Chapter – 155 (First meeting with Ouranos)

(*A/N: Here goes 3/4 chapter of this week. Please Enjoy.)


*A/N: For every 100 power stones extra chapters will be released on the last day of each month. Extra chapters that will release on 31st October = 6.


Both Primis and Ouranos looked at each other without saying anything. No one want to back down in front of other. One was the Chief God, the Primordial God while other was the strongest Adventurer so far. Time went by, still no one said anything. In the end, Ouranos had to step back. Because as he kept on looking into Primis Sharingan, his vision started to blur. He then closed his eyes to calm his mind before opening them again.

Ouranos: It's our first meeting, The Black Swordsman.

Primis: Yes. And you really deserved to be called Chief God since the aura radiated from you can make anyone to bow their head in your presence.

Ouranos: Indeed. Even God and Goddess got affected by it. Yet, you remain unfazed. I never thought that one day I will meet a 'mortal' you can look eye-to-eye with me.

Primis: Life just finds its way to surprise people, no?

Ouranos: Agreed.

Ouranos said and showed a smile. So did Primis. Both became silent again. If someone else saw them, they will think them as friends.

Ouranos: So, what can I do for you?

Primis: Few things. First, Hestia had already started her Familia. However, because of some reason she can't register it for now. I want you to delay it for one month and let her members enter the dungeon freely during that time.

Ouranos: Easy.

Primis: Second, I want you to come to "Hostess of Fertility" five days from now on. Many other Familia will also join in that meeting.

Ouranos thought for some time before nodding.

Ouranos: No problem.

Primis: Third, when you come bring Eina along. She will work as your representative that time.

Ouranos narrowed his eyes fully aware what it means. If Ouranos will bring Eina along, it clearly indicates that she will be next head of the Guild after Royman Mardeel. Ouranos remained silent. Primis gaze moved from Ouranos to the darkness behind him.

Primis: How long you planned on hiding, Fels.

After Primis words fell, a movement occurred in the darkness. Then someone walked out. The person was wearing black robes that cover their face, making it impossible to tell their gender or any other features. Though, Primis knew that Fels is skeleton underneath all his robes. Once Fels came out, he spoke.

Fels: I was not hiding. I just don't want to disturb the conversation between you and Lord Ouranos.

Primis: Hoh. Is that so. My bad then.

Primis then showed a gentle smile which almost scared Fels to death.

Fels: I-I am sorry.

Hearing his apologize, Primis decided to let go of the matter. The cloak Fels was wearing was not a normal cloak. It can block curses and allows Fels to become invisible. That's why Fels was able to roam around the entire Orario freely without being noticed by anyone. He also used its invisible function here. Too bad, it's useless in front of Primis Sharingan and Elemental Sight.

Primis: Speak what you want to say. I am sure Ouranos is also thinking the same thing.

Fels turned to Ouranos who nodded in response. Getting his confirmation, Fels spoke.

Fels: Eina. If I am not wrong, Eina Tulle is the Half-Elf who you asked us to protect.

Primis: I didn't 'ask' you but 'told' you to protect her if you want my help.

Fels: My mistake, let me continue.

Primis: Go on.

Fels: By taking that Half-Elf----

Primis: Eina.

Fels: Yes, Eina. If Lord Ouranos will take her with him as his representative, it's basically saying that she will be next Head of Guild.

Primis: And?

Fels: Even though we don't mind, other people in Orario won't accept this. Especially Elves. They won't let a Half-Elf be the head of the guild.

Primis: Tell me the name of these people and elves who have problem. I will give them all a personal visit.

Fels shivered listening this. Even Ouranos narrowed his eyes. They both completely understand what Primis meant by 'giving them a visit'. Fels gather some courage in himself before continuing.

Fels: K-Killing is not the good solution to everything.

Primis: True. But still, it's the best, simple, and straightforward solution.

Fels: ......…

Primis: One should judge person by his or her capabilities not their race.

Fels: ......…

Primis: Because of this discrimination between races many talented people took their step back before they can even step forward. The reason for this is people who discriminated between them. And this is biggest problem of not only Orario but the entire world. Once you will solve this and treat every race as equal than it won't be long before Orario will prosper.

Ouranos nodded his head listening this. Fels also agreed. If the discrimination will be gone then Orario will keep on prospering nonstop. Still, it felt good in hearing but not easy to accomplish.

Fels: It's not easy to remove such discrimination. It will take hundreds of years.

Primis: What about only Orario?

Fels: It will still need decades.

Primis: Too bad, I don't have that much time. I will solve it in 1-2 years.


Primis: I have my own way.

Fels fell silent. He felt like Primis way won't be good one. But the one covered in blood. Primis then returned his gaze at Ouranos.

Primis: So, what do you say about taking Eina with you as your representative?

Ouranos: I agree.

Primis: Last one. When you will come, also bring that cunning fox Hermes along.

Ouranos: You knew even about him. Is there something you don't know?

Primis didn't reply. Hermes is also needed for his plan. Even though, Hermes appeared to have casual and playful personality and behaved casual and relaxed most of the time, presenting himself as a sociable and open God. In reality, he is very sharp, shrewd, and cunning.

He is eloquent in speech as he is skilled in holding his own when it comes to sounding other people. Not only that, but he is also a skilled manipulator capable of outwitting both mortals and Gods into acting according to his plans. Like how in plot, he cleverly manipulated both Ishtar and Freya so that the latter would destroy the former. He is a very good tool in Primis hand. So, Primis don't want to let him go. However, if he disagreed to come under him then Primis won't mind sending him back to heaven so that he can give company to Soma, Ishtar, and Apollo there.

