

Lefiya: ...

Gareth: ...

Riveria: ...

Finn: ...

Loki: Don't think too much about it. I am sure he already knew.

Tione: But how?

Loki: I don't know myself. But I just feel like it.

Others nodded and didn't ask anything else. Now they are also motivated to become strong. After all, they also don't want to be left behind by Ais. But then their gaze fell upon at the mountains of documents on the table. This made them sigh and they decided to complete this work first.

Just like Loki said, Primis already knew the location of Ais. Since nothing can be hidden from his range. Primis appeared in the basement of Twilight Manor. He already finds the room Ais is in. The room is completely clean and there is everything which is present in the normal room. He can even see the fresh food which is place on the table. But it seems Ais hasn't even touch it.

[As excepted, Loki Familia will never treat their members badly. It's just like how parents punish their children by locking them in their room.]

Primis remain silent and keeps on proceeding towards the room. He passed by many Adventurers who are guarding the basement. Since they can't see or sense him, they didn't take any action. The reason why this place is heavy guarded is because in the other rooms, Primis can see food stock, weapons, armors and so on.

There are five Adventurers who are standing guard outside the door of Ais room. They even have magic weapons in their hands. But they are not here to stop Ais since they won't stand a chance against Level 5 Adventurer. They are here to stall her enough so that the Finn and other can make it here in time to stop her.

[Mind telling me how you did it?]

'Primis: Tell what?'

[How did you deteriorate Ais's condition faster?]

'Primis: ...…'

[If it has taken a month then I will have understood. But according to Ryuu, Ais got grounded 2 weeks ago. This means her condition became worse even before which made "Will of the World" to take things in its hand.]

'Primis: ...…'

[Since I was with you since the beginning, I am 90% sure it was yours doing. You were somehow able to deteriorate her condition in just two weeks even when you were in slumber. I just don't understand how.]

Primis remain silent neither agreeing nor denying. Taking his silent as a confirmation, Twilight speaks again.

[Come on, Primis. Tell me how you did that.]

'Primis: Weren't you able to even get me with your scheme. So, you should be able to see through this too.'

[You haven't forgotten about that yet. Come on, let bygones be bygones.]

'Primis: Even though you got me. It was still me who saw through it in the end. Why can't you do it too?'


Twilight falls into silence. She can't deny that. Before she could even disclose it, Primis saw through it in just one go.

[Ok. Ok. Even though you saw through it, it was still me who by mistake reveals a hint. Can't you give a hint to me too?]

'Primis: Just like you said you gave me the hint by 'mistake'. This means you didn't have such intentions. Compared to you I didn't do such mistake.'


Twilight falls into silence again. But still, she didn't stop and keeps on pestering Primis. Primis ignored her while walking toward his destination. In the end, Twilight has no choice but to apologize.

[Primis, I am sorry. Please tell me how you did that. Even a hint will be fine. Come on.]

Primis sigh and decided to give her a hint otherwise she won't stop pestering him.

'Primis: The plan started when I met Ais for the first-time.'


'Primis: That's it.'


'Primis: Up to you. Whether you want to take it or not.'


Now, Twilight has no choice but to remain silent. She decided to think about the hint Primis just gave. Seeing that Twilight has become silent Primis didn't bother her. Soon the room appears in front of him. Primis can see five Adventurers who are in full alert. Primis stopped hiding his presence. The moment he did, those five saw him but before they could fall in daze or do anything, Primis directly used his Sharingan cast illusion on them. Then he walked past them. Once he appears in front of the door, he saw that the door is locked. So, he buys the key from Twilight and opened the door.



Primis entered and then closed the door behind. Then he turned his gaze towards Ais who is sitting on the bed while looking in the distance. She has heard the voice of door opening and closing but she didn't bother to turn and look at who it is. Her eyes are empty like the world is over for her and she didn't take care about anything else.

'Primis: So, she has given up. Huh'

[Not that surprising. Even in plot she realized that she won't be able to kill One-Eyed Black Dragon. She then decided to rely on Bell. Wishing he would fulfil her dream. But this time, not only she fails to find someone like him but also her path of becoming strong is closed. It was already a miracle that she didn't commit suicide since killing One-Eyed Black Dragon is the only purpose of her life.]

Primis remain silent and walk towards her. Ais at first that it has just another person who bring food for her, so she decided to ignore it. But then she realizes that the person has approached her and is looking at her. Becoming confused she decided to raise her head to see him/her. But when she saw who it is her eyes opened wide.

Ais: You...…

Primis: To think you can show such an appearance.

Ais calms down when she heard Primis words. Then a mocking smile appears on her face as she replied.

Ais: So, you are here to laugh at me. Huh. Sure, I don't mind. I deserved to be laugh at.

Primis didn't reply and just keeps on looking at her. She did the same. Even though it's difficult to look straight into Primis Sharingan, she still didn't back down.

'Primis: Interesting. Even though she has given up, her will is still strong. It was not a mistake coming here.'


Primis: What if I told you, I am here to fulfil your wish.

Ais: Huh?

Ais become confused at first then she opened her eyes wide before replying.

Ais: You mean you will kill One-Eyed Dragon for me.

Primis: No.

Ais eyes dimmed again when Primis denied it.

