Volume 3 - Chapter 3(Prologue(Part – 3))

Primis opened his black eyes as light shone on them. Because of that he had to close them again. Few seconds later, he opened his eyes again. Next, he tried to raise his body. But...…

???: Primis.

???: Husband.


Two bodies bumped on his chest making him lie down again. Sighing Primis looked down and saw two people burying their head in his chest while hugging him tightly. One had darker than black hairs while other had brown hairs. Primis put his hands on both of their heads and started caressing them gently. Both sensing Primis action shivered slightly and hugging them more tightly. Primis could feel his shirt getting wet but kept on caressing their heads.

Next, he moved his head and looked above. There he saw a transparent barrier keeping all three of them inside. Primis eyes started to emit power before they turned blood-red and three tomoes appeared. Primis activated his Sharingan again. Since Sharingan was activated, "Elemental Sight" was also activated.

Primis could feel that Sharingan and "Elemental Sight" had become even stronger now. That's became the range of his "Elemental Sight" had reached 1 Km/10 Km/ 100 Km(Core/Inner/Outer Zone). That's the same range his "Mangekyō Sharingan" provided. Clearly indicating that while using his "Mangekyō Sharingan", it will increase further.

With the "Elemental Sight" activated, his brain started to gain all the information within his range. It was all done in an instant and now Primis knew their current location. It was the same endless void which had a mix of iridescent colors. The space between all the worlds. In his range, he could see many colorful spheres hidden in this void. These spheres were different different worlds.

Nodding his head, Primis checked himself. He was fully healed by now. Just some stiffness since he hadn't moved his body for so long. Looking down he saw Ophis and Sheng Ming still crying in his chest. For now, he decided to remain silent and kept on caressing them telling them that he was fine.

'Primis: Twilight.'


'Primis: High Risk, High Return. What did I get after destroying that Avatar of 'that' being.'

[Check my functions. You will know.]

Primis: Ohhh.


i. Personal Profile (new)(updated)

ii. Store/Shop

iii. Inventory

iv. Pocket Worlds (new)(updated)

v. Members (updated)

vi. Worlds Travel (updated)

vii. Abyss Trial II (locked)


'Primis: New Interface. Huh.'

[Yup. And There's more. Check it.]

Primis then selected "Personal Profile" in his mind.


i. Personal Profile

-> Stats

-> Main Skills

-> Incantation Symbols (new)

-> Side Skills

-> Equipment (upgraded)

-> Awakenings


Raising one of his brows Primis first select "Incantation Symbols".


Incantation Symbols: 8

· Weiß Lightning III (evolved)

· Ice II (new)

· Flame II (new)

· Darkness II (new)

· Primal II (new)

· Life Death II (new)

· Spatial II (new)

· Devour II (new)


'Primis: Except for "Thunderbolt" Symbol which turned to "Weiß Lightning III" Symbol, all my other Symbols have 'II' at the end of their names.'

[Yes. "Weiß Lightning III" can be used at Grandmaster Level while others can be used at Master Level.]

'Primis: Master Level is the level of Gods. So, it's still more than enough for now.'

[True. However, check Equipment. That's where your main gain is.]

Hearing this, Primis returned to previous window and select "Equipment".



· Offensive

i. Origin Force, Elucidator (upgraded)

ii. Origin Force, Silver-Horn Trident


· Defensive

i. Origin Force, Silver-Horn Trident


· Other

i. Origin, Lux Cycle


'Primis: Oh. This also changed.'

When Primis selected "Origin Force, Elucidator" to see what had upgraded. He became dumbfounded.


Origin Force, Elucidator


Type: Weapon (Long Sword / One Hand)

Rank: I

Attack: 4,000


Soul bound: Primis Rigla



Indestructible: EX

True Damage: C ----> EX

Acute Reflexes: C




True Damage: EX

Turned to passive while equipped. Completely ignore all of opponent's defenses, damage reduction, critical damage reduction, damage nullification and so on.


Acute Reflexes: C

Increase your reflexes speed by 40%.


'Primis: THE HELL----'

[Shocking, isn't it?]

'Primis: ...…Yeah. Before I can only ignore 40% of defense. But now...…Amazing.'

[Right. There's more to it.]

'Primis: There's more?'

[Yup. That's your Awakening. Perfect Hollowfication. Before "Perfect Hollowfication" provided you with 100% True Damage and x4 increase in stats. However, now that you have True Damage even without it, all of it will now be used to increase your strength.]

'Primis: How much?'

[From x4 to x5.]

'Primis: It was truly, "High Risk, High Return".'

[Of Course, it was. Anyway, there's one more thing. Though I will tell you about it in future.]

'Primis: Ok.'

Primis then moved his attention to see other things.


iv. Pocket Worlds

-> Home

-> Baptism (new)


v. Members

-> Permanent Members

a) Ophis

b) Sheng Ming

c) Ais Wallenstein


-> Battle Maids

a) Ling Qingzhu (Comatose)

b) Ying Huanhuan (Comatose)


-> Half Members

a) Liliruca Arde (N/A)

b) Sanjouno Haruhime (N/A)


vi. Worlds Travel

-> Danmachi

-> None (Currently)


'Primis: So, my Battle Maids, Ling Qingzhu and Ying Huanhuan are still in Comatose.'

[Construction of their bodies and restoration of their souls have been done. Still, retaining their knowledge and making them completely loyal to you will take time. On top of that, l can tell that someone, maybe the one responsible for their death is trying to get their souls and making them his nourishment or puppets.]

'Primis: Hmmm. Looks like our path will clash sooner than I expected.'