Primis: So?

Ouranos: .........Ok.

Primis: *nod* Alright. That's all.

Primis then turned and walked away. Ouranos and Fels became dumbfounded seeing this. He just came, said his words, and left. What the hell.

Ouranos: Ahem. Isn't there something you want to ask? About Guild or so things.

Primis: No, I am good. See in five days, 'Old Man'.

Then Primis left. Even when they can no longer see Primis, Ouranos and Fels remained stunned. Ouranos blinked his eyes few minutes. He still can't believe what he just heard.

'Ouranos: Old man. To think someone will call me that. And right on my face.'

After some time, Ouranos smiled and shook his head. If it was someone else, then it would have mean that he was looking down on him. But he can tell that Primis has no such intention.

'Ouranos: I wonder when the last time was since someone didn't lower himself or herself in front of me and talked on equal standing.'

Ouranos then closed his eyes and continued using his divinity to keep monsters from coming out of the dungeon.

Ouranos: Do what he asked for.

Fels: Y-Yes.

Fels was still amazed by what he had just witnessed. Someone came told his demand and left. While leaving, he even called Chief God an Old man. On top of that, Ouranos didn't seem to be offended. On the contrary, he seemed happy. Fels in the end decided to put the matter at the back of his head and do what he was ordered.




[How does it feel like making your first friend?]

'Primis: Friend?'

[Yes. Unlike others who you look down on and doesn't give much thought. You treated Ouranos as someone on equal footing.]

'Primis: Hmmmm......Friend. Huh. Truly a foreign word.'

Primis then chuckled before continuing.

'Primis: Not that I hate it though.'

Then after some walk, he left the Room of Prayer. While he was walking towards his next destination, Sheng Ming and Ais who were following behind had their mind preoccupied by other things.

'Sheng Ming: So, that was a Primordial God, Ouranos. Unlike other Gods I have seen so far, I can't through him even when he was using a mortal body.'

Sheng Ming then looked at Primis who was walking in front and Ophis who was sitting on his left shoulder.

'Sheng Ming: Just like Husband and Eldest Sister Ophis.'

Ophis is 4th Level Existence. It's impossible for even Gods who are 3rd Level Existences to saw through her let alone 2nd Level Existence like Sheng Ming. Sheng Ming didn't know that. Primis didn't tell Sheng Ming about Ophis strength and what Existence Levels are yet. Hence, she only knew Ophis is strong but not that she is 4th Level Existence.

As for Primis, even though he is still 2nd Level Existence. He became complete after killing and absorbing his Dark-Self. So, currently his soul is of higher order and is being covered by the power of "Chaos". That's why Sheng Ming also can't even saw through him. While Ais was also thinking about something.

'Ais: That was the main head of the Guild and a Chief God, Ouranos. And that was the Room of Prayer where no mortal is allowed to enter. Even Gods and Goddesses need to ask for permission first to meet him. Never thought I would see him one day. It is known that Ouranos never made any public appearance. From what I have heard from Loki, Ouranos only showed his face in Denatus.'



[From the conversation with Ouranos, I can tell that you seriously want Eina to become the next head of the Guild.]

'Primis: I do.'

[But is it okay? I am sure she doesn't want to. Because of you more and more workloads kept on falling on her shoulders. Now you are even throwing more responsibilities on her.]

'Primis: Once huge pressure fell on someone's shoulder it led to two results. First, that person will crumble from that pressure. Second, that person will reborn from it.'

[In your opinion, Eina is the later.]

'Primis: Yes. She may whine at first, but she will neither crumble nor ran away from responsibilities.'

Then Primis put his attention on Royman who was still in his room while doing the documents. Even though, current distance between them is some tens of meters, Elemental Sight inner range is 5 Km.

Primis: Hey, you.

Royman who was doing the documents tense up when he received Primis voice transmission. He then looked around but failed to find anyone other than himself in the room.

Primis: Stop looking around. I am talking with you from distance.

Royman gulped nervously before a forced smile appeared on his face.

Royman: W-What can I help you with, Sir?

Primis: Do you know the Eina Tulle of your guild?

Royman: Eina Tulle.........…Oh, I remember it's that brow-haired Half-Elf.

Primis: Yes, her.

Royman: Did she offend you or something? Don't worry, I will fire her right away.

Royman then hurriedly stood up. However, he received Primis voice transmission again.

Primis: Don't come to conclusion on your own.

Royman: T-That's............I am sorry, Sir.

Primis: Forget it. I want you to train her well. As your successor.

Royman: My Successor?

Royman became dumbfounded hearing this.

Primis: Yes. You are already old. It's about time for you to retire your position as the head of the Guild. Be rejoiced. I found a perfect candidate that you can train before retiring.

Royman: B-B-But Sir......

Primis: Don't worry, I believe you. I am sure someone as 'broadminded' as you won't look down at others from their race and will train her 'wholeheartedly' without making things difficult for her.

Royman: .........

Primis: Oh, yeah. There had been many cases of civilians and Adventurers being killed in an alley nowadays. I just hope something like this won't happen to you before your retirement.

Royman started to sweat bullets. Completely understanding what Primis mean.

Primis: Oh. By the way, what were you saying before?

Royman: L-Leave it to me sir. I will train Eina Tulle as my successor and as the next head of the Guild.

Primis: Good.