Chapter – 136 (Returning back to Orario)

(*A/N: Here goes 3/4 chapter of this week. Please Enjoy.)


*A/N: For every 100 power stones extra chapters will be released on the last day of each month. Extra chapters that will release on 30th September = 2.


Ais: Zzz...…Zzz...…Zzz

Ais had already fallen sleep on Primis right shoulder the same way how Sheng Ming is sleeping on his left. Since there's still time for sun to rise, Primis told Ais to take a quick nap. Looking at all the destroyed trees, Primis waved his hand and they started to return to their former form. This time Primis used the power of time to rewind the time of the forest.

'Primis: This should do it.'

[It does.]

The forest returned to what it was before Ais started her tree climbing training.

[Look at you. Heavenly beauties on your right, left and center. This is the life every man wants and will be envious of.]

'Primis: Why do I sense jealously in your tone?'

[W-Who is getting jealous of them?]

'Primis: Hoh...…I thought you were jealous of me. But I never expected you to be jealous of them.'

[W-What are you saying?]

'Primis: You know what Twilight. I never thought you had such a cute side.'

[I-I don't.]

'Primis: Tsundere.'


'Primis: Haha. Forget it, I was just teasing you.'


Primis then turned his gaze at the sun that was rising slowly. Animals who were sleeping around him started to wake up one-by-one. The first thing they saw was forest which had returned to want it was at night. Before Ais destruction. They all became happy. However, before running to their habitat, they turned to Primis and lower their head at him. They by their instinct knew that it was Primis who did this. That's why they were very grateful to him. Primis didn't glance at them, just replied with one word.

Primis: Go.

All animals listening this, bowed their head at him one last time before they hurriedly ran back to their Home.

'Primis: Ruler's Aura. Huh.'

[Yes. Ever since you became one with your dark self, you have demeanor of a Ruler. That's also why Riveria followed your order as if it was natural. Let alone her even Gods without their Arcanum will get affected by it. Compared to them Animals are nothing.]

'Primis: I already know that. You don't have to give the same information in detail all the time.'


Primis shook his head listening to Twilight snort. He knew that she is clearly angry that he teased her

'Primis: Time to leave.'

Primis then caresses Ophis head slightly different then before which made her wake up from her sleep. He then caresses Sheng Ming face gently and she also wake up. As for Ais, he decided to let her rest some more.

His right hand held her shoulder while his left hand held behind her knees and raised her in princess carry. Ais as if sensing the warmth, snuggled in his embrace. And unconsciously wrapped her arms around his neck. Primis didn't say anything.

Primis: Let's go.

Ophis and Sheng Ming nodded. Then all three raised in the air and fly towards the direction of Orario. Animals looked at Primis and others departing figure before returning to their things.




Light entered the workshop from the opened window and fell on Hephaestus face who was sleeping on her couch. She felt irritation because of light on her eyes and raised her body to sit. She rubbed her eyes and stretched her body. Then she opened her mouth wide to take a yawn.

Hephaestus: Ahhhh-hhaaaaaa.

After taking a deep yawn, Hephaestus stood up and stretched her body again.

Hephaestus: I wonder when the last time I slept this peacefully. Maybe when I was in Heaven and met Hestia. I was very happy that there was someone who was not afraid of my eye----

When 'eye' word left her mouth, Hephaestus instantly recalled what happened last night. She hurriedly put her hand on her right-eye only to found out that she is not wearing her eyepatch. Her gaze fell on the table on which her eyepatch is. Instead of picking it, she continued feeling her eye. Realizing that there was no feeling of distorted skin, she hastily looked around. Since there was no mirror in the workshop, she picked up a sword to see her reflection.

Hephaestus: ...

Then she remained rooted on her spot.



An hour later.


Door of the workshop opened.

Hestia: Hephaestus have you woken up. I have come to say bye----

Hestia stopped and turned at Hephaestus who was currently sitting on the couch leaning her head back while one of her arms was on covering her eyes and forehead.

Hephaestus: H-Hestia...…

Hearing Hestia voice brought her out of her thoughts. She removed her arm and looked at her. Hestia can see that Hephaestus eyes were slightly red. Not because her pupils are crimson but were red because of tears. It clearly indicated that she cried once more before Hestia arrival. Hence, her eyes were like this even when she stopped.

Hephaestus: S-So, it w-wasn't a dream.

Hestia: Yup. It wasn't.

Hestia smiled before approaching her. If it was before then she would have comforted her but since Hephaestus already calmed down, there's no need for that.

