Chapter – 154 (True Experts)

(*A/N: Here goes 2/4 chapter of this week. Please Enjoy.)


*A/N: For every 100 power stones extra chapters will be released on the last day of each month. Extra chapters that will release on 31st October = 5.




After closing the door with bang, Royman hurriedly left. If Primis want, he could have directly barged into Room of prayer to meet Ouranos. However, he wanted to give him some respect since he still had a lot of use. Primis then hugged Ophis who was sitting on his lap with one hand and his other hand started to caress her hair. She was sitting there all the time while Sheng Ming and Ais were standing behind. Of course, Royman couldn't see them.

Primis: What do you think?

Sheng Ming: I have to say all those Adventurers were strong. But just like Husband told me before, they fight with complete brute force. There are just too many flaws in their movements and attacks. There's no technique in them. However, that Elf and Dark-Elf can be called exception.

Primis: Hedin and Hogni.

Sheng Ming: Yes, them.

Primis nodded his head. Even though Primis didn't give them any chance and overpower them with a single attack. For the beings like him, Ophis and Sheng Ming, glance is all they need to saw through someone's strength.

Ais: My Lord, even though I know that the main members of Freya Familia very strong. But just where do they stand.

Primis: Even If the old you, Tiona, Tione and Bete join forces together, Hogni could still fight all of you at the same time without being in any disadvantage.

Ais: ......…

Ais got stunned listening this. When she was still the member of Loki Familia, she could tell that she was not Hogni match. But she never expected him to be this strong. To be able to take on four Level 5 Adventurers on his own.

'Primis: Before joing Freya Familia, Hogni used to reign over the Dark Elves as a foolish and fearful king while Hedin used to reign over the White Elves as a clever and tyrant king. Since that time, they weren't Adventurers and can't just rely on brute force. They created their own swordsmanship. And while fighting among each other, they kept on sharpening them.'

[Yes. Because of that their foundation was a lot better than other Adventurers. That's also why they were able to level up at accelerated rate when they became Adventurers.]

'Primis: Yes.'

Primis: Anything else.

Sheng Ming: It appears that many of them became strong quite easily. They didn't have full control over their strength.

'Primis: Exactly. They depend on the other High-Level Adventurers of their Familia to carry them in dungeon.'

Sheng Ming: That's......…also the reason. They are leaving Orario now.

Primis: Exactly.

Ais: Sister Sheng Ming, what do you mean by that?

Sheng Ming: ......…

Sheng Ming became silent. She didn't want to say the main reason for it were Gods themselves. Though, Primis had no intention of hiding this from Ais. So, he spoke on Sheng Ming stead.

Primis: Ais, becoming strong is not as easy as it appeared to be.

Ais: Lord, I know. You must put your life on the line to become strong. That's why many died in dungeon.

Primis: You're only half-right.

Ais: Half?

Primis: Yes. It's true that to become truly strong one needs to put his or her life on the line. But if you think only by putting your life on the line for 'once', you can become stronger then you are wrong. Sheng Ming continue.

Sheng Ming nodded. Since now that her husband had told her to continue, she won't hesitate.

Sheng Ming: Little sister as you kept on putting your life on the line, you understand many things. Like your shortcoming. Enemies' or Opponents weaknesses. You understand things that you are good at and bad at. Not everyone is good with swords. They might be good at other weapons.

Primis: Some are not even good for close combat but for long ranged one. And like how some are good at magic while others don't.

Sheng Ming: *nod* As time went by, more and more doors kept on opening for you. The more you put your life on the line the more you know about yourself. As you kept on receiving baptism of blood during your journey, you started to change. Your whole demeanor changed.

Ais: ......…

Sheng Ming: You stopped looking at the thing's same way as before. You unconsciously released an aura that intimidate others. Your personality also changed in a good way. And most of all your heart also become strong.

Then Sheng Ming turned and looked at Adventurers who were thinking of running away. She looked at everything from window before sighing in disappointment.

Sheng Ming: You won't behave the way these Adventurers were doing. You won't be like these Adventurers who are emotional weak.

Ais: .........

Ais didn't reply. She was also disappointed on these Adventurers. Disdain was visible in their eyes.

Primis: That's how you became strong. Step-by-step. However, everything changed when Gods came to this world thousand years ago. As they started to give blessing, Adventurers became lazy. Unlike before when you need to put your live on the line to become strong, you can do that just by killing some weak monsters and so. As a result, people stopped putting themselves in danger. Hence, that's what led to current predicament.

Ais: ......…

Sheng Ming: ......…

Ais remained silent wile Sheng Ming took another sigh. This is what happened if you get your hand on power quite easily.

Primis: From what I have seen so far, in the Orario only the members of Freya Familia can be called true experts. Because Freya put them in danger situation again and again. As a result, it drew out all their potentials. I am sure Zeus and Hera Familia were the same. Because once you reach high-level, you can't increase your stats just by killing monsters. You need to go through the very path which I and Sheng Ming described just now.

