Chapter – 135 (First Magic Training Complete)

(*A/N: Here goes 2/4 chapter of this week. Please Enjoy.)


*A/N: For every 100 power stones extra chapters will be released on the last day of each month. Extra chapters that will release on 30th September = 2.


Primis was no longer in mood of continuing the creation of new weapon blueprint and process. His mind was occupied by other thoughts. He hugged Ophis who was sleeping on his lap and held the shoulder of Sheng Ming who was sleeping on his left while leaning on him tightly. While doing this his eyes were at Ais who was emerged in her practice.

'Primis: Since that's the case then Ophis, Sheng Ming and Ais are also not safe. I need to increase by vigilance even more when I am not in "Home" world.'

Since Ophis, Sheng Ming and Ais will sense his worry because their hearts are connected, Primis make sure that his heart won't show any changes. Noticing they didn't sense it, he took a sigh of relief inwardly.

'Primis: Now then. Let's see. First, I am 100% sure that 10th and 11th Level Existences won't come here. Second, those who can threaten me and are weaker than 10th and 11th Level Existences are 7th, 8th, and 9th Level Existences. However, these Existences exists in Group 3. And it's impossible to come here because of barrier and Wächter who was keeping eye on them.'

Primis became silent. Before asking Twilight about something.

'Primis: For the third. Twilight, how much stronger a fated one with system can become? Can Existence 1 become Existence 7 or Higher?'

[That depend on the Group that system belongs to. Systems in Group 1 can only make their Hosts reach Existence 3. Group 2 Systems can make them reach Existence 6. And Group 3 Systems can make them reach Existence 9. That's their limit. No matter how much strong System become along with their Host they can't break this limit.]

'Primis: Hmm. This makes even the third option invalid. Because in case I will face the Fate One who has become 3rd Level Existence, before I even get a chance enter my Awakening, Ophis will erase that person very existence.'

[That's true. Your Empress will erase that person the moment she will realize that he/she could hurt you.]

'Primis: Yes. Then it leads to the Fourth option. Something that is life-threating and Ophis can't do anything. Means I, myself will approach that danger.'

[Yes. I also came to same conclusion.]

'Primis: Hmm.'

Primis remain silent before a smile appeared on his face.

'Primis: A Life-Threating danger, I know about it but will still approach it. This means the gains I get will outweigh the loss.'

[There are high chances.]

'Primis: I see.'

Ais: LORD!!!!

Primis snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Ais who was standing at the stem of the tree with her body parallel to the ground. Ais was showing the excited expression. Primis smiled and nodded at her.

[Not bad. Even though her footing is still not perfect, she finally takes her first step.]

'Primis: Yeah.'

Seeing Primis smiling and nodding at her, Ais became even more happy. Although, this excitement distracted her from concentration of the magic on her feet. Hence, she fell.

Ais: Whoa--


[Well... She needs more practice.]

Primis chuckled hearing this.

'Primis: There's still more than an hour left. I am sure she will be able to complete it before the deadline.'

[That's true.]




Ais got up and rub off the slight dust on her. Her face flushed due to embarrassment when she heard Primis chuckle from distance. She glared at tree with pout. Just like a little girl putting the blame of her mistake on something else.

'Ais: You embarrass me in front of Lord. I will practice on another tree now. Hmph.'

Ais snorted and walked towards another tree. Primis saw Ais's action then shook his head with smile. He never excepted Ais to show such a cute side. By now Ais stood in front of another tree. She took a deep breath before lifting her light leg towards it.

'Ais: Not too weak, not too strong.'

Magic gathered at her feet and her foot touch the tree. First, she took a sigh of relief noticing that tree was still intact without any damage and her foot has stuck at it. She raised her next foot and stepped on it. Her both feet got attached to the tree but her posture's still not good. Her body was tilting in front rather than being paralleled to the ground.

Ais then a deep breath again and again and again. Before relaxing her body. Then she succeeded. Once she stabilized herself to Ninety degrees, she continued.





Step by step she climbed the tree. Her concentration was completely at it. Soon her control became better and better.

'Ais: *deep breath in* *deep breath out* *deep breath in* *deep breath out*. Now the next part.'

She looked at the branch of the tree with solemn expression. Next part is even more difficult. Standing upside down. Not only she needs to make sure her feet remain stick to the branch but also that the delicate branch won't break because of her weight.

She then put one foot at the downside of the branch before putting the other one. However...…



Branch broke and Ais fell. Just when her head was about to touch the ground, she moved her body and landed on her feet. She gave a quick glance at the broken branch on the ground before choosing next one to continue.









Even after several attempts, the result was same.

'Ais: I don't have any problem with having my feet stick to the branch. But the branch break from my weight. Hmm. Do I need to start dieting to decrease by weight?'

If her thoughts were in open, Primis couldn't have stopped himself from smiling at her. Ais such childish and cute way of thinking really makes it difficult for anyone to hate her easily. After all, even though she is 15 her mind is still that of a child. Ais then shook her head.

