Chapter – 114 (Sheng Ming’s Might)

(*A/N: Here goes 3/3 chapter of this week. Please Enjoy.)


Loki: They left.

Loki took a sigh after saying that. Others also did the same. It was hard for them to let Primis take Ais's till the very end. But in their heart, they are still very grateful to him. Because not only Ais can now fulfil her dream but also because Primis made Ais realize that they didn't abandon her and still care for her.

Finn: Looks like we owe him one.

Loki: We did.

Bete: He said he can make Ais go beyond what One-Eyed Dragon can cope against.

Tiona: And If One-Eyed Dragon is currently Level 11.

Tione: He will make her go beyond that level.

Lefiya: B-But isn't Level 9 limit.

Gareth: In normal scenario, yes. But we are talking about "The Black Swordsman" here.

Riveria: His very existence appears illogical.

Riveria said but deep inside her heart, fear has already been established. She still can't believe she poured wine to him without showing any resistance. It's like she was possessed, her body was moving own her own to fulfil his orders. She also felt that it's normal thing for her to pour wine for him that time. Riveria is still shivering slightly thinking about that. Fortunately, no one notice.

Loki: Forget about it. Finn, you and Riveria go to Guild later and inform them that Ais is no longer part of Loki Familia and has left. If they asked where tell them, we can't disclose that.

Finn & Riveria: Yes.






Step by step Sheng Ming walk towards the gate. She didn't even stop when she reaches near the gate. Just when she was about to hit it, a pulse of power was released from her body. The pulse then hit the gate which broke it and throw it inside.



The voice was so loud that everyone in the Mansion wakes up. The soldiers hurriedly rushed towards the entrance. There are almost hundred soldiers. Not that surprising since the mansion is covering the area of over 2 Km. Primis can even see some soldiers hidden in the basement. Some are still hiding in the hidden rooms of the Mansion. Those still hidding inside are all Level 4 and Level 5.

[As expected, with such security no wonder Freya and Loki Familia didn't attack and destroy these Nobles until now. They might have found out about it.]

'Primis: I am sure most of them are hired from another countries.'

[Agreed. Otherwise, Guild have the information on them.]

'Primis: But still there is not a single Level 6.'

[Hmph. Level 6 are not something these Nobles can hire unless they decide to give up all their money and resources.]

Primis didn't reply and just look at everything below from the sky.

When the soldiers reached the entrance, they all came to stand still. They have never seen just a Heavenly Beauty before. As a result, they all fall into daze. Sheng Ming just waves her hand.



In the next instant, blood scatter all around. The soldiers came out of their daze and look down. There they saw that their chest is pierced by the branches of the tree behind them. They all opened their eyes wide. They look at Sheng Ming before their consciousness got swallowed by the darkness. Till the end, they all have same thought.

'Soldiers: How did a mere tree branch pierce through my armor.'








Then bodies fall on the ground one by one as trees pulled back their branches. Just like they thought, it was impossible for mere branches to pierce through their advanced Armors. But things change completely if these branches are coated by the magic.

Soldiers approaching from behind witness this. They all felt a chill down their spine. Then they hurriedly keep distance from not only Sheng Ming but also from the trees around them. To them, Sheng Ming no longer appears like a Goddess but a Demoness.

Sheng Ming doesn't know what they are thinking. Even if she does, she doesn't care about it one bit. Another pulse of power is released by her. The ground starts shaking in the next second.



All soldiers are trying their best to prevent themselves for falling. But the next scene makes them open their eyes in horror.






Many trees as big as skyscrapers burst out of the ground from all around the Mansion. Without waiting for Primis words, Ophis just waved her hand to create barrier which hide everything going on inside. All the soldiers hidden underground die because of debris. Even the soldiers hiding in the hidden rooms of Mansion hurriedly leave the room. When they came out, they all witness the trees which made them stop on the spot. Then all the trees started to rain the branches all around the mansion.



















After many explosions, it stopped. Now, the entire mansion has turned into ruins. Countless died. Soldiers, Maids, Butlers, and some members of Noble Lineage. The reason why some Nobles survived is because some very loyal Soldiers used their bodies as a shield to protect them.

Sheng Ming then proceeds forward. She enters inside from the destroyed door of the Mansion. As for the soldiers outside, all of them are dead. Sheng Ming keeps on walking killing anyone that she saw without a slightest hesitation.

[Woah. Are you not surprised that Sheng Ming, the kindest Goddess of all can kill everyone without batting an eye?]

'Primis: No.'


'Primis: I expected that.'

[You did? How?]

'Primis: It's heart.'


'Primis: Yes. Did you forget, the hearts of all Permanent-Members are connected with me?'

[Yes. So...]

'Primis: Since I am dominant one here, my heart can also influence other members.'

[Huh? ...…...You don't mean.]

'Primis: Yes. Whenever I face or kill my enemies, my heart that time is completely numb, the same thing is happening to her.'

[I see. No wonder.]