Hephaestus: *sigh* I have already given up any hope for my eye. Since no one could heal it, I thought it was impossible. Never thought my lifelong wish will be fulfilled when I least expected.

Hestia: I guess that's what life is. Full of uncertainty.

Hephaestus: I agree. By the way, what do mean by you come to say bye?

Hestia: Oh. I forgot that you fell sleep in "The Black Swordsman" embrace last night, so you didn't hear our conversation.

Hephaestus face flushed when she remembered how she fell asleep in Primis embrace after crying. She then coughed two times to get out of the embarrassing situation.

Hephaestus: *cough* *cough* So, what did you both talk about a-after I have fallen asleep.

Hestia: It was nothing much. He said he have bought a mansion. That's where I and my Familia members will live from today onwards.

Hephaestus: Is that so.

Hestia: Yes. That's why I come to say bye.

Hephaestus: But why this early in the morning. Can't it be later?

Hestia: Well, he told me reach the mansion in the morning. That's why.

Hephaestus: No wonder you wake up this early. Other time, you won't wake up until it was almost noon.

Hestia became embarrassed. So, she hurriedly decided to change the topic.

Hestia: Anyway, that's all. I am leaving.

Hestia then walked towards the door.

Hephaestus: WAIT.

Hestia: Huh?

Hephaestus: I am coming too.

Hestia: Why?

Hephaestus: I-It's to t-thanks "The Black Swordsman" for curing my e-eye. And y-yes, also he said he will provide the materials for weapon in the morning. That's why I am coming along.

Hestia: Is that so.

Hestia looked at Hephaestus who averted her eyes away trying not to meet Hestia gaze. After some time, Hestia shrugged her shoulders.

Hestia: Ok, let's go together.

Hephaestus took a sigh of relief before following Hestia. Hestia then opened the door, and they left the workshop. At this the two guards outside, heard the door opening and turn towards them. They both were afraid of Primis last night. However, when Hestia left last night, she informed them Primis was gone, and they can return to guarding the door. Only then they returned.

Guard 1 & Guard 2: Lady Hestia. Lady Hephaestus----

Both Guards became stunned when they witnessed Hephaestus flawless face without eyepatch. They lost themselves while looking at her beauty. However, Hephaestus frowned when she witnessed their behavior. Her expressions turned solemn as she spoke with stern voice.

Hephaestus: I am going somewhere with Hestia. While I am away look after the workshop.

Finished speaking, Hephaestus walked away. Her stern voice made the Guards came out of their stupor. When they Hephaestus walking away, Guard 1 quickly tried to stop her.

Guard 1: Lady H-Hephaestus, its not safe for you to go own your own. At least let me accompany you.

Guard 1 showed a genuine smile while saying so. But Hephaestus didn't like this smile. This time she spoke in harsh tone.

Hephaestus: We will be fine. Return back to your post.

Then without waiting for Guard reply, she left with Hestia. This time Guard 1 didn't dare to go against her order.




Since sun rose just yet, Hostess of Fertility didn't open yet. This was the time when all the waitress of wake up and started to freshen themselves. But not today. Today they woke up even before. Considering they are going to move to their new lodging, they woke up long before. Because they packed their stuff last night, they decided to do the cleaning. After all, after putting their stuff in their new house, they need to return here to start off their day.

Mia: Have you girls all packed your stuffs?

All Waitresses: Yes.

Mia: Good. By the way, did Syr tell you where your new house is?

Chloe: No, meow~.

Anya: We asked but she said its surprise, meow~.

Mia: Oh. Hey Syr at least tell me.

Syr: No. It will be a surprise to everyone.

Mia: But I am not moving with you. So, its fine to tell me isn't.

Syr: Sorry.

At this time, Lili and Haruhime walked down the stairs. All turned to them to greet them but suddenly they stopped their movements.

Chloe: ...…

Anya: ...…

Ryuu: ...…

Lunoire: ...…

Syr: ...…

Mia: ...…

It's not that something is wrong with Lili and Haruhime. They are just shocked because Haruhime became more beautiful overnight. Her skin looks very lively and glossy. Since they have knowledgeable about adult stuff, they realized what happened to Haruhime in an instant. However, they only have knowledge. They have zero experience hence they are still virgin. Except Mia and Syr(Freya) that is. However, there's one question in everyone's mind except Lili.

'Everyone: When Primis and Haruhime do sex without any of us realizing? We didn't hear any noise or sound whole night?'