Hearing this, Ais now fully understands how strong her father Albert Waldstein truly was. He was the strongest Level 9 Adventurer. He won't have been called Hero and be given the nickname Sword Champion in case he would have just relied on killing monsters to increase his strength. Ais clenched her fist tightly thinking that.

'Ais: No wonder I felt it was becoming more and more difficult for me to become stronger while I was in Loki Familia. I can't just rely on killing monsters to become strong. I need to put my life on the line to understand more about my shortcomings and the path that I need to take in future.'

As if a stone was load off from her chest, Ais's heart relaxed and an impulse of magic was released from her body on its own. Corner of Primis lips curved up a little as he kept of caressing Ophis. Sheng Ming also showed a knowing smile looking at Ais.

'Primis: With this, Ais will improve a lot faster than before.'

[Agreed. When Ais Wallenstein reached Level 5, the rate of her improvement decreased drastically. It really affected her a lot. To the point that she gave up improving and decided to rely on others. The same was the case when you made her your Permanent-Member.]

'Primis: I know. Even though she didn't show it on her face, I already knew she was still worried whether she will become strong or will still stagnant after reaching a certain level like before.'

[Yes. However, now she knew the correct way. A new door has been opened for her.]

'Primis: True.'

Ais: My Lord, you said only the members of Freya Familia should be called true experts. Then what about Loki Familia. As you know, I have been with them from since I was little. From what I have seen, they also possessed such demeanor.

Primis: They do possess the demeanor of the expert but compared to Freya Familia, they still fell short.

Ais: Is that so?

Primis: As I have said before, Freya made all her Familia members to go through life and death battle again and again which drew out all their potential. That's why they are true experts. However, Loki Familia only go through such things during Dark Period. Anyway, you will know what I mean when you will reach Level 2.

Ais: Level 2? Isn't it around the corner? My stats have already reached the max of Level 1. I only need to increase the grade of my skills to F.

Primis: Yes.

Ais: Alright.

Ais pumped her fists in confidence. Primis showed a small smile while shaking his head.

[Hahaha. She made it sound so easy. Her current skill ranks are at "H". There are still two ranks to go to reach "F" rank. She still thinks it will be easy.]

'Primis: Let her be. She will soon realize the difficultly of increasing the proficiency of one's skills compared to one's stats.'

[Indeed. Not only it's difficult but it also required time. On top of that, the time needs to increase its proficiency kept on increasing with each rank. That's also one of the reasons why Adventurers prefer to increase their level so that they can increase their overall stats and put aside their skills.]

Primis remained silent and didn't reply. He also agreed with Twilight. That's the very reason why he became angry when he saw how Lili and Haruhime skills reached "F" rank in just one month when he was away. Primis then shook his head.

'Primis: Anyway.'

Stopping here Primis gaze fell on the door which opened.


Royman: L-Lord Ouranos, is ready to meet to you.

Primis then get up from the chair and walked towards Royman. Royman kept on sweating while looking down. When Primis walked past him, he heard his voice.

Primis: You don't need to follow. Remain here or do whatever you were doing.

Royman: Y-Yes. Yes. Yes.

Royaman nervously nodded. In truth, he also didn't want to follow Primis. Even though Primis didn't release any aura and appeared to be normal human, it still took everything Royman had to stay in his presence. Once he could no longer see Primis back, Royman hurriedly entered the room and shut the door with a bang,


Then he approached his chair on which Primis was sitting before slumping on it. His shoulders dropped as all the nervousness and fatigue left his body. He then wiped his sweat and took a deep sigh.

Royman: That was way too much pressure. I felt that if I was rude to him or did anything he didn't like, I will be dead.

He then took another sigh.

Royman: I really don't want to meet him again. Though, I know it's just my wishful thinking.

Then Royman eyes fell on the documents at the side. He really wanted to do something to keep this mind off from "The Black Swordsman" for now.




[You really scared him there.]

'Primis: First impression is the last impression. He only saw me from afar when I was fighting. In this meeting, if I hadn't showed him who is in control then he won't have taken me seriously. He would have just thought of me as some strong Adventurer that's all.'

[Can't deny that. He is very arrogant inside.]

Primis then kept on walking for some time before reached the Room of prayer and entered. Then after walking some more, he reached his destination and stopped. In front of him were stairs which led one on top. On top there were two standing torches. They were the only source of light that were illuminating the room. In the very center of those two torches, there was a throne. The one sitting on the throne was the one Primis came to meet.

He had white hair and blue eyes. He was wearing a white robe with a black hooded cloak and sandals. The very first God who came to this world and gave his blessing. The head of the Guild as well as a Primordial God. God of Sky, Ouranos.