[I also think so.]

'Primis: That's for later. Twilight, Is there a way that can help me fight 'that' thing? Because I am having a feeling that I will fight its stronger Avatar in future.'

[Cosmic Egg.]

'Primis: ...…'

[You wanted to get your hands on the three Primordial Beats along with Therion to create a new Pocket World or Universe. Cosmic Egg can help you in that. Let alone creating your own Universe, you can create your own Omniverse that time.]

'Primis: ...Did you find its location?'

[Not yet. I need time. Maybe years. But I can definitely find it.]

'Primis: Good.'

Primis then moved his attention back to Ophis and Sheng Ming in his chest. By now their crying had subdued and they were hugging him tightly. As if he will disappear if they were to let go.

Primis: How long have I been on slumber?

Sheng Ming raised her tear-stricken face before replying.

Sheng Ming: Twenty years. *sob* It's been Twenty years.*sob*

Primis: ...…

Sheng Ming: *sob* After Eldest Sister healed you, *sob* it still took two years before you were fully vitalized. *sob* *sob* Then you have been in Coma for Eighteen years.

Primis became slightly surprised hearing this and narrowed his eyes.

'Primis: To think even with Ophis help it took me two years to return to restore completely. As for the Eighteen years----'

[Trials of Incantation Symbol.]

'Primis: So, every trial took me three years.'

[That was fast though. After the Symbols evolved into Master Level, the trial became more difficult. Other person would have taken at least 10,000 years to barely complete one trial. Let alone six of them]

'Primis: Even then that person won't be able to use them at full power.'

[Exactly. Master Level means God Level. How can a mere mortal control the power of God with his weak body and soul.]

Nodding his head, Primis felt a touch on his cheeks. Looking he saw both Ophis who had raised her head and Sheng Ming were touching each side of his cheeks with one of their hands.

Ophis: Primis, you alright?

Sheng Ming: Is there any problem, Husband?

Seeing the extremely worry on their face, Primis showed a light smile before pulling them in his embrace again. He had woken up after twenty years. There were already very anxious all that time and seeing him lost in his thought again made them more worried. Primis saw through this, that's why he pulled them in his embrace.

Primis: Sorry for making you wait this long.

Ophis: Mn.

Sheng Ming: Mn.

Both nodded while keeping their head buried in his chest again.




Few Minutes later.

All three stood up once Ophis and Sheng Ming calmed down. They both still had a slight worry in their heart, though they made sure Primis didn't saw that. Primis could only shook his looking at the two.

'Primis: Because of anxiety they forget how mine and their hearts are connected with each other. So, I can already tell the worry hidden in their heart.'

Still, Primis remained silent because such worry in their heart won't disappear with words. It will take time. Ophis floated towards him and sat on her favorite spot again after Twenty years. Primis left shoulder. Sheng Ming stood at Primis right, held his hand and intertwined their fingers tightly.

Sheng Ming: Husband, please don't do something like that again?

Primis: ...

Primis remained silent while Sheng Ming and Ophis kept on looking at his face waiting for his reply. In the end, he sighed before shaking his head. He showed them a sad smile before replying.

Primis: I am sorry. But I can't promise that. You already knew that we are going to face 'that' being again in future. And not one or two times but many times. On top of that, I am sure that as we will keep on becoming stronger, the stronger avatar will also come at us. So, the only thing I can do is apologize in advance for my future actions.

Sheng Ming: ...…

Sheng Ming opened her mouth to say something but in the end she could look down and hugged his arm instead. She also knew that they will be fighting 'that' being again in future. However, she still hoped that they won't face it. Till now, she became horrified whenever she thought 'that' being.

Primis: Anyway, its time to leave this void and entered another world.

Sheng Ming: Which world we are going, Husband?

Primis: It's a low-leveled world. Hence, you don't need to worry about meeting 'that' being while we will be there.

Sheng Ming took a sigh of relief hearing this. According to Twilight, 'that' being won't enter the world which didn't even have a single Dimensional-God. After all, lower beings were less than trash in its eyes.

Ophis: What is the strongest strength in that world?

Primis: Level 3.

Ophis: Large Island Level.

Primis: Yes.

Next, Primis closed his eyes.

'Primis: Come Aurora!!!'

Boundless power released from Primis body and he entered his "God of Destruction" Awakening. He then covered Sheng Ming with his power to protect her before waving his hand to remove the barrier around them

'Primis: Twilight.'

[Co-ordinates have been sent.]

Nodding his head, Primis extended both of his hands forward and did a tearing action.


Sound like cloth tearing was head as a portal appeared. Then he walked into it with Ophis and Sheng Ming.





A portal opened in a beautiful blue sky. Primis came out of it and waved his hand to erase it. Next, his body radiated a light and he undo his Awakening to became "The Black Swordsman" again. Ophis frowned seeing this world.

Ophis: Dirty World.

Sheng Ming: Unlike the previous world, the magic in this world is almost negligible. It's already a miracle that this world could give birth to even a Level 3 being.

Primis: That's also its limit.

Sheng Ming: Mn. No wonder you said 'that' being won't come to this world.

Primis: Yeah.

Next, Primis turned his head at a certain direction. There was nothing as far as one's eyes went. Though, Primis gaze penetrated through the space and saw a huge castle thousands of miles away from his current location. He was not the only one Ophis and Sheng Ming also saw that castle and what was around it.

Sheng Ming: An Empire?

Primis: Yes, an Empire.

'Primis: An Empire that will fall.'

[Welcome to the world of "Akame Ga Kill".]