'Ais: No. No. No. That's not possible. Assuming that, Lord won't have given me the deadline till morning. Since I will need days or weeks to decrease my weight.'

She then folds her arms and started to walk around.

'Ais: Lord said once I will complete this part of training I can stand on any kind of solid matter.'

Ais then stopped. Confusion appeared on her face.

'Ais: What is solid matter?'

She then tried to connect her mind with Primis. Since Primis can contact her like this she also thought to try it. Her way of thinking was not wrong. But difference is that Primis can directly connect to all his members but if members want to connect to him, Primis need his permission.


Since Primis gave the permission, Ais succeeded in connecting.

{Primis: What is it, Ais?}

Ais first took a sigh of relief. Considering that was her first attempt, she wasn't sure if she will succeed.

{Ais: Lord, you said once I will this part of training I can stand on any kind of solid matter like wall, tree, cliffs and many more. Right?}

{Primis: Right.}

{Ais: However, Lord just what is solid matter exactly?}

{Primis: A solid can be defined as a substance which exists in the solid-state. A matter that retains its shape and density when not confined. Solids have a fixed shape and fixed volume, which means they don't move to fill a container when they're placed in it. They hold their own shape and volume. Solids cannot be compressed into a smaller space very easily. Some of the examples other than wall, tree and cliffs are table salt, sugar, diamonds, and many other minerals.}

{Ais: Oh...…}

{Primis: Did you get it?}

{Ais: So-So.}

{Primis: Let's take example of a brick. Will its shape change if you put it in a barrel? Or will it look same as before?}

{Ais: It will look same.}

{Primis: That's the gist of it.}

{Ais: I see.}

{Primis: Let me tell you what Liquid matter is. It will help you understand it more.}

{Ais: Ok.}

{Primis: Compared to solid matter, liquid matter takes the shape of its container. Example of liquid matters are water, oil, wine, juice and so on. Now tell me what will happen if you put any of them in a barrel.}

{Ais: They...…will change their shape.}

{Primis: Right. Put the same thing in a cup or mug. What will happen?}

{Ais: They will change their shape again. My Lord, I get it.}

{Primis: Good.}

{Ais: My Lord, one more question.}

{Primis: Yes.}

{Ais: Does this mean I can also walk and run on something as delicate as a glass?}

{Primis: Let alone glass, you can even walk and run on a thin wire.}

{Ais: W-Wha---- How?}

{Primis: That's for you to figure out.}

{Ais: O-Ok.}


Primis then cut-off the connection from his end. Ais went deep into her thoughts.

'Ais: That means I don't have decrease my weight. Even with child weight a wire or rope will break normally, let alone mine. Hmmm.'

Ais then picked up the broken branch and looked at it.

'Ais: How can a glass won't break even if I stand on it? How can rope or wire don't get affected by my weight?'

Ais threw the branch away and started to stroll around. Frown had appeared on her forehead because she knew her deadline will be approaching soon.

'Ais: Granting that glass is strong then it won't break even if I stand on it. If the rope and wire and bounded tightly to both ends, then they will also be able to handle my weight for some time before breaking. However, it won't happen all the time. Not all glasses are strong. Not all wires are of higher quality. Huh? What a minute.'

Something stuck in Ais's mind. She suddenly raised her head and looked at the branch of another tree.

'Ais: In that case, can't I just...'

She then hurriedly climbed that tree. Her eyes were darting at branch. She put her feet on it one-by-one. Then...

Ais: YEA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




[She did it.]

'Primis: Yes, she did.'

Primis was looking at Ais with gentle smile. Ais was standing upside down on the branch of the tree and waving at him excitedly. Primis also waved at her.

'Primis: Once you someone will complete all 5-parts of my magic training, they can even control their weight that time. Since it's required to fly.'

[However, Ais haven't reached there yet.]

'Primis: Yes. So, if she can't control her weight, she needs to use different approach.'

[Make the very branch stronger.]

'Primis: Exactly. In that case, she not only has to make sure that her feet remain attached to the branch but also needs to release her magic from her feet to make branch stronger.'

[By doing this she made the connection of the branch with the tree strong enough so that it can handle her weight.]

'Primis: *nod* Same is the case with glass. Instead of making the entire glass stronger, you just need to reinforce the specific area where you are standing.'

[Yes. In rope or wire case, you not only need to reinforce them but also reinforce their ends. However, one this common in each case.]

'Primis: Yes.'

'[Primis & Twilight: Magic required in each case is almost the same.]'

'Primis: In branch case, you only need to reinforce its joining point with tree.'

[In glass case, you only to reinforce the specific area where you are standing.]

'Primis: In rope and wire case, even if you need to reinforce it completely along with its endpoints. The area they take is very small. It's like a line. Hence, the magic required is almost the same as in branch and glass case.'

[So now, she won't have any problem in either case.]

'Primis: Yes.'

Primis gaze was still at Ais who jumping from one tree to another in excitement.

Primis: Well done, My Sword Princess.