Sheng Ming keeps on walking. After walking for some time and taking a few turns she final reaches her destination. It's a big hall. Inside there are more than 50 Soldiers. Each are Level 4 and Level 5. At the very end, you can see the Family of Noble with some of their private Maids and Butlers. When Sheng Ming enters the room, everyone falls into daze seeing the Heavenly Beauty. After some time, they all came out of their daze. A gulping sound was heard. The Noble felt a tug from behind. He turned and looked at his son who is showing lustful expression.

Noble Son: Dad, I want her. So, capture her alive for me.

Hearing his son demand, Noble cursed in his mind. He really wants to open the head of his son to see if he still has brain.

'Noble: Is debauchery all in his mind? This woman not only just single-handed kill everyone outside but also turned the entire Mansion into ruin. It would already be an achievement if we survive today.'

But his son has other things in mind.

'Noble Son: I still haven't heard of the Adventurers Party who I hired to capture that Pallum and Renard. But if I get this woman then I don't need to them anymore.'

Then he licks his lips thinking about his future. Without waiting for his father to say a word, he shouted.



Noble shouted at his son but it was too late. The soldiers have already rushed to capture Sheng Ming. Sheng Ming looks at soldiers without any change of expression. Just when the soldier in front brings his hand on Sheng Ming.



His body was chopped in two.



When the two half-bodies fall on the ground, the entire room become silent. But this is just the beginning.












Many other soldiers were also chopped into two. Remaining soldiers hurriedly took some steps back. They look at perpetrators become speechless. The one who killed are not person, but they are the Full-plated body armors. The very armors that are placed all around the mansion as a decoration. These armors are also placed in the hall.

'Primis: Animation. Huh.'

[Yes. The power that allows Sheng Ming to breathe life into inanimate objects, turning them into living creatures to aid them in combat.]

'Primis: After being turned into living creatures along with the power of Life inside them make them as strong as Level 6 strength-based Adventurer.'

[And there are many of these kinds of armors all around the Mansion.]

'Primis: Hundreds of Level 6 Armors Vs remaining 34 Level 5 Adventurers. How amusing.'




The sound of the Armors boots resounded as more and more started to enter the hall from door behind Sheng Ming. Seeing this army despair appears on the face of everyone present. Now even the Noble's son also realized that situation has changed drastically. He started to cry like baby.

Noble Son: Father, you must do something. I can't die here.

Noble: SHUT UP.


The Noble punched his son in frustration. After receiving the punch from his father, he falls to the ground and started crying. The Noble's wife hurriedly hugged her crying son and started to sob herself. That's all she could do. Seeing his crying family even the eyes of Noble moist. But he didn't cry and turn to look at Sheng Ming.

Noble: Why did we do to deserve this?

Sheng Ming: Your son made the enemy of my Husband.

Noble: Your Husband? Who?

???: Me.

All of them instantly, turn their head towards the owner of the voice. They also want to see who could become the Husband of such a Heavenly Beauty. The Armors parted in two to form a path. Then they saw the Heavenly Handsome man making his way towards them with light steps.

But instead of becoming daze, all their face turned pale. Dread filled their heart and their body started shaking. The realized who he is. Heavenly Handsome face, Black clothes, and Blood-red eyes.


The Nobel fall on his hip when he saw Primis. Primis look at Noble and his family who are trembling in fear. He then took out two photos. One is of Lili and other is of Haruhime.

Primis: Remember them.

Noble son tremble violently. This action of his is seen by everyone.

Primis: Both are affiliated with them. For the last month, you just keep on sending your soldiers and hired Adventurers to capture them. The things become so serious that they must even leave the Orario to survive. I think this answer your current predicament.


Noble look at his and cursed again. Now he really wanted to skin him alive. But that will be for later. Right now, he needs to think of a way to survive.

Noble: T-The Black Swordsman. Can't you give us a chance for making up our mistake?

Primis remain silent. Noble gulped nervously.

Noble: T-Think about it. If you kill us, other Nobles won't let this matter go. And soon they will connect dots with those two women. That time, that time they will become target.

Noble tried to reason with Primis.

Primis: If I was afraid of you Nobles, did you really think I would have erased more than 17 Noble Lineage last month.


These words struck like thunderbolt in everyone's mind. They have been looking for the perpetrator responsible of that incidence for the whole month. But they failed. In the end, they decided to use "The Black Swordsman" as scapegoat. But who would have thought that the scapegoat they chose is the real perpetrator of the incidence? As they stand there in shock. Primis turns and walk back from the path where he came from.

Noble: W-Wait----

Sheng Ming: Go.







At Sheng Mind order, all the Armors started to approach them to end this. In the end, the voice of all everyone in the room disappears and only the voice of weapons colliding, and Armor clinking was heard. Since they are going to die anyway, the remaining soldiers decided to die while fighting.

At this time, Primis came out of the Mansion and look at sun which has risen completely.

[By the way, if she wants, she can kill all of them in an instant by using her Life Stealing/Instant Death.]

'Primis: I know. But since she wants to show me her other abilities she didn't do that.'

[I agree]

'Primis: Anyway.'

{Primis: Once they are dead, erase their very lineage from this world.}

{Ophis: Mn.}

Primis: Guess, it's time to return. Everyone in "Hostess of Fertility" would be waking up soon.