Ais: Then...

Primis bend down and bring himself to Ais's face height.

Primis: I can make you strong enough to not only kill it yourself but even beyond that.

Ais become shocked again. Then she replied.

Ais: There is no such thing as free lunch.

Primis: Exactly.

Ais: What do you want?

Primis: You.

Ais: Me!!!

Ais pointed at herself.

Primis: Yes. To me more exact, a loyal sword. Whom only I can wield.

Ais: ...

Primis: So, tell me Ais Wallenstein. Are you ready to sacrifice your everything to be my sword? In return, you will reach a height never before.

Ais didn't reply and deep into thoughts. Primis can hesitation in her eyes.

[She is hesitating.]

'Primis: I expected that. Loki also did the same saying that if Ais joins her Familia, she will become strong enough to kill the One-Eyed Black Dragon. I am same. But I instead directly told her to me my weapon. It's obvious that she is conflicted.'

Primis: By the way, everyone in Loki Familia already accepted my proposal of taking you with me.

Those words stuck Ais hard. She never expected that. She then looks down.

'Ais: So, I really am a nuisance now. Huh'

As if seeing through her thoughts, Primis stretched his hand touched her face and raises it facing him again.

Primis: Before you come to any conclusion, let me ask you this. You have been with Loki Familia since you were child, didn't you?

Ais: Y-Yes.

Primis: Then by spending all the time with them, did you really think they will abandon you and think of you as a nuisance?

Those words of Primis shattered the wall, Ais created between herself and the rest of Loki Familia. Her eyes become moist when she started to remember her time here.

Primis: The reason they agreed for me of taking you away is because they knew it would best for you too. So...

Primis then wiped Ais tears gently before continuing.

Primis: It's up to you to prove that their today's decision was not the wrong one.

Ais: ...…Mn.

Primis: So, what's your decision?

Since it's already been decided, Ais also didn't back down.

Ais: I agree. I will be your sword.

Primis: And as my sword my words are Absolute. You can't let your personal feelings affect you while following my order.

Ais: Mn.




[Ais Wallenstein has decided to be your sword in return for power. She can now become Half-Member or Permanent Member of your Household. Which do you want her to become?]

Primis didn't decide right away and keeps on looking at Ais. Then he gets up.

Primis: Before we leave, shouldn't you at least eat the food they have prepared for you? They have put a lot of care in it.

Ais looks at the food on the table. She then leaves her bed and walk towards it. Once reaching, she started chomping on it. Tears are streaming down her eyes since she knew this is her last meal as a member of Loki Familia. So, she didn't say anything even if the food has become cold. Primis look at this with the same calm look. Once she ate everything, she stands up and look at Primis.

Primis: Shall we?

Ais: Mn.

'Primis: Permanent Member.'


A burst of light completely swallows Ais. There is no sound hence no one heard it. Soon light fades away and in place of Ais there is a fist size sphere. Primis took the sphere and look inside. Inside he can see completely nude Ais in a fetus position. She is in deep slumber. It's the same when Ophis became his Permanent-Member. Primis nodded then disperse into seven ravens.








The room became empty.

Outside the Twilight Manor, 2 Km in the sky. Primis appeared. He gave Twilight Manor one last look before the space wrap, and he disappears.

Primis then appeared in his home and took out the sphere which contains Ais's soul.

'Primis: Do your thing.'


Primis then shattered the sphere.



Once done, countless threads made of Origin Force appeared and cover Ais. Soon 2 meters long, golden-white cocoon appeared. It then floated in the air and stopped in sky when it reaches the desired height.

[It will take 2-hours.]

'Primis: Did I have to remain here, or I can leave to do other stuffs?'

[You can leave. But even if the body creation is completed in 2-hours, cocoon won't open unless you are here. Since the life of Permanent Member is attached with you, without you present they are nothing more than a soul.]

Primis nodded and decided to return after two hours. Space wrap again and he left his Home.

Primis appeared in sky right above Loki Familia again.

[They were listening to your conversation with Ais.]

'Primis: I know.'

Primis already found the device which was hidden under Ais's bed. The device works like a 'bug' of modern world. So, his every word was being listened by the members of Loki Familia that time. Primis then shakes his head and fly towards a certain direction.

'Primis: There are still 30-mins left before everyone in "Hostess of Fertility" wakes up. More than enough.'

[What are you planning now?]

Primis didn't reply and soon reached his destination. Then he descends and look at the huge gate and the Manor behind. He also stopped hiding his presence. As a result, the two guards at the gate saw him.

Guard 1: Who is----






A flash appears then two heads and two headless body fall on the ground.

[30 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

[30 drops of Blood Essence acquired.]

'Primis: This is the Noble House who keeps on sending Adventurers after Lili and Haruhime. Huh.'

[Yeah. Even the guards were Level 3.]

Primis then put the Elucidator back into its sheath.

Primis: Sheng Ming.

Sheng Ming: Yes, Husband.

Primis: It's all yours now. Leave No Survivors.

Sheng Ming who has been holding Primis arm all this time, nodded. Seriousness appears in her eyes. She then left Primis arm and walk towards the gate. Primis saw this with calm expression.

Primis: Show me the power of Goddess of Life.